如何使我的卡片视图在React Native中变成小圆形?

huangapple go评论75阅读模式

How can I make my card view littile circular in react native



<View style={{ marginBottom: 10, marginLeft: 5, marginRight: 5, borderRadius: 2, padding: 10 }}>
        <CardItem header style={{ flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: '#fff', width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between', borderBottomColor: '#f1f1f1', borderBottomWidth: 1, borderRadius: 80 }}>
            <View style={{ paddingTop: 10 }}>
                <RegularText text={'Wallet Balance'} textColor='grey' style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', flexWrap: 'wrap', color: 'grey' }} />

            <View style={{ width: wp('10%'), height: wp('10%'), backgroundColor: '#E091C9', borderRadius: hp('1%'), margin: 8, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
                <SvgCss xml={WALLET} width={15} height={15} />

            <View style={{ flexDirection: 'column', height: 25, paddingRight: 10, paddingLeft: 10, paddingTop: 5, paddingBottom: 30 }}>
                <SmallText text={'MUR 110.00'} textColor='red' />
                <SmallText text={'Add Money'} textColor='blue' />

        <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', paddingLeft: 24, paddingRight: 24 }}>
                (data, index) => {
                    return (
                        <View key={index}>
                            <View style={{ width: wp('14%'), height: wp('14%'), backgroundColor: 'rgb(163, 153, 233)', borderRadius: hp('2%'), margin: 10, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
                                <SvgCss xml={PAY_BILL} width={15} height={15} />
                            <View style={{ paddingLeft: 15, paddingBottom: 15 }}>
                                <SmallText text={'Pay Bill'} textColor='grey' />



In below code I am trying to make on ui according to my ux design . But One problem i am facing is not able to make card like same in ux , in ux its someting circular ,but in my code its not coming. It tried with border radius also . Please suggest where I am wrong 如何使我的卡片视图在React Native中变成小圆形?
如何使我的卡片视图在React Native中变成小圆形?

 &lt;View style={{ marginBottom: 10, marginLeft: 5, marginRight: 5, borderRadius: 2, padding: 10 }} &gt;
&lt;Card &gt;
&lt;CardItem header style={{ flexDirection: &#39;row&#39;, backgroundColor: &#39;#fff&#39;, width: &#39;100%&#39;, justifyContent: &#39;space-between&#39;, borderBottomColor: &#39;#f1f1f1&#39;, borderBottomWidth: 1,borderRadius: 80 }}&gt;
&lt;View style={{paddingTop:10 }}&gt;
&lt;RegularText text={`${&#39;Wallet Balance&#39;}`} textColor=&#39;grey&#39;style={{ fontWeight: &#39;bold&#39;, flexWrap: &#39;wrap&#39;,color:&#39;grey&#39; }} /&gt;
&lt;View style = {{ width : wp(&#39;10%&#39;),height: wp(&#39;10%&#39;),backgroundColor : &#39;#E091C9&#39; ,borderRadius : hp(&#39;1%&#39;), margin : 8,flexDirection :&#39;row&#39;,justifyContent :&#39;center&#39;,alignItems : &#39;center&#39;}}&gt;
&lt;SvgCss xml={WALLET} width={15} height={15} /&gt;
&lt;View style={{
flexDirection: &#39;column&#39;,
height: 25, paddingRight: 10, paddingLeft: 10, paddingTop: 5,paddingBottom:30}}&gt;
&lt;SmallText text={&#39;MUR 110.00&#39;} textColor=&#39;red&#39; /&gt;
&lt;SmallText text={&#39;Add Money&#39;} textColor=&#39;blue&#39; /&gt;
&lt;View style = {{flexDirection : &#39;row&#39;,paddingLeft:24,paddingRight:24}}&gt;
(data, index) =&gt; {
return (
&lt;View style = {{width : wp(&#39;14%&#39;),height: wp(&#39;14%&#39;),backgroundColor : &#39;rgb(163, 153, 233)&#39;,borderRadius : hp(&#39;2%&#39;), margin : 10,flexDirection :&#39;row&#39;,justifyContent :&#39;center&#39;,alignItems : &#39;center&#39;}}&gt;
&lt;SvgCss xml={PAY_BILL} width={15} height={15} /&gt;
&lt;View style={{paddingLeft:15,paddingBottom:15}}&gt;
&lt;SmallText text={&#39;Pay Bill&#39;} textColor=&#39;grey&#39; /&gt;

如何使我的卡片视图在React Native中变成小圆形?


