我能将 Power BI 仪表板导出到 Data Studio 吗?

huangapple go评论159阅读模式

Can I export a Power BI dashboard to Data Studio?


我有一个使用Power BI创建的仪表板,但现在我正在使用Linux,无法使用它。我想开始使用Data Studio,但我需要使用已经在Power BI中创建的仪表板。


I have a dash made with Power BI, but I'm using Linux now and can't use it. I'd like to start using Data Studio, but I need to use the dashes I've already created with Power BI.


得分: 4


至于如何从PowerBI Desktop(厚客户端)中获取数据,没有自动化的方式。最好的方法是创建一个包含所有相关列和行以导出的PowerBI仪表板,并在其中包括一个表格可视化。使用PowerBI导出数据功能将数据导出到Excel中。在发布后,PowerBI服务(Web版本)中也适用相同的技术。在此查看文档



You can use your PowerBI dash from Linux, you just need to publish the dash to the PowerBI service after which you access it through a modern browser (e.g. Chrome). See the docs here.

In terms of getting your data out of PowerBI Desktop (thick client), there is no automated way. The best you can to is to create a PowerBI dash with a table visual and then include all relevant columns and rows to export in the table. Use the PowerBI export data feature to dump out to Excel. The same technique works in PowerBI service (the web version after you hace published). See the docs here.

If you want to try get to your PowerBI service (published data) from an API, that is not possible in any general format. The only option comes with the Premium version of PowerBI where you can connect to an XMLA endpoint to access the data. Typically organisations do their data wrangling in a tool before passing the data on to PowerBI To avoid the lack of open connectivity (to the processed data in PowerBI).

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月7日 00:21:30
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