VBA:ListBox 更改事件触发两次

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VBA: ListBox Change event firing twice





如果选择"放弃更改",那么一切正常。但是当我尝试还原Listbox选择时,它会遇到问题。我使用一个"EventsOn"布尔值来处理何时应该继续执行Change过程,以避免它调用自身。这似乎在代码中的正确点起作用。 但是在EventsOn被恢复后,在Exit Sub之后,似乎Change事件再次被调用。



Option Explicit
Dim NumberOfQuestions As Long
Dim EventsOn As Boolean
Dim SelectedListIndex As Long, CurrentQuestion As Long, QuestionSaved As Variant

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ' 省略了大量代码。基本上打开记录集并加载值
    ReDim QuestionSaved(1 To NumberOfQuestions) As Boolean
    For X = 1 To NumberOfQuestions
        lbox_QuestionList.AddItem "Question " & X ' Populate the listbox with items
        QuestionSaved(X) = True ' Flag the initial state as saved, for each question
        If Not X = rst.RecordCount Then rst.MoveNext
    Next X
    ' 选择第一个问题为默认。请注意,Listbox ListIndex从0开始,而问题从1开始
    SelectedListIndex = 0
    CurrentQuestion = 1
    EventsOn = True
    lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex = SelectedListIndex
End Sub

Private Sub lbox_QuestionList_Change()
    ' 确保此事件在以编程方式更改时不会不断触发
    If Not EventsOn Then Exit Sub
    If Not QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) Then
        If MsgBox(Prompt:="Abandon changes to current question?", Title:="Current question not saved", Buttons:=vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2) = vbYes Then
            ' 放弃更改 = 是
            ' 标记为已保存
            QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) = True
            ' 然后继续正常更改
            ' (如果用户回到这个问题,它将以原始形式重新加载到内存中)
            ' 这部分正常工作
            ' 放弃更改 = 否
            EventsOn = False ' 所以这个子过程不会再次被调用
            ' 还原ListBox选择。通过重新调用当前问题编号并应用于ListIndex来实现
            SelectedListIndex = CurrentQuestion - 1 ' 请记住索引将减1,因为索引从0开始
            lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex = SelectedListIndex
            EventsOn = True
            Exit Sub ' 这应该是结束但不知何故它并没有...
        End If
    End If
    ' 根据新选择的ListIndex继续加载新问题
    SelectedListIndex = lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex ' 认识当前选择
    ' ListIndex从零开始,所以我们需要加1
    CurrentQuestion = SelectedListIndex + 1
    ShowQuestion CurrentQuestion
End Sub

Private Sub ShowQuestion(QuestionNumber As Long)
    ' 为简洁起见,省略了详细信息。基本上从类的字典中加载详细信息,并填充到文本框中
End Sub

Private Sub cb_Save_Click()
    ' 省略了代码。获取当前文本框的值并将其保存到字典中的类中
    ' 将当前问题标记为已保存:
    QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) = True
End Sub

' 事件处理程序
Private Sub tb_Question_Change()
End Sub

' 几个其他表单控件有类似的事件:都调用下面的"DoChange"
Private Sub DoChange()
    If Not EventsOn Then Exit Sub
    QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) = False ' 如果对表单值进行任何更改,将当前问题标记为未保存
End Sub


我的代码逻辑似乎是正确的。谜底是为什么Change事件会再次被调用,即使在Exit Sub之后。


I have a User Form in Excel in which questions are indexed in a Listbox control. Clicking on an item in the Listbox calls a Change event which populates other controls' values according to which item has been selected.

The user may change values within the text boxes. Upon changing them, a "Saved" flag gets set to False for that question. The user may then save the question into memory; or navigate away from the question.

If the user navigates away without saving (by means of clicking a different item in the Listbox), I want to present them with a warning - giving the option to either abandon their unsaved changes; or to remain with the current selection, and revert the Listbox selection which they just clicked.

If "Abandon changes" is selected, it works fine. However it runs into trouble when I try to revert the Listbox selection. I use an "EventsOn" Boolean to handle when the Change procedure should proceed, to avoid it calling itself. This seems to work, at the correct point in the code. However after EventsOn is reinstated, and after Exit Sub, it seems that the Change event is called again.

I do not know why the event is firing again. This results in the user being presented with the option a second time.

