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What is the best way to block all threads except one?




编辑:我在STM32H753芯片上使用Keil RTX 5/CMSIS RTOS 2。



I am working on a project where I need to block all threads when a certain thread starts execution. I have considered using thread flags, but I believe this would involve adding checks to all the threads. I have also considered using a mutex to block all threads except the critical thread which I need to execute/have sole control of the processor. The reason why I haven't yet used a mutex is because I have read that it only relates to resources and that some threads would still continue to execute if they are not linked to the mutex, however I may have misunderstood this.

Could you please tell me if my approach to the mutex idea is correct or if I should use another method?

Edit: I am using Keil RTX 5/CMSIS RTOS 2 on the STM32H753 chip



得分: 3

CMSIS RTOS具有一对函数osKernelLock()osKernelUnlock() - 动态修改线程优先级或使用互斥锁是不必要的,而且可能不明智。

任何其他RTOS都将具有类似的_临界区_ API。




The CMSIS RTOS has a pair of functions osKernelLock() and osKernelUnlock() - dynamically modifying thread priorities or using mutexes is unnecessary and probably ill-advised.

Any other RTOS will have similar critical section API.

Note that this only prevents task context switching; it does not prevent interrupts from running. This is normally desirable, but if you want to prevent that, you can simply disable all interrupts using _disable_irq()/_enable_irq(). That will prevent task switched and interrupts.

Disabling interrupts is brute-force and has a greater impact on the real-time behaviour of your system that even a scheduler lock. Generally it should be done only for very short periods (as should scheduler locking).


得分: 0





What RTOS are you using? I'll assume you're using a priority based RTOS.

Don't layer another scheduling mechanism with thread flags or a mutex. Just use the scheduler that you already have.

If you want one thread to run exclusively, then make that thread the highest priority thread. The RTOS scheduler will run the highest priority thread that is ready to run. If your thread is highest priority and doesn't block itself, then the other threads will not run. In CMSIS-RTOS you can change a thread's priority with osThreadSetPriority().


得分: 0






在填充运行级别管理配置之前,你可以绘制一个顺序图来查看任务必须等待其他任务的原因。通常情况下,对于每个任务,只有少数运行级别是相关的 - 并且对于每个运行级别,相关任务的集合可能也很小。因此,你可能希望添加一个像WaitForRunlevelNumber(N)这样的小助手函数,其中包含一个自动处理那些不相关的运行级别的循环。



Don't change priorities of your tasks directly from your user code. Most RTOSes provide APIs that enable us to do this, but it is bad style since it spawns more problems than it will solve. An exception is when certain RTOS functions to this internally (e.g, mutexes with priority inheritance to avoid certain multi-task issues).

I guess you want to have longer critical section only during the power-up phase of your system, or another very special phase of its runtime. Otherwise, you should really listen to @Clifford's comment and question your priority assignments and task decomposition.

If you need that sequential period only during init/power-up phase, this is a typical situation that is possible with good task design, too. In that case, what you need is a runlevel management.

Runlevel Management

The simplest way to implement this is to write a little library on top of your RTOS, using two counting semaphore resources:
One is for the present runlevel, the other for the next one.
When a runlevel is entered, the semaphore is filled as many tokens as there are tasks that must be under control of the runlevel management.
Every task waiting to process a given runlevel is trying to get its token from the current-runlevel semaphore.
When the task has finished its runlevel part, it accesses the next-level semaphore, which will be unavailable at that time.

Before populating the runlevel management configuration, you can draw yourself a
sequence diagram
to check at which points, tasks must wait for others for whatever reason.
Usually for every task, only few of the runlevels are relevant - and per runlevel, the set of relevant tasks may be small too.
Therefore you may want to add a little helper function like WaitForRunlevelNumber(N) with a loop that automatically deals with those runlevels that aren't relevant.

Runlevel management must finish if all phases that require explicit synchronisation are finished.
Then, all tasks are released into freedom.
Sometimes, you want to release low-priority tasks earlier if they have finished all critical phases yet.
Then the number of tasks maintained may decrease from one runlevel to the next.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月6日 19:17:45
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59611143.html



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