得分: 1


<View style={{ marginBottom: 10, marginLeft: 5, marginRight: 5, borderRadius: 2, padding: 10 }}>
  <Card style={{ borderRadius: 8 }}>
    <CardItem header style={{ flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: '#fff', width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between', borderBottomColor: '#f1f1f1', borderBottomWidth: 1, borderRadius: 80 }}>
      <View style={{ paddingTop: 10 }}>
        <RegularText text={`${'钱包余额'}`} textColor='grey' style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', flexWrap: 'wrap', color: 'grey' }} />

      <View style={{ width: wp('10%'), height: wp('10%'), backgroundColor: '#E091C9', borderRadius: hp('1%'), margin: 8, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
        <SvgCss xml={WALLET} width={15} height={15} />

      <View style={{
        flexDirection: 'column',
        height: 25, paddingRight: 10, paddingLeft: 10, paddingTop: 5, paddingBottom: 30
        <SmallText text={'MUR 110.00'} textColor='red' />
        <SmallText text={'添加金额'} textColor='blue' />
    <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', paddingLeft: 24, paddingRight: 24 }}>
        (data, index) => {
          return (
              <View style={{ width: wp('14%'), height: wp('14%'), backgroundColor: 'rgb(163, 153, 233)', borderRadius: hp('2%'), margin: 10, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
                <SvgCss xml={PAY_BILL} width={15} height={15} />
              <View style={{ paddingLeft: 15, paddingBottom: 15 }}>
                <SmallText text={'支付账单'} textColor='grey' />



You should try this :

&lt;View style={{ marginBottom: 10, marginLeft: 5, marginRight: 5, borderRadius: 2, padding: 10 }} &gt;
&lt;Card style={{ borderRadius: 8 }}&gt;
&lt;CardItem header style={{ flexDirection: &#39;row&#39;, backgroundColor: &#39;#fff&#39;, width: &#39;100%&#39;, justifyContent: &#39;space-between&#39;, borderBottomColor: &#39;#f1f1f1&#39;, borderBottomWidth: 1,borderRadius: 80 }}&gt;
&lt;View style={{paddingTop:10 }}&gt;
&lt;RegularText text={`${&#39;Wallet Balance&#39;}`} textColor=&#39;grey&#39;style={{ fontWeight: &#39;bold&#39;, flexWrap: &#39;wrap&#39;,color:&#39;grey&#39; }} /&gt;
&lt;View style = {{ width : wp(&#39;10%&#39;),height: wp(&#39;10%&#39;),backgroundColor : &#39;#E091C9&#39; ,borderRadius : hp(&#39;1%&#39;), margin : 8,flexDirection :&#39;row&#39;,justifyContent :&#39;center&#39;,alignItems : &#39;center&#39;}}&gt;
&lt;SvgCss xml={WALLET} width={15} height={15} /&gt;
&lt;View style={{
flexDirection: &#39;column&#39;,
height: 25, paddingRight: 10, paddingLeft: 10, paddingTop: 5,paddingBottom:30}}&gt;
&lt;SmallText text={&#39;MUR 110.00&#39;} textColor=&#39;red&#39; /&gt;
&lt;SmallText text={&#39;Add Money&#39;} textColor=&#39;blue&#39; /&gt;
&lt;View style = {{flexDirection : &#39;row&#39;,paddingLeft:24,paddingRight:24}}&gt;
(data, index) =&gt; {
return (
&lt;View style = {{width : wp(&#39;14%&#39;),height: wp(&#39;14%&#39;),backgroundColor : &#39;rgb(163, 153, 233)&#39;,borderRadius : hp(&#39;2%&#39;), margin : 10,flexDirection :&#39;row&#39;,justifyContent :&#39;center&#39;,alignItems : &#39;center&#39;}}&gt;
&lt;SvgCss xml={PAY_BILL} width={15} height={15} /&gt;
&lt;View style={{paddingLeft:15,paddingBottom:15}}&gt;
&lt;SmallText text={&#39;Pay Bill&#39;} textColor=&#39;grey&#39; /&gt;


得分: 1


&lt;View style={{ marginBottom: 10, marginLeft: 5, marginRight: 5, borderRadius: 2, padding: 10 }} &gt;
  &lt;Card style={{ borderRadius: 8 }}&gt;
    &lt;CardItem header style={{ flexDirection: &#39;row&#39;, backgroundColor: &#39;#fff&#39;, width: &#39;100%&#39;, justifyContent: &#39;space-between&#39;, borderBottomColor: &#39;#f1f1f1&#39;, borderBottomWidth: 1,borderRadius: 80 }}&gt;
      &lt;View style={{paddingTop:10 }}&gt;
          &lt;RegularText text={`${&#39;Wallet Balance&#39;}`} textColor=&#39;grey&#39;style={{ fontWeight: &#39;bold&#39;, flexWrap: &#39;wrap&#39;,color:&#39;grey&#39; }} /&gt;

