在另一个字符串中的 x 位置插入一个字符串?

huangapple go评论90阅读模式

How to insert a string at x position in another string?





String 1 = "I have apple"
String 2 = "an "
position = 6


String 1 = "I have an apple"


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int SIZE=102;

void insertString(char str1[ ],char str2[ ],int position);

int main()
    char str1[SIZE], str2[SIZE];
    int position,i=0,j=0;
    cout<<"Enter string 1 of atmost 50 characters:\n";
    cout<<"Enter string 2 of atmost 50 characters:\n";
    cout<<"Enter Position number where String 2 is to be inserted: ";
        cout<<"Invalid input. Enter a positive Position number less than 51\n"<<
        "where String 2 is to be inserted: ";
    cout<<"Modified string 1: "<<str1<<endl;
    return 0;

Definition of function insertString:

This function takes two C-string in form of character arrays and one integer value
as parameters

It inserts String 2 in String 1 on the required position. 


void insertString(char str1[ ],char str2[ ],int position)
    char temp[SIZE]; 
    int i,j,countStr2;
    for(i=position,j=0;i<SIZE,j<=countStr2; i++,j++)





I have to use a function that takes two strings and one integer value that tell the position at which the second string is to be entered in the first. 

For Example:

String 1 = "I have apple"
String 2 = "an "
position = 6,


String 1 = "I have an apple"

Here&#39;s my code, so far:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int SIZE=102;

void insertString(char str1[ ],char str2[ ],int position);

int main()
char str1[SIZE], str2[SIZE];
int position,i=0,j=0;

cout&lt;&lt;&quot;Enter string 1 of atmost 50 characters:\n&quot;;

cout&lt;&lt;&quot;Enter string 2 of atmost 50 characters:\n&quot;;

cout&lt;&lt;&quot;Enter Position number where String 2 is to be inserted: &quot;;

    cout&lt;&lt;&quot;Invalid input. Enter a positive Position number less than 51\n&quot;&lt;&lt;
    &quot;where String 2 is to be inserted: &quot;;


cout&lt;&lt;&quot;Modified string 1: &quot;&lt;&lt;str1&lt;&lt;endl;

return 0;


Definition of function insertString:

This function takes two C-string in form of character arrays and one integer value
as parameters

It inserts String 2 in String 1 on the required position.


void insertString(char str1[ ],char str2[ ],int position)
char temp[SIZE];
int i,j,countStr2;

for(i=position,j=0;i&lt;SIZE,j&lt;=countStr2; i++,j++)


This logic overwrites some characters of string 1. What should I do?

Any help will be appreciated.


# 答案1
**得分**: 2

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
/*The following function supposes that str1 and str2 are cString (i.e) ended by `

This logic overwrites some characters of string 1. What should I do?
Any help will be appreciated.
# 答案1
**得分**: 2
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
/*The following function supposes that str1 and str2 are cString (i.e) ended by `\0` and inserts str2 in str1 at the specified position in a newStr, then returns the new string as a pointer*/
char* insertString(const char str1[], const char str2[], const int& position)
int shiftedPos = position - 1;
int str2Size = strlen(str2);
int str1Size = strlen(str1);
int newSize = str2Size + str1Size + 1;
char* newStr = new char[newSize];
for (int i = 0; i < shiftedPos; i++) newStr[i] = str1[i];
for (int i = 0; i < str2Size; i++) newStr[shiftedPos + i] = str2[i];
for (int i = 0; i < newSize; i++) newStr[shiftedPos + str2Size + i] = str1[shiftedPos + i];
newStr[newSize] = '\0';
return newStr;
int main(){
auto str1 = "I have apple";
auto str2 = "an ";
std::cout << insertString(str1, str2, 8);
return 0;
` and inserts str2 in str1 at the specified position in a newStr, then returns the new string as a pointer*/ char* insertString(const char str1[], const char str2[], const int& position) { int shiftedPos = position - 1; int str2Size = strlen(str2); int str1Size = strlen(str1); int newSize = str2Size + str1Size + 1; char* newStr = new char[newSize]; for (int i = 0; i < shiftedPos; i++) newStr[i] = str1[i]; for (int i = 0; i < str2Size; i++) newStr[shiftedPos + i] = str2[i]; for (int i = 0; i < newSize; i++) newStr[shiftedPos + str2Size + i] = str1[shiftedPos + i]; newStr[newSize] = '

