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Pandas: How to map the values of a Dataframe to another Dataframe?





  1. Name Data | Country
  2. ----------------------------- | ---------
  3. Arjun Kumar Reddy las Vegas |
  4. Divya london Khosla |
  5. new delhi Pragati Kumari |
  6. Will London Turner |
  7. Joseph Mascurenus Bombay |
  8. Jason New York Bourne |
  9. New york Vice Roy |
  10. Joseph Mascurenus new York |
  11. Peter Parker California |
  12. Bruce (istanbul) Wayne |


  1. Data | Countries
  2. -------------- | ---------
  3. las Vegas | US
  4. london | UK
  5. New Delhi | IN
  6. London | UK
  7. bombay | IN
  8. New York | US
  9. New york | US
  10. new York | US
  11. California | US
  12. istanbul | TR
  13. Moscow | RS
  14. Cape Town | SA


  1. Name Data | Country
  2. ----------------------------- | ---------
  3. Arjun Kumar Reddy las Vegas | US
  4. Divya london Khosla | UK
  5. new delhi Pragati Kumari | IN
  6. Will London Turner | UK
  7. Joseph Mascurenus Bombay | IN
  8. Jason New York Bourne | US
  9. New york Vice Roy | US
  10. Joseph Mascurenus new York | US
  11. Peter Parker California | US
  12. Bruce (istanbul) Wayne | TR



I am totally new to Python and just learning with some use cases I have.

I have 2 Data Frames, one is where I need the values in the Country Column, and another is having the values in the column named 'Countries' which needs to be mapped in the main Data Frame referring to the column named 'Data'.
(Please accept my apology if this question has already been answered)

Below is the Main DataFrame:

  1. Name Data | Country
  2. ----------------------------- | ---------
  3. Arjun Kumar Reddy las Vegas |
  4. Divya london Khosla |
  5. new delhi Pragati Kumari |
  6. Will London Turner |
  7. Joseph Mascurenus Bombay |
  8. Jason New York Bourne |
  9. New york Vice Roy |
  10. Joseph Mascurenus new York |
  11. Peter Parker California |
  12. Bruce (istanbul) Wayne |

Below is the Referenced DataFrame:

  1. Data | Countries
  2. -------------- | ---------
  3. las Vegas | US
  4. london | UK
  5. New Delhi | IN
  6. London | UK
  7. bombay | IN
  8. New York | US
  9. New york | US
  10. new York | US
  11. California | US
  12. istanbul | TR
  13. Moscow | RS
  14. Cape Town | SA

And what I want in the result will look like below:

  1. Name Data | Country
  2. ----------------------------- | ---------
  3. Arjun Kumar Reddy las Vegas | US
  4. Divya london Khosla | UK
  5. new delhi Pragati Kumari | IN
  6. Will London Turner | UK
  7. Joseph Mascurenus Bombay | IN
  8. Jason New York Bourne | US
  9. New york Vice Roy | US
  10. Joseph Mascurenus new York | US
  11. Peter Parker California | US
  12. Bruce (istanbul) Wayne | TR

Please note, Both the dataframes are not same in size.
I though of using map or Fuzzywuzzy method but couldn't really achieved the result.


得分: 2


  1. regex = '(' + '|'.join(ref_df['Data']) + ')'
  2. df['key'] = df['Name Data'].str.extract(regex, flags=re.I).bfill(axis=1)[0]


  1. pd.merge(df, ref_df, left_on='key', right_on='Data')

Find the country key that matches in the reference dataframe and extract it.

  1. regex = '(' + ')|('.join(ref_df['Data']) + ')'
  2. df['key'] = df['Name Data'].str.extract(regex, flags=re.I).bfill(axis=1)[0]
  3. >>> df
  4. Name Data key
  5. 0 Arjun Kumar Reddy las Vegas las Vegas
  6. 1 Bruce (istanbul) Wayne istanbul
  7. 2 Joseph Mascurenus new York new York
  8. >>> ref_df
  9. Data Country
  10. 0 las Vegas US
  11. 1 new York US
  12. 2 istanbul TR

Merge both the dataframes on key extracted.

  1. pd.merge(df, ref_df, left_on='key', right_on='Data')
  2. Name Data key Data Country
  3. 0 Arjun Kumar Reddy las Vegas las Vegas las Vegas US
  4. 1 Bruce (istanbul) Wayne istanbul istanbul TR
  5. 2 Joseph Mascurenus new York new York new York US


得分: 1



mdf.merge(rdf, left_index=True, right_index=True)


It looks like everything is sorted so you can merge on index

mdf.merge(rdf, left_index=True, right_index=True)

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月7日 00:18:42
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
