Show the JInternalFrame data in the middle of the form
I am using JFrame which contains three sections. 1st section is Pane, which contains the 6 menu button (left side). 2nd section is also Pane, which displays the logo of the company on the top. The third section is DesktopPane in which I am using (calling) JInterenalFrame in the DesktopPane.
How to always show the JInterenalFrame content (form data) into the middle of DesktopPane?
得分: 2
第三部分是 DesktopPane,在其中我在 DesktopPane 中使用(调用)JInternalFrame。
一个 JDesktopPane 用于显示多个 JInternalFrame。可以在桌面窗格中拖动 JInternalFrame。
根据您的图片,看起来您在那个区域只有一个单独的 JPanel。因此,您不应该使用 JDesktopPanel 和 JInternalFrame。
相反,您可以使用一个带有 CardLayout 的常规 JPanel。通过这种方式,您可以根据左侧菜单的选择替换每个面板。
有关更多信息,请参阅How to Use CardLayout。
最简单的方法是使用带有 GridBagLayout 的 JPanel。
因此,您需要在一个带有 GridBagLayout 的面板中包装您当前的面板。
JPanel welcomePanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
welcomePanel.add(currentPanel, new GridBagConstraints());
现在您的 "currentPanel" 将居中显示在 "welcomePanel" 中,后者已添加到您的面板中使用 CardLayout。
> Third section is DesktopPane in which I am using(calling) JInterenalFrame in the DesktopPane.
A JDesktopPane is used to display multiple JInternalFrames. A JInternalFrame can be dragged around the desktop pane.
From your picture it looks like you just have a single JPanel in that area. Therefore you should not be using JDesktopPanel and JInternalFrame.
Instead you just use a regular JPanel with a CardLayout. This you can replace each panel based on the selection from your menu on the left.
See How to Use CardLayout for more information.
> Show the data into middle of the form
The easiest way to do this is to use a JPanel with a GridBagLayout.
So you need to wrap your current panel in a panel with the GridBagLayout.
So the basic code is:
JPanel welcomePanel. = new JPanel( new GridBagLayout() );
welcomePanel.add(currentPanel, new GridBagConstraints());
Now your "currentPanel" will be centered in the "welcomePanel", which has been added to your panel using the CardLayout.