Java: 如何使用foreach对列表进行排序?

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Java: How to sort a list using foreach?




  1. List<Photo> photos = getAllPhoto();
  2. String parteTitulo = "ipsam do";
  3. for (Photo aux : photos) {
  4. if (aux.getTitle().contains(parteTitulo)) {
  5. System.out.println(aux.getTitle());
  6. }
  7. }


  1. placeat ipsam doloremque possimus sint autem laborum ea expedita
  2. sed ut aut ipsam dolore
  3. beatae ipsam dolores consequatur eum quia inventore sit
  4. eos sapiente ipsam dolores accusamus est et nihil odio
  5. consequatur iure est ullam ipsam dolorem nesciunt



I've been trying to sort a filtered list once I use foreach in Java, but I can't. Could someone help me? Please. This is the code I have and I should sort:

  1. List&lt;Photo&gt; photos = getAllPhoto();
  2. String parteTitulo = &quot;ipsam do&quot;;
  3. for (Photo aux: photos){
  4. if(aux.getTitle().contains(parteTitulo)){
  5. System.out.println(aux.getTitle());
  6. }
  7. }

This is what I get once I print it:

  1. placeat ipsam doloremque possimus sint autem laborum ea expedita
  2. sed ut aut ipsam dolore
  3. beatae ipsam dolores consequatur eum quia inventore sit
  4. eos sapiente ipsam dolores accusamus est et nihil odio
  5. consequatur iure est ullam ipsam dolorem nesciunt

Thank you very much!


得分: 1


你需要分为两个步骤进行 -

  1. 首先筛选列表
  2. 使用比较器对筛选后的列表进行排序
  1. List<Photo> photos = getAllPhoto();
  2. String parteTitulo = "ipsam do";
  3. List<Photo> filteredPhotos = new ArrayList<>();
  4. for (Photo aux : photos) {
  5. if (aux.getTitle().contains(parteTitulo)) {
  6. filteredPhotos.add(aux);
  7. }
  8. }
  9. filteredPhotos.sort((p1, p2) -> p1.getTitle().compareToIgnoreCase(p2.getTitle()));
  10. for (Photo aux : filteredPhotos) {
  11. System.out.println(aux.getTitle());
  12. }

You can not sort a list while just iterating it. Because you can't decide whether it's the right position of an item to print out without knowing what is ahead in the list. So

You have to do it in 2 steps -

  1. First filter the list

  2. Sort the filtered list using a comparator

    1. List&lt;Photo&gt; photos = getAllPhoto();
    2. String parteTitulo = &quot;ipsam do&quot;;
    3. List&lt;Photo&gt; filteredPhotos = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
    4. for (Photo aux : photos) {
    5. if (aux.getTitle().contains(parteTitulo)) {
    6. filteredPhotos.add(aux);
    7. }
    8. }
    9. filteredPhotos.sort((p1, p2) -&gt; p1.getTitle().compareToIgnoreCase(p2.getTitle()));
    10. for (Photo aux : filteredPhotos) {
    11. System.out.println(aux.getTitle());
    12. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年3月15日 11:38:36
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