Processing cannot find any device
我已经在两部安卓手机上启用了USB调试,并尝试了两部手机,但它都无法检测到。我已经重新启动了手机,禁用并启用了USB调试模式,但结果始终相同。我在命令提示符上运行了'adb devices',但连接设备的列表始终为空。请为我提供下一步应该如何进行的建议。
我的操作系统是Windows 8.1,两部手机分别是红米Note 7 Pro和Realme 5s,它们都运行Android 9。
I am having a lot of trouble getting started with Processing's android mode. It took me quite a while to enable the android mode and to get the sdk with all the right files in it, but just then another problem came up: it just cannot detect any device!
I have enabled the USB debugging on two android phones and tried it with both of them, but it didn't detect any of them. I have restarted the phones, disabled and enabled the USB debugging mode, but I always get the same result. I have run 'adb devices' on the command prompt, but the list of connected devices is always empty. Please give me suggestions as to how I should proceed from here.
My OS is Windows 8.1, and the two phones are Redmi Note 7 pro and Realme 5s, which both have Android 9.
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在我上面的评论中进行扩展:您需要确保已安装设备的Windows ADB驱动程序。根据我的经验,低端智能手机往往没有很好的开发者支持。
> 进入设置 -> 权限 -> 通过USB安装:取消选中您的应用程序,如果它在列表中有列出。进入设置 -> 其他设置 -> 隐私:选择“未知来源”选项。进入设置 -> 其他设置 -> 开发者选项:选中“通过USB安装”选项。进入设置 -> 其他设置 -> 开发者选项:启用查看属性检查。最后,进入设置 -> 其他设置 -> 开发者选项:关闭MIUI优化。然后重新启动您的设备,它会起作用,我保证..
> 注意 - 需要登录MI帐户才能启用通过USB安装选项。
> SDK管理器 -> SDK工具 -> 安装“Google USB驱动程序”
> 打开Windows设备管理器,找到“ADB接口” -> 更新驱动程序 -> 手动选择 -> 从列表中选择 -> 所有设备 -> 选择文件夹
> “C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\extras\google\usb_driver” -> 选择“Android ADB接口”
> Windows会警告此驱动程序可能不起作用,但仍然安装它。
> 设备管理器将显示“Android ADB接口”...
Expanding on my comment above: you need to make sure the Windows ADB drivers are installed for the device. From my experience, lower end smartphones tend not to have great developer support.
Disclaimer I do not own any of the devices you mention to test and won't be responsible for any potential damage trying the advice bellow.
Here are a few relevant bits of information
XDA-developers forum
Relevant info:
> Go to Settings -> Permissions -> Install via USB: Uncheck your App if
> it's listed. Go to Settings -> Additional Settings -> Privacy: Check
> the Unknown Sources option. Go to Settings -> Additional Settings ->
> Developer options: Check the Install via USB option. Go to Settings ->
> Additional Settings -> Developer options:Enable view attribute
> inspection Finally Go to Settings -> Additional Settings -> Developer
> options:Turn off MIUI optimization. And then restart your device and
> whoooaaaa it will work i guaranteee..
> NOTE - Signin in to MI account is required to enable Install via USB
> option.
> SDK Manager -> SDK Tools -> Install "Google USB Driver"
> Go to Windows Device Manager, find "ADB Interface" -> update driver ->
> select manually -> select from list -> all devices -> select folder
> "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\extra
> s\google\usb_driver" -> select "Android ADB Interface"
> Windows will warn you that this driver might not work, install it
> anyway
> Device manager will show "Android ADB Interface" ...
There's also this page:
However I'm not 100% sure it's legit: I'm weary of mediafire links.
Bare in mind this may be a risky download: always scan with using an antivirus with the latest definitions.