
huangapple go评论69阅读模式

How force timestamp of folders recursevely with Powershell?



$item = Get-ChildItem -force -recurse | Where-Object {! $_.PSIsContainer} 
foreach($object in $item)
     $object.CreationTime=("31 December 2019 23:59:59")
     $object.LastWriteTime=("31 December 2019 23:59:59")
     $object.LastAccessTime=("31 December 2019 23:59:59")



With PowerShell i use this script:

$item =  Get-ChildItem -force -recurse | Where-Object {! $_.PSIsContainer} 
foreach($object in $item)
     $object.CreationTime=("31 December 2019 23:59:59")
     $object.LastWriteTime=("31 December 2019 23:59:59")
     $object.LastAccessTime=("31 December 2019 23:59:59")

And it change timestamp for file only but not has effects on folders. How i can fix it, so which too timestamp of folders is update?
Thanks very much.


得分: 3

因为在您的代码中,您使用 | Where-Object {! $_.PSIsContainer} 进行目录过滤,所以该函数不会对文件夹执行任何操作。


$date = Get-Date -Year 2019 -Month 12 -Day 31 -Hour 23 -Minute 59 -Second 59

Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' -Force -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
     $_.CreationTime   = $date
     $_.LastWriteTime  = $date
     $_.LastAccessTime = $date

请注意,在这个示例中,根文件夹(例如 D:\Test)本身不会受到影响,只有根文件夹内的所有文件和文件夹会获得新的时间戳。

关于您提到的 LastAccessTime 未被影响的问题:

当在资源管理器中列出目录时,Windows 会自动更新目录的 LastAccessTime。这是由一个注册表设置处理的。
可以通过将此注册表项设置为 1 来关闭此功能(默认值为 0)。

  • 0:列出目录时,NTFS 更新每个检测到的目录的最后访问时间戳,并在NTFS日志中记录每次更改。
  • 1:列出目录时,NTFS 不会更新最后访问时间戳,也不会在NTFS日志中记录时间戳的更新。

要在目录上禁用自动更新 LastAccessTime

Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate -Value 1 -Type DWord


Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate -Value 0 -Type DWord

NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate 的可能值:

  • 0 - 用户管理,启用最后访问时间更新
  • 1 - 用户管理,禁用最后访问时间更新
  • 2 - 系统管理,启用最后访问时间更新
  • 3 - 系统管理,禁用最后访问时间更新

尽管在Windows 10中,这些值已更改为负值(十六进制):

  • 0x80000000 - 用户管理,启用最后访问时间更新
  • 0x80000001 - 用户管理,禁用最后访问时间更新
  • 0x80000002 - 系统管理,启用最后访问时间更新
  • 0x80000003 - 系统管理,禁用最后访问时间更新




Because in your code you are filtering out directories with | Where-Object {! $_.PSIsContainer}, the function will not do anything on folders.

You can simplify the code using something like this:

$date = Get-Date -Year 2019 -Month 12 -Day 31 -Hour 23 -Minute 59 -Second 59

Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' -Force -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
     $_.CreationTime   = $date
     $_.LastWriteTime  = $date
     $_.LastAccessTime = $date

Mind you, the rootfolder (in this example D:\Test) itself wil not be affected, only all files and folders inside the rootfolder will get new timestamps.


As for your question about LastAccessTime not being affected:

Windows will automatically update the LastAccessTime on directories when listed in Explorer. This is handles by a registry setting.
It is possible to turn off that feature by setting this registry entry to 1
(Default value is 0)

  • 0 When listing directories, NTFS updates the last-access timestamp on each directory it detects, and it records each time change in the NTFS log.
  • 1 When listing directories, NTFS does not update the last-access timestamp, and it does not record time stamp updates in the NTFS log.

To disable the automatic update of the LastAccessTime on directories:

Set-ItemProperty -Path &#39;HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem&#39; -Name NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate -Value 1 -Type DWord

To (re)enable the default behaviour:

Set-ItemProperty -Path &#39;HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem&#39; -Name NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate -Value 0 -Type DWord

Possible values for NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate

0 - User Managed, Last Access Updates Enabled
1 - User Managed, Last Access Updates Disabled
2 - System Managed, Last Access Updates Enabled
3 - System Managed, Last Access Updates Disabled

Although in Windows 10 these values have changed to negative values (in hex):

0x80000000 - User Managed, Last Access Updates Enabled
0x80000001 - User Managed, Last Access Updates Disabled
0x80000002 - System Managed, Last Access Updates Enabled
0x80000003 - System Managed, Last Access Updates Disabled


Hope that explains somewhat

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月3日 17:14:06
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/59575813.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
