
huangapple go评论93阅读模式

Saving / Retrieving list or records in/ from REDIS Cache




  1. externalTransactionId,clientId,transactionType,transactionDate,marketValue,sourceSystem,priorityFlag,processingFee
  2. SAPEXTXN1,GS,BUY,23/11/13,101.9,BLO,Y,0
  3. SAPEXTXN2,AS,SELL,20/11/13,121.9,BLO,N,0
  4. SAPEXTXN3,AP,DEPOSIT,19/11/13,120,BLO,Y,0
  5. SAPEXTXN4,HJ,WITHDRAW,30/11/13,230,BLO,N,0
  6. SAPEXTXN5,GS,WITHDRAW,26/11/13,330,BLO,Y,0
  7. SAPEXTXN6,AP,SELL,25/11/13,100,BLO,Y,0
  8. SAPEXTXN7,AS,BUY,06/11/13,121.1,BLO,N,0


  1. @Override
  2. public void saveClientId(EquityFeeds equityFeeds) {
  3. System.out.println("在Redis缓存中保存ClientId:" + equityFeeds.getClientId());
  4. hashOperations.put("CLIENTID", equityFeeds.getClientId(), equityFeeds);
  5. }
  6. @Override
  7. public List<EquityFeeds> findByClientId(String clientId) {
  8. System.out.println("在REDIS存储库中搜索Client Id:" + clientId);
  9. return (List<EquityFeeds>) hashOperations.multiGet("CLIENTID", Arrays.asList(clientId));
  10. }

现在我已经创建了一个REST Controller来通过REST API获取数据。

  1. @GetMapping("/getByClientId/{clientId}")
  2. public Optional<List<EquityFeeds>> getByClientId(@PathVariable("clientId") final String clientId) {
  3. Optional<List<EquityFeeds>> cId = Optional.ofNullable(equityFeedsRedisRepositoryImpl.findByClientId(clientId));
  4. if (cId.isPresent()) {
  5. return cId;
  6. } else {
  7. cId.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("未找到Client Id"));
  8. }
  9. return cId;
  10. }

现在的问题是,我可能有多个具有相同clientId的行,例如,在上面显示的csv示例数据中,我有2个具有相同clientId 'AP' 的记录。我的要求是,当从浏览器调用REST API映射时,它应该显示具有给定clientId的多条记录。它应该显示所有的记录。

现在它只显示(单个)给定clientId的最后一条记录,这是可以理解的,因为按照哈希的概念,最后一条记录会覆盖之前的记录(因为哈希键 - 例如 'AP' 是相同的),并且只会显示一条记录,即最新的记录。



I have a data (as per below) which is stored in a POJO (EquityFeeds):

  1. externalTransactionId,clientId,transactionType,transactionDate,marketValue,sourceSystem,priorityFlag,processingFee
  2. SAPEXTXN1,GS,BUY,23/11/13,101.9,BLO,Y,0
  3. SAPEXTXN2,AS,SELL,20/11/13,121.9,BLO,N,0
  4. SAPEXTXN3,AP,DEPOSIT,19/11/13,120,BLO,Y,0
  5. SAPEXTXN4,HJ,WITHDRAW,30/11/13,230,BLO,N,0
  6. SAPEXTXN5,GS,WITHDRAW,26/11/13,330,BLO,Y,0
  7. SAPEXTXN6,AP,SELL,25/11/13,100,BLO,Y,0
  8. SAPEXTXN7,AS,BUY,06/11/13,121.1,BLO,N,0

I am storing data in my main application in REDIS cache.

  1. @Override
  2. public void saveClientId(EquityFeeds equityFeeds) {
  3. System.out.println(&quot;Saving ClientId in RedisCache : &quot;+equityFeeds.getClientId());
  4. hashOperations.put(&quot;CLIENTID&quot;, equityFeeds.getClientId(), equityFeeds);
  5. }
  6. @Override
  7. public List&lt;EquityFeeds&gt; findByClientId(String clientId) {
  8. System.out.println(&quot;Client Id search in REDIS repository: &quot;+clientId);
  9. return (List&lt;EquityFeeds&gt;) hashOperations.multiGet(&quot;CLIENTID&quot;, Arrays.asList(clientId));
  10. }