      &lt;View style = {{ width : wp(&#39;10%&#39;),height: wp(&#39;10%&#39;),backgroundColor : &#39;#E091C9&#39; ,borderRadius : hp(&#39;1%&#39;), margin : 8,flexDirection :&#39;row&#39;,justifyContent :&#39;center&#39;,alignItems : &#39;center&#39;, alignSelf : &#39;flex-end&#39;}}&gt;
      &lt;SvgCss xml={WALLET} width={15} height={15} /&gt;

      &lt;View style={{
          flexDirection: &#39;column&#39;,
          height: 25, paddingRight: 10, paddingLeft: 10, paddingTop: 5,paddingBottom:30}}&gt;
          &lt;SmallText text={&#39;MUR 110.00&#39;} textColor=&#39;red&#39; /&gt;
          &lt;SmallText text={&#39;Add Money&#39;} textColor=&#39;blue&#39; /&gt;
    &lt;View style = {{flexDirection : &#39;row&#39;,paddingLeft:24,paddingRight:24}}&gt;
      (data, index) =&gt; {
          return (
              &lt;View style = {{width : wp(&#39;14%&#39;),height: wp(&#39;14%&#39;),backgroundColor : &#39;rgb(163, 153, 233)&#39;,borderRadius : hp(&#39;2%&#39;), margin : 10,flexDirection :&#39;row&#39;,justifyContent :&#39;center&#39;,alignItems : &#39;center&#39;}}&gt;
            &lt;SvgCss xml={PAY_BILL} width={15} height={15} /&gt;
              &lt;View style={{paddingLeft:15,paddingBottom:15}}&gt;
              &lt;SmallText text={&#39;Pay Bill&#39;} textColor=&#39;grey&#39; /&gt;




For your another question :

&lt;View style={{ marginBottom: 10, marginLeft: 5, marginRight: 5, borderRadius: 2, padding: 10 }} &gt;
&lt;Card style={{ borderRadius: 8 }}&gt;
&lt;CardItem header style={{ flexDirection: &#39;row&#39;, backgroundColor: &#39;#fff&#39;, width: &#39;100%&#39;, justifyContent: &#39;space-between&#39;, borderBottomColor: &#39;#f1f1f1&#39;, borderBottomWidth: 1,borderRadius: 80 }}&gt;
&lt;View style={{paddingTop:10 }}&gt;
&lt;RegularText text={`${&#39;Wallet Balance&#39;}`} textColor=&#39;grey&#39;style={{ fontWeight: &#39;bold&#39;, flexWrap: &#39;wrap&#39;,color:&#39;grey&#39; }} /&gt;
&lt;View style = {{ width : wp(&#39;10%&#39;),height: wp(&#39;10%&#39;),backgroundColor : &#39;#E091C9&#39; ,borderRadius : hp(&#39;1%&#39;), margin : 8,flexDirection :&#39;row&#39;,justifyContent :&#39;center&#39;,alignItems : &#39;center&#39;, alignSelf : &#39;flex-end&#39;}}&gt;
&lt;SvgCss xml={WALLET} width={15} height={15} /&gt;
&lt;View style={{
flexDirection: &#39;column&#39;,
height: 25, paddingRight: 10, paddingLeft: 10, paddingTop: 5,paddingBottom:30}}&gt;
&lt;SmallText text={&#39;MUR 110.00&#39;} textColor=&#39;red&#39; /&gt;
&lt;SmallText text={&#39;Add Money&#39;} textColor=&#39;blue&#39; /&gt;
&lt;View style = {{flexDirection : &#39;row&#39;,paddingLeft:24,paddingRight:24}}&gt;
(data, index) =&gt; {
return (
&lt;View style = {{width : wp(&#39;14%&#39;),height: wp(&#39;14%&#39;),backgroundColor : &#39;rgb(163, 153, 233)&#39;,borderRadius : hp(&#39;2%&#39;), margin : 10,flexDirection :&#39;row&#39;,justifyContent :&#39;center&#39;,alignItems : &#39;center&#39;}}&gt;
&lt;SvgCss xml={PAY_BILL} width={15} height={15} /&gt;
&lt;View style={{paddingLeft:15,paddingBottom:15}}&gt;
&lt;SmallText text={&#39;Pay Bill&#39;} textColor=&#39;grey&#39; /&gt;

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月6日 14:52:28
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59607852.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
