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Do addons/extensions always run as the user of the extension?




I know that webapps can run as the owner of the script, i'm considering moving some of my processes to extensions/addons, do they always run as the USER of the addon?


得分: 1

  • 是的,附加组件是从安装附加组件的帐户运行的。
  • 附加组件用户无法访问附加组件中的服务器代码。客户端代码始终可以在浏览器内查看,就像任何Web应用程序一样。
  • 附加组件唯一可以访问的是由创建附加组件的帐户拥有的脚本属性。但附加组件用户无法通过其代码或代码编辑器查看或访问脚本属性。
  • 使用的配额会计入安装附加组件的帐户。例如,免费/消费者Google帐户每天只能发送给100个收件人的配额。
  • 附加组件访问用户的帐户,而不是附加组件的所有者。
  • 安装附加组件的帐户必须授予附加组件使用附加组件中包含的任何Google服务的权限。
  • 附加组件用户无法访问基于附加组件的Apps Script文件的所有者的帐户。
  • 要将附加组件公开发布到GSuite市场,您需要获得Google授权的范围,除非它在域内私下发布,或者您不介意有关其不安全性的警告消息,并且安装少于100个。


  • Yes, the add-on runs from the account that installed the add-on.
  • The add-on user does not have access to the server code in the add-on. Client side code can always be viewed inside of the browser, just like any web app.
  • The only thing that the add-on can access, that is owned by the
    account that created the add-on, is Script Properties. But the add-on user
    can not see or access Script Properties through their code, or the
    code editor.
  • The quota used goes against the account that installed the add-on. For example, a free/consumer Google account has a quota of sending emails of only 100 recipients per day.
  • The add-on accesses the users account, not the owner of the add-on.
  • The account that installs the add-on must give permission for the
    add-on to use whatever Google Services are in the add-on.
  • The add-on user has no access to the account of the owner of the Apps
    Script file that the add-on is based on.
  • To publish the add-on publicly to the GSuite Marketplace, you will need to get the scopes authorized by Google, unless it's published privately inside of a domain, or you don't care if there is a warning message about it being unsafe, and you have fewer than 100 installations.

I wouldn't say that it's easy to get an add-on published. One thing that you must provide is some graphics of a specific size, with a transparent background.
You will also need to make sure that the user interface adheres to some basic guidelines. There are many other requirements to publish an add-on.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月7日 00:17:35
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59615468.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