A lot of the following code has been stripped out because it relates to details of other form controls; loading/saving data from a database; and handling classes and dictionaries. However I have retained the relevant logic of the form controls:

Option Explicit
Dim NumberOfQuestions As Long
Dim EventsOn As Boolean
Dim SelectedListIndex As Long, CurrentQuestion As Long, QuestionSaved As Variant
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Stripped out lots of code here. Basically opens a recordset and loads values
ReDim QuestionSaved(1 To NumberOfQuestions) As Boolean
For X = 1 To NumberOfQuestions
lbox_QuestionList.AddItem "Question " & X ' Populate the listbox with items
QuestionSaved(X) = True ' Flag the initial state as saved, for each question
If Not X = rst.RecordCount Then rst.MoveNext
Next X
' Select the first question by default. Note that the Listbox ListIndex starts at 0, whereas the questions start at 1
SelectedListIndex = 0
CurrentQuestion = 1
EventsOn = True
lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex = SelectedListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub lbox_QuestionList_Change()
' Ensure this event does NOT keep firing in a loop, when changed programmatically
If Not EventsOn Then Exit Sub
If Not QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) Then
If MsgBox(Prompt:="Abandon changes to current question?", Title:="Current question not saved", Buttons:=vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2) = vbYes Then
' Abandon changes = Yes
' Mark as saved
QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) = True
' Then proceed to change as normal
' (If the user comes back to this question, it will be re-loaded from memory in its original form)
' This works okay
' Abandon changes = No
EventsOn = False ' So this sub is not called again
' REVERT the ListBox selection. Do this by recalling the current question number, and applying it to the ListIndex
SelectedListIndex = CurrentQuestion - 1 ' Remember that the index will be minus 1, due to indexing starting at 0
lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex = SelectedListIndex
EventsOn = True
Exit Sub ' This should be the end of it. But somehow, it's not...
End If
End If
' Proceed with loading a new question according to the new selected ListIndex
SelectedListIndex = lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex ' Recognise the current selection
' ListIndex starts at zero, so we need to add 1
CurrentQuestion = SelectedListIndex + 1
ShowQuestion CurrentQuestion
End Sub
Private Sub ShowQuestion(QuestionNumber As Long)
' Stripped out code for brevity. Basically loads details from a dictionary of classes, and populates into textboxes
End Sub
Private Sub cb_Save_Click()
' Stipped out code. Takes values of current text boxes and saves them into a class in a dictionary
' Mark the current question as saved:
QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) = True
End Sub
''''''''''' Event handlers ''''''''''''''
Private Sub tb_Question_Change()
End Sub
' Several other form controls have similar events: all calling "DoChange" as below
Private Sub DoChange()
If Not EventsOn Then Exit Sub
QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) = False ' Flag the current question as NOT saved, if any changes are made to form values
End Sub

Naturally, I have searched for this problem - but there are no answers so far which have assisted me:

The logic of my code seems sound. The mystery is why the Change event is being called a second time, even after Exit Sub.


得分: 2


Private Function PopulateListbox(Optional ByVal arg_lSelected As Long = -1)
    Dim X As Long '
    For X = 1 To NumberofQuestions
        lbox_QuestionList.AddItem "Question " & X ' 填充列表框项
        QuestionSaved(X) = True ' 对于每个问题,标记初始状态为已保存
        ' 如果不是X = rst.RecordCount Then rst.MoveNext
    Next X
    Me.lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex = arg_lSelected
End Function


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ' 在这里剥离了大量的代码。基本上是打开记录集并加载值
    NumberofQuestions = 3 ' 这是NumberofQuestions的定义位置
    ReDim QuestionSaved(1 To NumberofQuestions)
    ReDim aAnswers(1 To NumberofQuestions)
    ' 默认情况下选择第一个问题。请注意,列表框的ListIndex从0开始,而问题从1开始
    SelectedListIndex = 0
    CurrentQuestion = 1
    EventsOn = True
    PopulateListbox SelectedListIndex ' 调用新函数并设置第一个选择
End Sub