This logic overwrites some characters of string 1. What should I do?
Any help will be appreciated.
# 答案1
**得分**: 2
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
/*The following function supposes that str1 and str2 are cString (i.e) ended by `\0` and inserts str2 in str1 at the specified position in a newStr, then returns the new string as a pointer*/
char* insertString(const char str1[], const char str2[], const int& position)
int shiftedPos = position - 1;
int str2Size = strlen(str2);
int str1Size = strlen(str1);
int newSize = str2Size + str1Size + 1;
char* newStr = new char[newSize];
for (int i = 0; i < shiftedPos; i++) newStr[i] = str1[i];
for (int i = 0; i < str2Size; i++) newStr[shiftedPos + i] = str2[i];
for (int i = 0; i < newSize; i++) newStr[shiftedPos + str2Size + i] = str1[shiftedPos + i];
newStr[newSize] = '\0';
return newStr;
int main(){
auto str1 = "I have apple";
auto str2 = "an ";
std::cout << insertString(str1, str2, 8);
return 0;
'; return newStr; } int main(){ auto str1 = "I have apple"; auto str2 = "an "; std::cout << insertString(str1, str2, 8); return 0; }
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
/*The following function supposes that str1 and str2 are cString (i.e)
ended by `
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
/*The following function supposes that str1 and str2 are cString (i.e)
ended by `\0` and inserts str2 in str1 at the specified position in a
newStr, then returns the new string as apointer*/
char* insertString(const char str1[ ],const char str2[ ],const int&amp; position)
int shiftedPos=position-1;
int str2Size=strlen(str2);
int str1Size=strlen(str1);
int newSize=str2Size+str1Size+1;
char* newStr=new char[newSize];
for(int i=0; i&lt;shiftedPos; i++) newStr[i]=str1[i];
for(int i=0; i&lt;str2Size; i++) newStr[shiftedPos+i]=str2[i];
for(int i=0; i&lt;newSize; i++) newStr[shiftedPos+str2Size+i]=str1[shiftedPos+i];
return newStr;
int main(){
auto str1 = &quot;I have apple&quot;;
auto str2 = &quot;an &quot;;
std::cout&lt;&lt;insertString(str1,str2, 8);
return 0;
` and inserts str2 in str1 at the specified position in a newStr, then returns the new string as apointer*/ char* insertString(const char str1[ ],const char str2[ ],const int&amp; position) { int shiftedPos=position-1; int str2Size=strlen(str2); int str1Size=strlen(str1); int newSize=str2Size+str1Size+1; char* newStr=new char[newSize]; for(int i=0; i&lt;shiftedPos; i++) newStr[i]=str1[i]; for(int i=0; i&lt;str2Size; i++) newStr[shiftedPos+i]=str2[i]; for(int i=0; i&lt;newSize; i++) newStr[shiftedPos+str2Size+i]=str1[shiftedPos+i]; newStr[newSize]=&#39;
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
/*The following function supposes that str1 and str2 are cString (i.e)
ended by `\0` and inserts str2 in str1 at the specified position in a
newStr, then returns the new string as apointer*/
char* insertString(const char str1[ ],const char str2[ ],const int&amp; position)
int shiftedPos=position-1;
int str2Size=strlen(str2);
int str1Size=strlen(str1);
int newSize=str2Size+str1Size+1;
char* newStr=new char[newSize];
for(int i=0; i&lt;shiftedPos; i++) newStr[i]=str1[i];
for(int i=0; i&lt;str2Size; i++) newStr[shiftedPos+i]=str2[i];
for(int i=0; i&lt;newSize; i++) newStr[shiftedPos+str2Size+i]=str1[shiftedPos+i];
return newStr;
int main(){
auto str1 = &quot;I have apple&quot;;
auto str2 = &quot;an &quot;;
std::cout&lt;&lt;insertString(str1,str2, 8);
return 0;
&#39;; return newStr; } int main(){ auto str1 = &quot;I have apple&quot;; auto str2 = &quot;an &quot;; std::cout&lt;&lt;insertString(str1,str2, 8); return 0; }

