How do I update cmd.exe called from VBA Shell or WScript.Shell?
I'd like to update the command prompt called from VBA shell or WScript.Shell command and start wsl.exe. This is because wsl.exe is not included in the command prompt called by shell or WScript.Shell.
I'd like to update the command prompt called from VBA shell or WScript.Shell command and start wsl.exe.
This is because wsl.exe is not included in the command prompt called by shell or WScript.Shell.
Sub Sample1()
Dim WSH, wExec, sCmd, Result As String
Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sCmd = "dir c:\Windows\System32\ws*.exe"
Set wExec = WSH.Exec("%ComSpec% /c " & sCmd)
Do While wExec.Status = 0
Result = wExec.StdOut.ReadAll
MsgBox Result
Set wExec = Nothing
Set WSH = Nothing
End Sub
得分: 1
Here's the translated content from the provided code:
Private Sub RunBatShell(ByVal strPath As String)
Dim dProcessId As Double
BAT_FILE = strPath + "vuln.bat"
dProcessId = Shell("cmd.exe /c;" & " " & BAT_FILE & " " & strPath, vbNormalFocus)
If dProcessId = 0 Then
MsgBox "Failed"
End If
' MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
@echo off
REM Vuln.bat
REM Get the execution environment as an argument
echo Argument: %1
REM echo > cd %1
cd %1
set PARAM=C:\Windows\Sysnative\wsl.exe ./vuln.sh
REM echo %PARAM%
cmd /c %PARAM%
REM echo Done
REM pause
Please note that I've translated the code portions and removed the untranslated parts and comments as per your request.
Private Sub RunBatShell(ByVal strPath As String)
Dim dProcessId As Double
BAT_FILE = strPath + "vuln.bat"
dProcessId = Shell("cmd.exe /c;" & " " & BAT_FILE & " " & strPath, vbNormalFocus)
If dProcessId = 0 Then
MsgBox "Failed"
End If
' MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
@echo off
REM Vuln.bat
REM 実行環境を引数でもらう
echo 引数: %1
REM echo > cd %1
cd %1
set PARAM=C:\Windows\Sysnative\wsl.exe ./vuln.sh
REM echo %PARAM%
cmd /c %PARAM%
REM echo Done
REM pause