如何在Go语言中解压缩ECDH P256曲线上的单个X9.62压缩点?

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How to uncompress a single X9.62 compressed point on an ECDH P256 curve in Go?










Golang's elliptical curve library can derive a secret key given a public coordinate with a X and Y value (uncompressed coordinates).

However, when the point given is a single value in X9.62 compressed form with a given y-bit, how do I uncompress it?

OpenSSL handles this scenario with this method:


There also appears to be a similar question addressing the math involved, but not a best practice for Go, specifically:


How should this be done in Go?


得分: 16



基本上,你需要将你的X值插入到曲线方程Y^2 = X^3 + aX + b中,然后使用符号位确定你想要的两个根中的哪一个。棘手的地方在于记住所有这些操作都需要在群的有限域素数模下进行。



  1. compressed_bytes := //...
  2. // 将符号字节与其余部分分离
  3. sign_byte := uint(compressed_bytes[0])
  4. x_bytes := compressed_bytes[1:]
  5. // 转换为大整数
  6. x := new(big.Int).SetBytes(x_bytes)
  7. // 我们会多次使用3
  8. three := big.NewInt(3)
  9. // 我们需要P256的曲线参数
  10. c := elliptic.P256().Params()
  11. // 方程为y^2 = x^3 - 3x + b
  12. // 首先计算x^3,模P
  13. x_cubed := new(big.Int).Exp(x, three, c.P)
  14. // 接下来计算3x,模P
  15. three_X := new(big.Int).Mul(x, three)
  16. three_X.Mod(three_X, c.P)
  17. // x^3 - 3x ...
  18. y_squared := new(big.Int).Sub(x_cubed, three_X)
  19. // ... + b 模P
  20. y_squared.Add(y_squared, c.B)
  21. y_squared.Mod(y_squared, c.P)
  22. // 现在我们需要找到模P的平方根。
  23. // 这就是Go的大整数库派上用场的地方。
  24. y := new(big.Int).ModSqrt(y_squared, c.P)
  25. if y == nil {
  26. // 如果发生这种情况,说明你处理的是一个无效的点。
  27. // 在这里可以抛出异常、返回错误,或者采取其他操作。
  28. }
  29. // 最后,通过比较低位与符号字节的低位来检查是否有正确的根。
  30. // 如果不相同,你需要取-y mod P而不是y。
  31. if y.Bit(0) != sign_byte & 1 {
  32. y.Neg(y)
  33. y.Mod(y, c.P)
  34. }
  35. // 现在你的y坐标在y中,可以用于所有的ScalarMult需求。



As far as I know there is no point decompression function in the Go standard library (or the “x” packages), so you’d have to do it yourself (or find an existing implementation).

The implementation is not too difficult, although there are a couple of things to looks out for.

Basically, you need plug your X value into the curve equation <code>Y<sup>2</sup> = X<sup>3</sup> + aX + b</code>, and then determine which of the two roots you want using the sign bit. The tricky bit is remembering that all this needs to be done modulo the field prime of the group.

I find Go’s big integer package can be a bit odd to use sometimes, because it uses mutable values, but it does have a modular square root function which makes things a lot easier for us. The curve parameters are available in the crypto/elliptic package, although you need to know the a parameter is always -3 for these curves.

Assuming you have the compressed point as a []byte (with a leading 0x02 or 0x03) in compressed_bytes, the following should work. This is a pretty direct implementation of the equation, broken up with comments and lots of named variables to attempt to explain what’s going on. Have a look at the source of CurveParams.IsOnCurve for a slightly more efficient (and shorter) implementation. It’s basically the same up until the modular square root.

  1. compressed_bytes := //...
  2. // Split the sign byte from the rest
  3. sign_byte := uint(compressed_bytes[0])
  4. x_bytes := compressed_bytes[1:]
  5. // Convert to big Int.
  6. x := new(big.Int).SetBytes(x_bytes)
  7. // We use 3 a couple of times
  8. three := big.NewInt(3)
  9. // and we need the curve params for P256
  10. c := elliptic.P256().Params()
  11. // The equation is y^2 = x^3 - 3x + b
  12. // First, x^3, mod P
  13. x_cubed := new(big.Int).Exp(x, three, c.P)
  14. // Next, 3x, mod P
  15. three_X := new(big.Int).Mul(x, three)
  16. three_X.Mod(three_X, c.P)
  17. // x^3 - 3x ...
  18. y_squared := new(big.Int).Sub(x_cubed, three_X)
  19. // ... + b mod P
  20. y_squared.Add(y_squared, c.B)
  21. y_squared.Mod(y_squared, c.P)
  22. // Now we need to find the square root mod P.
  23. // This is where Go&#39;s big int library redeems itself.
  24. y := new(big.Int).ModSqrt(y_squared, c.P)
  25. if y == nil {
  26. // If this happens then you&#39;re dealing with an invalid point.
  27. // Panic, return an error, whatever you want here.
  28. }
  29. // Finally, check if you have the correct root by comparing
  30. // the low bit with the low bit of the sign byte. If it’s not
  31. // the same you want -y mod P instead of y.
  32. if y.Bit(0) != sign_byte &amp; 1 {
  33. y.Neg(y)
  34. y.Mod(y, c.P)
  35. }
  36. // Now your y coordinate is in y, for all your ScalarMult needs.


得分: 1

在后续的Go版本中,情况有所改善。现在可以使用方法UnmarshalCompressed。这是在Go 1.15中引入的。


  1. x, y := elliptic.UnmarshalCompressed(elliptic.P224(), compressed)

Things have improved in later Go versions. Now the method UnmarshalCompressed can be used. This was introduced with Go 1.15.


  1. x,y := elliptic.UnmarshalCompressed(elliptic.P224(), compressed)

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年9月19日 00:04:37
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/46283760.html



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