Private Sub lbox_QuestionList_Change()
    ' 确保此事件在以编程方式更改时不会不断触发
    If Not EventsOn Then Exit Sub
    If Not QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) Or aAnswers(CurrentQuestion) <> Me.tb_Question.Text Then   ' 我添加了第二个条件用于测试目的,可能在您的完整代码中不必要
        If MsgBox(Prompt:="放弃对当前问题的更改吗?", Title:="当前问题未保存", Buttons:=vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2) = vbYes Then
            ' 放弃更改 = 是
            ' 标记为已保存
            QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) = True
            ' 然后正常进行更改
            ' (如果用户返回到此问题,它将以其原始形式从内存中重新加载)
            ' 这个方法可以正常工作
            ' 放弃更改 = 否
            EventsOn = False ' 因此不会再次调用此子程序
            ' 恢复ListBox选择。通过重新调用当前问题编号并将其应用于ListIndex来执行此操作
            SelectedListIndex = CurrentQuestion - 1 ' 请记住索引将减去1,因为索引从0开始
            PopulateListbox SelectedListIndex ' 在此处调用您的新函数
            EventsOn = True
            Exit Sub ' 这应该是它的结尾但不知何故它不是...
        End If
    End If
    ' 继续根据新选择的ListIndex加载新问题
    SelectedListIndex = lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex ' 识别当前选择
    ' ListIndex从零开始,所以我们需要加1
    CurrentQuestion = SelectedListIndex + 1
    ShowQuestion CurrentQuestion
End Sub

After looking into it for awhile, it appears that having the listbox set its own listindex from within its own change event (effectively recursively calling it) causes some weird backend issues. Fortunately, it's easy enough to deal with by migrating that bit out to its own function. After some experimenting, the best way to do it would be to create a function that clears and repopulates the listbox, so create this function in your UserForm code:

Private Function PopulateListbox(Optional ByVal arg_lSelected As Long = -1)
Dim X As Long &#39;
For X = 1 To NumberofQuestions
lbox_QuestionList.AddItem &quot;Question &quot; &amp; X &#39; Populate the listbox with items
QuestionSaved(X) = True &#39; Flag the initial state as saved, for each question
&#39;If Not X = rst.RecordCount Then rst.MoveNext
Next X
Me.lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex = arg_lSelected
End Function

Now adjust your Initialize event to look like this (note that you need to define NumberofQuestions here, and then call the new function at the end to populate the listbox and select the first entry):

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
&#39; Stripped out lots of code here. Basically opens a recordset and loads values
NumberofQuestions = 3  &#39;This is where NumberofQuestions gets defined
ReDim QuestionSaved(1 To NumberofQuestions)
ReDim aAnswers(1 To NumberofQuestions)
&#39; Select the first question by default. Note that the Listbox ListIndex starts at 0, whereas the questions start at 1
SelectedListIndex = 0
CurrentQuestion = 1
EventsOn = True
PopulateListbox SelectedListIndex  &#39;Call the new function and set the 1st selection
End Sub

Lastly, update your listbox_change event to look like this (basically just outsourcing the setting of the listbox entry to the new function):

Private Sub lbox_QuestionList_Change()
&#39; Ensure this event does NOT keep firing in a loop, when changed programmatically
If Not EventsOn Then Exit Sub
If Not QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) Or aAnswers(CurrentQuestion) &lt;&gt; Me.tb_Question.Text Then   &#39;I added the second condition for testing purposes, may not be necessary in your full code
If MsgBox(Prompt:=&quot;Abandon changes to current question?&quot;, Title:=&quot;Current question not saved&quot;, Buttons:=vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2) = vbYes Then
&#39; Abandon changes = Yes
&#39; Mark as saved
QuestionSaved(CurrentQuestion) = True
&#39; Then proceed to change as normal
&#39; (If the user comes back to this question, it will be re-loaded from memory in its original form)
&#39; This works okay
&#39; Abandon changes = No
EventsOn = False &#39; So this sub is not called again
&#39; REVERT the ListBox selection. Do this by recalling the current question number, and applying it to the ListIndex
SelectedListIndex = CurrentQuestion - 1 &#39; Remember that the index will be minus 1, due to indexing starting at 0
PopulateListbox SelectedListIndex &#39;Call your new function here
EventsOn = True
Exit Sub &#39; This should be the end of it. But somehow, it&#39;s not...
End If
End If
&#39; Proceed with loading a new question according to the new selected ListIndex
SelectedListIndex = lbox_QuestionList.ListIndex &#39; Recognise the current selection
&#39; ListIndex starts at zero, so we need to add 1
CurrentQuestion = SelectedListIndex + 1
ShowQuestion CurrentQuestion
End Sub


