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ARFaceTrackingConfiguration: How to distinguish pictures from real faces?


我们在应用商店中有几个应用程序,它们使用 ARFaceTrackingConfiguration 在具有FaceID相机的iOS设备上检测用户的脸部。

正如您可能已经注意到的,ARKit还会跟踪您放在iPad Pro/iPhoneX前面的脸部图片,就好像它们是真正的脸部一样。例如,从我们的一个应用程序中获取一张图片(要复制,可以下载并运行苹果的ARFaceTrackingConfiguration示例应用程序):







  1. 仅使用摄像头图像进行平面脸部检测
  2. 使用FaceID TrueDepth相机进行脸部检测。





we have several apps in the Store that use ARFaceTrackingConfiguration to detect the users face in iOS devices with FaceID cameras.

As you might have seen, ARKit will also track picture of faces you put in front of your iPad Pro/iPhoneX, as if they were faces. E.g. take a picture from one of our apps (to replicate one can download&run Apples example app for ARFaceTrackingConfiguration):


Now I have noticed that internally ARKit treats real faces differently then it does pictures of faces. Because generally (both for ARWorldTrackingConfiguration as well as ARFaceTrackingConfiguration) ARKit tries to match real world sizes and virtual object sizes, i.e. and object that is 10x10cm in your 3D editing software will match a real world object of the same 10x10cm.
BUT when face-tracking is used, and the phone detects an abnormally sized face (small 4cm wide face as in the picture above or a poster of a person where the face is much bigger) it will scale the FaceGeometry as if the detected face is a normal sized head, i.e. the measurements will be around ~14cm for the head width. All virtual objects will then be scaled accordingly which will make then the wrong size in the real world. C.f. the next picture:


The glasses 3D model is about 14cm wide, yet they are only presented as a 4cm object.

In comparison, if you put the glasses on a real 3D face, they will be the correct size, on a small persons head (like 12cm) they will be slightly too big, on a big persons head (like 16cm) they will be slightly too small (as they will be their real 14cm in both cases).

I can even see ARKit switching between:

  1. Flat Face-detection using just the camera image
  2. Face-Detection using the FaceID TrueDepth camera.

which is especially prominent when you hold a baby in front of the app.
With a babys head, ARKit will first attempt to scale up everything so that the babys head is 14cm wide in the virtual scene and the glasses fit like on an adult.
Then, usually 1-2s after the head appears in the camera ARFaceTrackingConfiguration will switch from mode (1) to mode (2) and show the real size of the 3D Object, which leads to supercute pictures of small baby heads with adult sized glasses (not shown here as SO isn't for sharing baby pictures).

So, now for the question:

Is there a way of determining whether ARKit is in mode 1 or 2 ?


得分: 3


在目前的ARKit 3.0 API中,没有办法进行操作。

> ARKit会话的ARFaceTrackingConfiguration会不断从运动传感器获取数据,频率为1000 Hz,从前置RGB摄像头获取数据,频率为60 Hz,并且从红外摄像头获取数据,频率为15 Hz。而TrueDepth传感器在会话运行时一直在工作。您无法在ARKit中手动停止TrueDepth传感器。

工作距离ARFaceTrackingConfiguration中约为15...100 cm,因此在该距离内,您可以有效地检测到ARKit 3.0中的最多3张脸。但是在ARKit人脸检测中存在一些逻辑错误 - 您可以同时跟踪自己的脸和您身后海报上的大脸(但是海报上的脸是平的,因为它有等距离深度)。因此,规范蒙版的比例取决于检测到的脸的大小(正如您之前所说),但由于面部跟踪非常CPU密集,ARKit不能立即调整规范蒙版(ARFaceGeometry)的比例。



@available(iOS 13.0, *)
class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        sceneView.session.delegate = self

extension ViewController: ARSessionDelegate {

    func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate frame: ARFrame) {

        print(sceneView.session.currentFrame?.capturedDepthData?.depthDataQuality as Any)


只有一种情况下TrueDepth传感器不会对RGB数据产生影响:当您将智能手机靠近海报或您的脸太近时 - 您只会看到打印出nil


There's no way to do it in ARKit 3.0 API at the moment.

>ARKit session's ARFaceTrackingConfiguration is constantly getting data from motion sensors at 1000 Hz, from front RGB camera at 60 Hz, and from IR camera at 15 Hz. And TrueDepth sensor is working while the session is running. You can't manually stop TrueDepth sensor in ARKit.


A working distance in ARFaceTrackingConfiguration is approximately 15...100 cm, so you can effectively detect up to 3 faces in ARKit 3.0 within that distance. But there's some logical bug in ARKit face detection – you can track your face at the same time as you're tracking a big face on a poster behind you (but face on a poster is flat because it has equidistant depth). So, a canonical mask's scale depends on the size of detected face (as you said before) but ARKit can't momentarily adapt a scale for that canonical mask (ARFaceGeometry) due to the fact that Face Tracking is very CPU intensive.

Apple's TrueDepth module has so narrow working distance range 'cause 30K dots coming from IR projector must have definite brightness, blurriness, coverage and dot size to be effectively used by ARKit.

With this code you could test whether TrueDepth module is involved in a process or not:

@available(iOS 13.0, *)
class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        sceneView.session.delegate = self

extension ViewController: ARSessionDelegate {

    func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate frame: ARFrame) {
        print(sceneView.session.currentFrame?.capturedDepthData?.depthDataQuality as Any)

Usually, every fourth frame with depth data is printed (but sometimes a gap is bigger than 4 frames):


There's only one case when TrueDepth sensor doesn't contribute to RGB data: when you move a smartphone too close to a poster or too close to your face – so you'll only see nils being printed.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月3日 23:41:18
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