Now I have made a REST Controller to get the data via REST API

  1. @GetMapping(&quot;/getByClientId/{clientId}&quot;)
  2. public Optional&lt;List&lt;EquityFeeds&gt;&gt; getByClientId(@PathVariable(&quot;clientId&quot;) final String clientId) {
  3. Optional&lt;List&lt;EquityFeeds&gt;&gt; cId = Optional.ofNullable(equityFeedsRedisRepositoryImpl.findByClientId(clientId));
  4. if(cId.isPresent()) {
  5. return cId;
  6. } else {
  7. cId.orElseThrow(() -&gt; new RuntimeException(&quot;Client Id not found&quot;));
  8. }
  9. return cId;
  10. }

Now the issue is that I can have multiple rows with the same clientId for e.g. in the sample data from csv shown above I am having 2 records with the same clientId 'AP'. My requirement is that it should show multiple records with the given clientId when the REST API mapping is called from the browser. It should show all the records which are there.

Right now it is showing ONLY (single) last record for the given clientId which is understandable since by the concept of hash the last record would overwrite the previous record (since the hashKey - for e.g. 'AP' is same) and it would show one and ONLY one record which would the latest one.

Now how to solve this issue? Can it be solved using the hashOperations? Kindly suggest a way to solve the above requirement.


得分: 1

  1. I solved the above issue using RedisList. Below is the code:
  2. private ListOperations listOperations;
  3. public EquityFeedsRedisRepositoryImpl(RedisTemplate<String, EquityFeeds> redisTemplate) {
  4. this.redisTemplate = redisTemplate;
  5. this.hashOperations = redisTemplate.opsForHash();
  6. this.listOperations = redisTemplate.opsForList();
  7. }
  8. @Override
  9. public void saveClientId(EquityFeeds equityFeeds) {
  10. System.out.println("Saving ClientId in RedisCache: " + equityFeeds.getClientId());
  11. listOperations.rightPush(equityFeeds.getClientId(), equityFeeds);
  12. }
  13. @Override
  14. public List<EquityFeeds> findByClientId(String clientId) {
  15. System.out.println("Client Id search in REDIS repository: " + clientId);
  16. return (List<EquityFeeds>) listOperations.range(clientId, 0, -1);
  17. }
  18. REST Controller to get data via REST API Code.
  19. @GetMapping("/getByClientId/{clientId}")
  20. public Optional<List<EquityFeeds>> getByClientId(@PathVariable("clientId") final String clientId) {
  21. Optional<List<EquityFeeds>> cId = Optional.ofNullable(equityFeedsRedisRepositoryImpl.findByClientId(clientId));
  22. if (cId.isPresent()) {
  23. return cId;
  24. } else {
  25. cId.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Client Id not found"));
  26. }
  27. return cId;
  28. }

I solved the above issue using RedisList. Below is the code:

  1. private ListOperations listOperations;
  2. public EquityFeedsRedisRepositoryImpl(RedisTemplate&lt;String, EquityFeeds&gt; redisTemplate) {
  3. this.redisTemplate = redisTemplate;
  4. this.hashOperations = redisTemplate.opsForHash();
  5. this.listOperations = redisTemplate.opsForList();
  6. }
  7. @Override
  8. public void saveClientId(EquityFeeds equityFeeds) {
  9. System.out.println(&quot;Saving ClientId in RedisCache : &quot;+equityFeeds.getClientId());
  10. listOperations.rightPush(equityFeeds.getClientId(), equityFeeds);
  11. }
  12. @Override
  13. public List&lt;EquityFeeds&gt; findByClientId(String clientId) {
  14. System.out.println(&quot;Client Id search in REDIS repository: &quot;+clientId);
  15. return (List&lt;EquityFeeds&gt;) listOperations.range(clientId, 0, -1);
  16. }

REST Controller to get data via REST API Code.

  1. @GetMapping(&quot;/getByClientId/{clientId}&quot;)
  2. public Optional&lt;List&lt;EquityFeeds&gt;&gt; getByClientId(@PathVariable(&quot;clientId&quot;) final String clientId) {
  3. Optional&lt;List&lt;EquityFeeds&gt;&gt; cId = Optional.ofNullable(equityFeedsRedisRepositoryImpl.findByClientId(clientId));
  4. if(cId.isPresent()) {
  5. return cId;
  6. } else {
  7. cId.orElseThrow(() -&gt; new RuntimeException(&quot;Client Id not found&quot;));
  8. }
  9. return cId;
  10. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年4月4日 18:28:07
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/61026743.html



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