得分: 2






Option Explicit

Private Const TOTAL_QUESTIONS As Long = 3
Private qSaved As Variant
Private selectedDuringTextboxChange As Long
Private eventsInProgress As Long

Private Sub ListBox1_AfterUpdate()
    Debug.Print "列表框被点击,项目 " & (ListItemSelected() + 1) & " 被选中"
    If eventsInProgress > 0 Then
        Debug.Print "   ... 事件正在进行中,退出"
        eventsInProgress = eventsInProgress - 1
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not qSaved(selectedDuringTextboxChange) Then
        Dim answer As VbMsgBoxResult
        answer = MsgBox("放弃更改吗?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2)
        If answer = vbYes Then
            Debug.Print "是的,放弃更改"
            qSaved(selectedDuringTextboxChange) = True
            Debug.Print "不,保留更改"
            '--- 返回到之前选择的列表项
            eventsInProgress = eventsInProgress + 1
            ListBox1.Selected(selectedDuringTextboxChange - 1) = True
            ListBox1.ListIndex = selectedDuringTextboxChange - 1
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub QuitButton_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub SaveButton_Click()
    qSaved(ListBox1.ListIndex + 1) = True
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
    selectedDuringTextboxChange = ListBox1.ListIndex + 1
    qSaved(selectedDuringTextboxChange) = False
    Debug.Print "更改了问题 " & selectedDuringTextboxChange & " 的文本"
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ReDim qSaved(1 To TOTAL_QUESTIONS)
    selectedDuringTextboxChange = 1
    With ListBox1
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To TOTAL_QUESTIONS
            .AddItem "问题 " & i
            qSaved(i) = True
        Next i
        .Selected(0) = True
    End With
    eventsInProgress = False
End Sub

Private Sub UnselectAll()
    eventsInProgress = eventsInProgress + 1
    With ListBox1
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
            .Selected(i) = False
        Next i
    End With
    eventsInProgress = eventsInProgress - 1
End Sub

Private Function ListItemSelected() As Long
    ListItemSelected = -1
    With ListBox1
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
            If .Selected(i) Then
                ListItemSelected = i
            End If
        Next i
    End With
End Function

Private Sub WhichListItem_Click()
    With ListBox1
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
            Debug.Print "列表框项目(" & i & ") = " & .Selected(i)
        Next i
    End With
    Debug.Print "eventsInProgress = " & eventsInProgress
End Sub