Another code to perform exactly as you wanted

/*The following function supposes that str1 and str2 are cString (i.e)
ended by `
/*The following function supposes that str1 and str2 are cString (i.e)
ended by `\0` and that the memory allocated by str1 &gt;= the len(str1)+len(str2)+1.
It inserts str2 in str1 at the specified position in str1*/
void insertString(char str1[ ], char str2[ ], int position)
int str1Size=strlen(str1);
int str2Size=strlen(str2);
int newSize=str2Size+str1Size+1;
int cppPosition=position-1;
for(int i=str1Size; i&gt;=cppPosition; i--) str1[i+str2Size]=str1[i];
for(int i=0; i&lt;str2Size; i++) str1[cppPosition+i]=str2[i];
int main(){
char str1[50]= &quot;I have apple&quot;;
char str2[50] = &quot;an &quot;;
insertString(str1,str2, 8);
return 0;
` and that the memory allocated by str1 &gt;= the len(str1)+len(str2)+1. It inserts str2 in str1 at the specified position in str1*/ void insertString(char str1[ ], char str2[ ], int position) { int str1Size=strlen(str1); int str2Size=strlen(str2); int newSize=str2Size+str1Size+1; int cppPosition=position-1; for(int i=str1Size; i&gt;=cppPosition; i--) str1[i+str2Size]=str1[i]; for(int i=0; i&lt;str2Size; i++) str1[cppPosition+i]=str2[i]; str1[newSize]=&#39;
/*The following function supposes that str1 and str2 are cString (i.e)
ended by `\0` and that the memory allocated by str1 &gt;= the len(str1)+len(str2)+1.
It inserts str2 in str1 at the specified position in str1*/
void insertString(char str1[ ], char str2[ ], int position)
int str1Size=strlen(str1);
int str2Size=strlen(str2);
int newSize=str2Size+str1Size+1;
int cppPosition=position-1;
for(int i=str1Size; i&gt;=cppPosition; i--) str1[i+str2Size]=str1[i];
for(int i=0; i&lt;str2Size; i++) str1[cppPosition+i]=str2[i];
int main(){
char str1[50]= &quot;I have apple&quot;;
char str2[50] = &quot;an &quot;;
insertString(str1,str2, 8);
return 0;
&#39;; } int main(){ char str1[50]= &quot;I have apple&quot;; char str2[50] = &quot;an &quot;; insertString(str1,str2, 8); std::cout&lt;&lt;str1; return 0; }


得分: 1

如果你必须实现void insertString(char str1[], char str2[], int position)函数,你没有太多选择。



void insertString(char str1[], char str2[], int position) {
    const int len1 = strlen(str1);
    const int len2 = strlen(str2);
    // 首先,将给定位置之后的所有字符向右移动`len2`个位置:
    for (int i = 0; i < len1 - position; ++i) {
        str1[len1 - i - 1 + len2] = str1[len1 - i - 1];
    // 然后在给定位置插入第二个字符串:
    for (int i = 0; i < len2; ++i) {
        str1[position + i] = str2[i];
    // 确保创建一个新的终止符,因为
    // 第一个循环中的终止符已被覆盖
    str1[len1 + len2 + 1] = 0;



由于你正在使用C ++,在任何生产代码中,你应该完全避免这种方法,可以使用std::string等替代字符数组。但我已经在评论中看到你目前还不能使用它。


If you have to implement the void insertString(char str1[ ],char str2[ ],int position) function, you don't have many options here.

One of the possible solutions is to shift the characters in the first string to the right to make space for the second string to be inserted there.

Such an approach might look like this:

void insertString(char str1[], char str2[], int position) {
    const int len1 = strlen(str1);
    const int len2 = strlen(str2);
    // First, shift all the characters from the given position to the right by `len2` positions:
    for (int i = 0; i &lt; len1 - position; ++i) {
        str1[len1 - i - 1 + len2] = str1[len1 - i - 1];
    // Then insert the second string in the given position:
    for (int i = 0; i &lt; len2; ++i) {
        str1[position + i] = str2[i];
    // Make sure to create a new terminator since the
    // previous one got overwritten by the the first loop
    str1[len1 + len2 + 1] = 0;

<kbd>LIVE DEMO</kbd>

Note, that this is potentially insecure! If there is not enough space in the str1 array to store another strlen(str2) characters, it will lead to a buffer overflow.

Way more secure option would be to allocate a new buffer for your new concatenated string on the heap, but for the sake of your assignment, this should suffice.

Since you're using C++, you should avoid this approach altogether in any production code, replacing char arrays with std::string, for example. But I've already read in the comments that you can't use it just yet.


得分: 1


  #include <string>

  std::string originalString = "I have apple"; // 原始字符串
  std::string insert = " an "; // 在新单词插入前面添加的空格
  int position = 6; // 新单词将插入的索引位置
  int remainingStringSize = originalString.length() - position - 1; // 计算从插入位置开始剩余的字符数
  std::string combinedString = originalString.substr(0, 6) + insert + originalString.substr(position + 1, remainingStringSize); // 结果组合字符串


  • 插入位置的索引是否在原始字符串的长度范围内
  • 剩余字符数是否大于0

Assuming you can use &lt;string&gt;, then I would put std::string::substr to use:

  #include &lt;string&gt;

  std::string originalString = &quot;I have apple&quot;; // original string
  std::string insert = &quot; an &quot;; // added space beforehand for the new word to be inserted
  int position = 6; // index where the new word would be inserted
  int remainingStringSize = originalString.length() - position - 1; // count how many characters remain from the position you&#39;re inserting
  std::string combinedString = originalString.substr(0, 6) + insert + originalString.substr(position +1, remainingStringSize); // resulting combined string

Words of caution, you obviously would need to check the following:

  • That index position is within the length of the original string where you wish to insert
  • That the remaining # of characters is more than 0

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月4日 00:16:21
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59581825.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
