Spring Boot DevTools被用于Docker容器内,尽管在Gradle构建中已被排除。

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Spring Boot DevTools being used inside docker container even after exclusion in gradle build


我们正在使用Spring Boot来部署我们的应用程序。我们使用Jib插件来监视创建Docker镜像并运行它们。我们使用Gradle来构建项目,而开发工具被标识为developmentOnly依赖项,正如在Spring文档中所提到的一样(https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/using-spring-boot.html#using-boot-devtools)。



事实证明是Gradle Jib插件在起作用。
虽然Spring文档关于如何从Gradle Spring Boot项目中删除该依赖项的方法是正确的,但指定developmentOnly只有助于告诉Gradle忽略开发工具。Jib Gradle插件有其自己的想法。

它在构建Docker镜像时包括所有的JAR包,而且没有办法排除任何JAR包。唯一合理的方法是在build.gradle中自定义Gradle Jib插件,写入以下内容:

jib {
    from {
        image 'gcr.io/distroless/java:11'
    container {
        jvmFlags = ['-Xms1G', '-Xmx1G', '-Dspring.devtools.restart.enabled=false']




So we are using Spring boot to deliver our application. We use the Jib plugin to monitor create docker images and run them.
We use gradle to build the project and there dev tools is identified as a developmentOnly dependency.
Just as mentioned in the spring docs at https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/using-spring-boot.html#using-boot-devtools .

However when it runs in the container in prod I still see it getting restarted now and then.
My question is does the gradle configuration not really exlude it from packaging.
Do i need to explicitly set the -Dspring.devtools.restart.enabled=false parameter ?

Solution :

So turns out it was the gradle jib plugin playing games.
While the spring documentation is spot on about how to go about removing the dependency from gradle spring boot project. The technique of specifying a developmentOnly only helps in telling gradle to ignore the dev tools. The jib gradle plugin has a mind of its own.

It includes all jars when building a docker image and there is no way to exclude any jar. The only reasonable way is to customize the gradle jib plugin in build.gradle to write this ,

 jib {
    from {
        image 'gcr.io/distroless/java:11'
    container {
        jvmFlags = ['-Xms1G', '-Xmx1G', '-Dspring.devtools.restart.enabled = false']

This will make sure that even if the jar is included the container environment has the restart taken care of.

Reference : https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/15382


得分: 2

你可以通过在你的 application.properties 或者你特定的配置文件比如 application-cloud.properties 中设置 spring.devtools.restart.enabled=false 来实现这一点。如果这样做有效,请告诉我。


You can achieve that by setting spring.devtools.restart.enabled=false in your application.properties or your specific profile properties ex. application-cloud.properties. Let me know if this works.


得分: 2


  1. Spring Boot有自己的自定义定义,而不是使用与配置文件相当的内容。他们的方法最适合Spring Boot用户,但由于所有这些自定义逻辑,集成起来相当困难。
  2. Jib无法了解每个框架的所有自定义实现。


dependencies {
  if (System.getProperty("development") == "true") {
    // 包含Spring Boot开发工具依赖


./gradlew 任务名称 -Ddevelopment=true

There's really a few problems here:

  1. Springboot has its own custom definitions instead of using what would be the equivalent of profiles. Their approach is best for springboot users, but rather hard to integrate with given all their custom logic.
  2. Jib can't know all the custom implementation of each framework.

I really think what you should be doing is something like this:

dependencies {
  if (System.getProperty("development") == true) {
    // include the springboot devtool dependency

When you want to run or build in dev mode, just do

./gradlew whateverTask -Ddevelopment=true


得分: 2




Jib 实际上将 spring-boot-devtools 视为运行时依赖项,并将其添加到镜像中。在我的情况下,对于仅在本地开发时使用的 h2 数据库 jar 也是如此。


GoogleContainerTools 团队发布了一个 jib-extension 来直接处理 devtools 问题。有一个 GradleMaven 版本,它工作得非常完美。

然而,根据我的需求(也排除 h2),我决定使用 jib layer filter extension,这样我就可以使我的镜像尽可能接近 bootJar。

以下是在 Gradle 中的代码片段:

// 应位于 build.gradle 顶部
buildscript {
	dependencies {
jib {
    // ...
	pluginExtensions {
		pluginExtension {
			implementation = 'com.google.cloud.tools.jib.gradle.extension.layerfilter.JibLayerFilterExtension'
			configuration {
				filters {
					filter {
						glob = '**/h2-*.jar'
					filter {
						glob = '**/spring-boot-devtools-*.jar'

在此处查看此扩展的 GradleMaven 版本。


Well, just faced the same problem recently and it seems there's already a very straight-forward way to solve it.

The problem

Jib is actually considering spring-boot-devtools as a runtime dependency and so, adding it to the image. In my case, this is also true for h2 database jar which is used only locally for development.
Also, I wouldn't like to deal with any extra custom parameter in my build, neither turn-off features by configuration if I don't really wanna them available at production.


GoogleContainerTools' team has released a jib-extension to deal with devtools problem directly. There's a Gradle and Maven version and it works flawlessly.

However, to my needs (also exclude h2) I've decided to use jib layer filter extension so I can keep my image as close to bootJar as possible.

Here goes the code snippet in gradle:

// should be at the top of build.gradle
buildscript {
	dependencies {
jib {
    // ...
	pluginExtensions {
		pluginExtension {
			implementation = 'com.google.cloud.tools.jib.gradle.extension.layerfilter.JibLayerFilterExtension'
			configuration {
				filters {
					filter {
						glob = '**/h2-*.jar'
					filter {
						glob = '**/spring-boot-devtools-*.jar'

Check here the Gradle and Maven version for this extension.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年4月7日 15:13:20
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/61074597.html



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