BizTalk 2013R2 / VS 2013 – 兼容性和部署到其他服务器

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BizTalk 2013R2 / VS 2013 - Compatibility & Deployment to other servers



测试服务器上安装了VS 2013和BizTalk 2013R2(所有应用程序开发都在这里完成,经过测试后导出为MSI并安装在Live BizTalk服务器上)


本地开发人员桌面将安装VS 2013和BizTalk 2013R2,应用程序开发将在本地完成。然后将应用程序部署到测试服务器进行质量保证,最后将其导出为MSI文件并传输到生产服务器。


  • 您是否可以从本地桌面部署到网络/服务器位置?
  • 是否必须在VS 2013中开发才能部署到Biz 2013 R2,或者是否可以在VS 2019中配置兼容性设置以模拟VS 2013?

In the process of evaluating the way we develop and deploy apps to our 2 environments (Test & Live).
Current setup:

Test Server with VS 2013 and BizTalk 2013R2 installed (all app dev is done here, tested and then exported to MSI and installed on Live BizTalk server)

Intended setup:

Local Developer Desktops would have VS 2013 and BizTalk 2013R2 installed, with app development development done locally. Apps would then be deployed to Test Server for QA, and finally exported as MSI across to Live Server.


  • Can you deploy from a local desktop to a network/server location?
  • Do you have to develop in VS 2013 to deploy to Biz 2013 R2, or are the compatibility settings in VS 2019 that you can configure to emulate VS 2013?


得分: 1

不能从本地桌面部署到网络/服务器位置。您不能从Visual Studio直接部署到另一个服务器。但您可以创建一个构建服务器,从源代码控制获取代码,创建MSI软件包,然后通过诸如Microsoft DevOps、BTDF、Octopus Deploy、Power Shell脚本等工具将其推送到目标服务器。自动化构建和部署可以降低许多风险。

每个版本的BizTalk都需要在特定版本的Visual Studio中开发,并安装适当的BizTalk SDK。因此,不能使用Visual Studio 2019来开发BizTalk 2013 R2。


> Can you deploy from a local desktop to a network/server location?

No, you cannot deploy from Visual Studio to another server.
What you can do however is to create a build server that gets the code from source control, and creates a MSI package, that is then pushed out to your target server via tools such as Microsoft DevOps, BTDF, Octopus Deploy, Power Shell scripting etc.

Automating your build and deployment reduces a lot of risks.

> Do you have to develop in VS 2013 to deploy to Biz 2013 R2, or are the compatibility settings in VS 2019 that you can configure to emulate VS 2013?

Each version of BizTalk needs to be developed in a specific version of Visual Studio with the appropriate BizTalk SDK installed. So no, you cannot use Visual Studio 2019 for BizTalk 2013 R2.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月6日 22:13:59
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
