
huangapple go评论118阅读模式

Conditionally mutate multiple columns in R




df1 <- data.frame("Factor" = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), times = 5))
vecA <- c(1, 2)
vecB <- c(2, 1)
vecC <- c(3, 3)


df1 %>%
  mutate(V1 = ifelse(Factor == "A", vecA[1], 
                     ifelse(Factor == "B", vecB[1], vecC[1])),
         V2 = ifelse(Factor == "A", vecA[2], 
                     ifelse(Factor == "B", vecB[2], vecC[2])))



I have a dataframe with a factor column with j levels, as well as j vectors of length k. I would like to populate k columns in the former dataframe with values from the latter vectors, conditional on the factor.

Simplified example (three levels, three vectors, two values):

df1 &lt;- data.frame(&quot;Factor&quot; = rep(c(&quot;A&quot;, &quot;B&quot;, &quot;C&quot;), times = 5))
vecA &lt;- c(1, 2)
vecB &lt;- c(2, 1)
vecC &lt;- c(3, 3)

Here is a solution using nested ifelse statements:

df1 %&gt;%
  mutate(V1 = ifelse(Factor == &quot;A&quot;, vecA[1], 
                     ifelse(Factor == &quot;B&quot;, vecB[1], vecC[1])),
         V2 = ifelse(Factor == &quot;A&quot;, vecA[2], 
                     ifelse(Factor == &quot;B&quot;, vecB[2], vecC[2])))

I would like to avoid the nested ifelse statements. Ideally, I would also like to avoid mutating each column separately.


得分: 1



# 创建一个字符向量。
mychr <- map_chr(.x = mget(ls(pattern = "vec")),
                 .f = function(x) {paste0(x, collapse = "_")})

# 移除名称中的“vec”。
names(mychr) <- sub(x = names(mychr), pattern = "vec", replacement = "")

#   A     B     C 
# "1_2" "2_1" "3_3"

# stack()创建一个数据框。在left_join()中使用它。
# 然后,拆分列中的值为两列。你可能有多个列,所以我决定在这里使用cSplit()。

left_join(df1, stack(mychr), by = c("Factor" = "ind")) %>%
cSplit(splitCols = "values", sep = "_", direction = "wide", type.convert = FALSE)

#   Factor values_1 values_2
# 1:      A        1        2
# 2:      B        2        1
# 3:      C        3        3
# 4:      A        1        2
# 5:      B        2        1
# 6:      C        3        3
# 7:      A        1        2
# 8:      B        2        1
# 9:      C        3        3
#10:      A        1        2
#11:      B        2        1
#12:      C        3        3
#13:      A        1        2
#14:      B        2        1
#15:      C        3        3

Here is one idea. In the global environment, get all objects that begin with "vec", which is done by mget(). This creates a list. For each element in the list, paste the numbers with "_" in between. Then, arrange names in the vector for the following join process. After join, split the column, values with cSplit(). I hope this approach will be applicable to your real situation.


# Create a character vector.
mychr &lt;- map_chr(.x = mget(ls(pattern = &quot;vec&quot;)),
                 .f = function(x) {paste0(x, collapse = &quot;_&quot;)})

# Remove &quot;vec&quot; in names.
names(mychr) &lt;- sub(x = names(mychr), pattern = &quot;vec&quot;, replacement = &quot;&quot;)

#   A     B     C 
#&quot;1_2&quot; &quot;2_1&quot; &quot;3_3&quot;

# stack() creates a data frame. Use it in left_join().
# Then, split the column, values into two columns. You probably have more than
# two. So I decided to use cSplit() here.

left_join(df1, stack(mychr), by = c(&quot;Factor&quot; = &quot;ind&quot;)) %&gt;%
cSplit(splitCols = &quot;values&quot;, sep = &quot;_&quot;, direction = &quot;wide&quot;, type.convert = FALSE)

#    Factor values_1 values_2
# 1:      A        1        2
# 2:      B        2        1
# 3:      C        3        3
# 4:      A        1        2
# 5:      B        2        1
# 6:      C        3        3
# 7:      A        1        2
# 8:      B        2        1
# 9:      C        3        3
#10:      A        1        2
#11:      B        2        1
#12:      C        3        3
#13:      A        1        2
#14:      B        2        1
#15:      C        3        3


得分: 1


使用 base R 选项:

df1[c('V1', 'V2')] <- do.call(Map, c(f = c, mget(ls(pattern='^vec[A-C]$'))))
#    Factor V1 V2
#1       A  1  2
#2       B  2  1
#3       C  3  3
#4       A  1  2
#5       B  2  1
#6       C  3  3
#7       A  1  2
#8       B  2  1
#9       C  3  3
#10      A  1  2
#11      B  2  1
#12      C  3  3
#13      A  1  2
#14      B  2  1
#15      C  3  3

或者使用 purrr 中的 transpose

mget(ls(pattern='^vec[A-C]$')) %>%
     transpose %>%
     setNames(c('V1', 'V2')) %>%
     cbind(df1, .)

Here is a base R option

df1[c(&#39;V1&#39;, &#39;V2&#39;)] &lt;- do.call(Map, c(f = c, mget(ls(pattern=&quot;^vec[A-C]$&quot;))))
#    Factor V1 V2
#1       A  1  2
#2       B  2  1
#3       C  3  3
#4       A  1  2
#5       B  2  1
#6       C  3  3
#7       A  1  2
#8       B  2  1
#9       C  3  3
#10      A  1  2
#11      B  2  1
#12      C  3  3
#13      A  1  2
#14      B  2  1
#15      C  3  3

Or with transpose from purrr

mget(ls(pattern=&quot;^vec[A-C]$&quot;)) %&gt;% 
     transpose %&gt;% 
     setNames(c(&#39;V1&#39;, &#39;V2&#39;)) %&gt;% 
     cbind(df1, .)


得分: 0


# 修改向量
l <- list('A' = vecA, 'B' = vecB, 'C' = vecC)

# 创建带映射的数据框
df2 = data.frame(t(sapply(df1$Factor, function(x) l[[x]])))
colnames(df2) <- c('V1', 'V2')

new_df = cbind(df1, df2)

   Factor V1 V2
1       A  1  2
2       B  2  1
3       C  3  3
4       A  1  2
5       B  2  1
6       C  3  3
7       A  1  2
8       B  2  1
9       C  3  3
10      A  1  2
11      B  2  1
12      C  3  3
13      A  1  2
14      B  2  1
15      C  3  3

Here's a way to do:

# modify the vectors
l &lt;- list(&#39;A&#39; = vecA, &#39;B&#39; = vecB, &#39;C&#39; = vecC)

# create df with mapping
df2 = data.frame(t(sapply(df1$Factor, function(x) l[[x]])))
colnames(df2) &lt;- c(&#39;V1&#39;, &#39;V2&#39;)

new_df = cbind(df1, df2)

   Factor V1 V2
1       A  1  2
2       B  2  1
3       C  3  3
4       A  1  2
5       B  2  1
6       C  3  3
7       A  1  2
8       B  2  1
9       C  3  3
10      A  1  2
11      B  2  1
12      C  3  3
13      A  1  2
14      B  2  1
15      C  3  3

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月6日 21:01:57
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59612602.html



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