*(curses to OP for getting this problem in my brain!)*
In my testing, I used the following UserForm:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
The code below uses the `ListBox1_AfterUpdate` event, and I believe it may work for you.
Option Explicit
Private Const TOTAL_QUESTIONS As Long = 3
Private qSaved As Variant
Private selectedDuringTextboxChange As Long
Private eventsInProgress As Long
Private Sub ListBox1_AfterUpdate()
Debug.Print &quot;listbox clicked, item &quot; &amp; (ListItemSelected() + 1) &amp; &quot; selected&quot;
If eventsInProgress &gt; 0 Then
Debug.Print &quot;   ... event in progress, exiting&quot;
eventsInProgress = eventsInProgress - 1
Exit Sub
End If
If Not qSaved(selectedDuringTextboxChange) Then
Dim answer As VbMsgBoxResult
answer = MsgBox(&quot;Abandon changes?&quot;, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2)
If answer = vbYes Then
Debug.Print &quot;yes, abandon the changes&quot;
qSaved(selectedDuringTextboxChange) = True
Debug.Print &quot;nope, keep the changes&quot;
&#39;--- return to the previously selected list item
eventsInProgress = eventsInProgress + 1
ListBox1.Selected(selectedDuringTextboxChange - 1) = True
ListBox1.ListIndex = selectedDuringTextboxChange - 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub QuitButton_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub SaveButton_Click()
qSaved(ListBox1.ListIndex + 1) = True
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
selectedDuringTextboxChange = ListBox1.ListIndex + 1
qSaved(selectedDuringTextboxChange) = False
Debug.Print &quot;changed text for question &quot; &amp; selectedDuringTextboxChange
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
selectedDuringTextboxChange = 1
With ListBox1
Dim i As Long
.AddItem &quot;Question &quot; &amp; i
qSaved(i) = True
Next i
.Selected(0) = True
End With
eventsInProgress = False
End Sub
Private Sub UnselectAll()
eventsInProgress = eventsInProgress + 1
With ListBox1
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
.Selected(i) = False
Next i
End With
eventsInProgress = eventsInProgress - 1
End Sub
Private Function ListItemSelected() As Long
ListItemSelected = -1
With ListBox1
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) Then
ListItemSelected = i
End If
Next i
End With
End Function
Private Sub WhichListItem_Click()
With ListBox1
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
Debug.Print &quot;listbox item(&quot; &amp; i &amp; &quot;) = &quot; &amp; .Selected(i)
Next i
End With
Debug.Print &quot;eventsInProgress = &quot; &amp; eventsInProgress
End Sub
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/pXyh2.png
# 答案3
**得分**: 0
Private Sub ListBox_Click() 函数运行两次的问题。
当我在列表框属性中清除了 ControlSource 后,问题就解决了。我不得不添加一行代码,以明确将列表框中的值写入工作表中的单元格。起初,单元格不会显示数据,所以我将范围名称设置为另一个单元格,那就没问题了。然后,我将新单元格拖放到原始位置。
I had a problem with a **Private Sub ListBox_Click()** running twice.
When I cleared the *ControlSource* in the list box properties it fixed the problem. I had to add a line of code to specifically write the value from the *listbox* to the cell in the worksheet. At first the cell would not display the data so I set the range name to another cell and that was OK. So, I then dragged and dropped the new cell into the original location. 
I don&#39;t understand where the problem originated, but the fix worked. 
# 答案4
**得分**: 0
I had a similar unexpected issue, so maybe someone will find this result helpful.
Within a multi-selection-enabled Listbox_Change event, I checked the value of the currently-selected item to see whether it had been checked or unchecked.
``` Private Sub lstBox_Change()
With lstBox
If .Selected(.ListIndex) Then
' Call Method A.
' Call Method B.
End If
End With
End Sub

当列表被选中时,它会正确检测到选择并调用 A,但是,当代码执行到 Change 事件的 End Sub 时,复选框会自动取消选择,并再次触发 Change 事件。请注意,我没有在 ListBox 中设置任何值;我只是检查当前项目是否被选中或取消选中。但不知何故,这会触发它自动取消选择。 (此外,这似乎只发生在对 Change 事件的第一次调用上。之后它表现正常。)

我尝试了一些其他修复方法,但 BeforeUpdateAfterUpdate 似乎根本不会触发。当我将选择测试移出 If 语句并将结果放入布尔变量中时,问题消失了:

        With lstBox
BooleanResult = (.Selected(.ListIndex) = True)
If BooleanResult Then
' Call Method A.
' Call Method B.
End If
End With
End Sub

之后,ListBox 一直按预期行为。


I had a similar unexpected issue, so maybe someone will find this result helpful.
Within a multi-selection-enabled Listbox_Change event, I checked the value of the currently-selected item to see whether it had been checked or unchecked.

    Private Sub lstBox_Change()
With lstBox
If .Selected(.ListIndex) Then
&#39; Call Method A.
&#39; Call Method B.
End If
End With
End Sub

When the list was checked, it would properly detect the selection and call A--but then, when stepping through the code and reaching the Change event's End Sub, the checkbox would automatically become unselected, and the Change event would fire again. Note that I wasn't setting any value in the ListBox itself; I was only checking to see whether the current item was checked or unchecked. But, somehow, that triggered it to unselect itself. (Also, this only seemed to happen on the first call to the Change event. Thereafter it behaved normally.)</p>
I tried some of the other fixes, but BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate never seemed to fire at all. The problem went away when I moved the selection test outside of the If statement and put the result into a Boolean instead:

    Private Sub lstBox_Change()
With lstBox
BooleanResult = (.Selected(.ListIndex) = True)
If BooleanResult Then
&#39; Call Method A.
&#39; Call Method B.
End If
End With
End Sub

After that, the ListBox consistently behaved as expected.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月3日 23:15:59
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59581009.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
