How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)

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How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)




我决定在端口9876上创建一个套接字服务器来监听这个设备(使用Java 8)。我接收到的数据很奇怪,当我打印它时像这样:"慳慳慳",但从理论上讲,接收到的数据应该是十六进制的。这是设备发送的数据包示例(登录):

  1. 40407F000431303031313132353239393837000000000000001001C1F06952FDF069529C91110000000000698300000
  2. C0000000000036401014C00030001190A0D04121A1480D60488C5721800000000AF4944445F3231364730325F53205
  3. 6312E322E31004944445F3231364730325F482056312E322E31000000DF640D0A


  • 连接
  • 断开连接
  • 编码
  • 解码
  • 发送数据包
  • 接收数据包





  • Castel通信流程

How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)

  • 用于下载上传的协议包格式

How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)

  • 登录包示例

How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)

  • 我使用PHP创建了一个简单的套接字,这是我收到的内容

How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)

  1. THE CASE:

I have a TCP client what send a data and I want to hear the data from my server. So, here, everything okay.

I decided make an socket server on port 9876 to listen this device (using Java 8). The data which I receive is weird, when I print it is like: "慳慳慳", but in theory, the data coming should be a hex. This is an example of the package what the device sends (login):

  1. 40407F000431303031313132353239393837000000000000001001C1F06952FDF069529C91110000000000698300000
  2. C0000000000036401014C00030001190A0D04121A1480D60488C5721800000000AF4944445F3231364730325F53205
  3. 6312E322E31004944445F3231364730325F482056312E322E31000000DF640D0A

I want to replicate in a easy way (one class if its possible) the connection by castel to the device (port 5086 for Traccar server app) in almost 6 methods:

  • Connect
  • Disconnect
  • Encode
  • Decode
  • Send package
  • Receive package

My goal is replicate this behavior with PHP. I tried with Websocket/HTTP protocols and the result is that I can't connect with it. I cant hear any package from the device.

So, other question could be: how I can code my own custom protocol (Castel) to connect server with these devices?

I reviewed the Traccar Server code, but its very extensive. I proved the device with it and it works, but I can't understand how (at the code level).

  1. Documentation
  • Castel communication flow

How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)

  • Protocol package format for download upload

How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)

  • Login package example
    How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)

  • I did a simple socket with PHP and this is what I listened
    How to replicate the Traccar Sever connection to a device (castel protocol by TCP) in a single Java class? (to connect, disconnect encode and decode)


得分: 1

以下是 Castel 协议的解码器部分,你可以在 Traccar 服务器中找到很多不同的内容,但如果你只想要协议解析部分的话,可以使用以下代码:

这个解码器是基于 Netty 构建的,所以如果你想使用它,你需要实现服务器的其余部分来监听传入的连接。我建议查阅 Netty 的指南,以获取有关如何实现的更多详细信息:


Traccar server includes a lot of different things, but you can just take the protocol parsing part if you want. Here's the decoder for the Castel protocol:

The decoder is based on Netty, so if you want to use it, you need to implement the rest of the server to listen to incoming connections. I would recommend checking Netty guide for more details on how to do it:

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年4月8日 10:13:12
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
