
huangapple go评论113阅读模式

Is there a way to order types quickly in Go?




  1. if type1.Name() < type2.Name() { ...



  1. 比较的结果在进程的生命周期内保持一致。
  2. 对于不同的类型,比较结果应该是不相等的,对于相同的类型,比较结果应该是相等的。





I have a package which has to order Go types, quickly.

Currently I use reflect.Types, get their name with Name(), and order the names as strings:

  1. if type1.Name() < type2.Name() { ...

However, it uses a string comparison. It works, but I am looking for a more quick solution.

How exactly this comparison works, is not an important thing to me - only what I need,

  1. the result of the comparison should be same in the life of process.
  2. it should be non-equal for different types, but equal for the same type.

Comparing the reflect.Type variables directly with < doesn't work, as this operation is not defined for reflect.Types in Go.

It would be possible to generate a hash of the type names to 64- or 128 bit integers, and then compare these integers. It is a possibility, however I am looking for a yet quicker solution.

Another possibility would be to compare the reflect.Type variables by their unsafe pointers (casted to int64), but as far I know, there is no guarantee in Go that the unsafe pointer addresses won't change in the life cycle of the process. Thus, I would lose my (1) requirement.


得分: 2







  1. // Compare比较两个类型,如果t1 < t2,则返回负数,如果t1 > t2,则返回正数,否则返回0。
  2. func Compare(t1, t2 reflect.Type) int {
  3. }


  1. var (
  2. registry = map[reflect.Type]int{}
  3. max int
  4. )
  5. func value(t reflect.Type) int {
  6. v := registry[t]
  7. if v == 0 {
  8. max++
  9. v, registry[t] = max, max
  10. }
  11. return v
  12. }
  13. // Compare比较两个类型,如果t1 < t2,则返回负数,如果t1 > t2,则返回正数,否则返回0。
  14. func Compare(t1, t2 reflect.Type) int {
  15. v1, v2 := value(t1), value(t2)
  16. return v1 - v2
  17. }


  1. tstring := reflect.TypeOf("")
  2. tint := reflect.TypeOf(int(1))
  3. ttime := reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
  4. fmt.Println(Compare(tstring, tstring)) // 0
  5. fmt.Println(Compare(tint, ttime)) // -1,tint先注册
  6. fmt.Println(Compare(ttime, tint)) // 1
  7. fmt.Println(Compare(tint, tint)) // 0
  8. fmt.Println(Compare(tstring, ttime)) // -2
  9. fmt.Println(Compare(ttime, tstring)) // 2

输出结果(在Go Playground上尝试):

  1. 0
  2. -1
  3. 1
  4. 0
  5. -2
  6. 2



  1. var mu sync.RWMutex
  2. func value(t reflect.Type) int {
  3. mu.RLock()
  4. v := registry[t]
  5. mu.RUnlock()
  6. if v == 0 {
  7. mu.Lock()
  8. max++
  9. v, registry[t] = max, max
  10. mu.Unlock()
  11. }
  12. return v
  13. }

其余部分保持不变。输出结果相同。在Go Playground上尝试这个版本。






  1. func Value(t reflect.Type) int {
  2. // ...
  3. }



  1. vstring := Value(reflect.TypeOf(""))
  2. vint := Value(reflect.TypeOf(int(1)))
  3. vtime := Value(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}))
  4. fmt.Println(vstring - vstring) // 0
  5. fmt.Println(vint - vtime) // -1,tint先注册
  6. fmt.Println(vtime - vint) // 1
  7. fmt.Println(vint - vint) // 0
  8. fmt.Println(vstring - vtime) // -2
  9. fmt.Println(vtime - vstring) // 2

Go Playground上尝试这个版本。


Using Type.Name() is bad

Using Type.Name() for comparison is a really bad idea as there are many anonymous types where Type.Name() returns the empty string such as []int, *int etc. Also the name returned by Type.Name() does not include the package name, so for example names of time.Time and foo.Time will be &quot;Time&quot; and therefore considered equal. No more is needed to be said. Check out https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36310538/identify-non-builtin-types-using-reflect/37292523#37292523 for more details.

With an internal registry

An easy and fast way would be to assign a single integer (e.g. an int value) to all types that need to be compared, and then you don't need any string comparison nor hashing, just compare the assigned int values.

Only question left is how to assign and remember these int values. The assigned values may simply be continuous values, starting with 1, then 2, 3 etc. This assignment and lookup may be automatic (hidden from our eyes).

Essentially we want a function something like this:

  1. // Compare compares 2 types, returns a negative number
  2. // if t1 &lt; t2, a positive number if t1 &gt; t2, and 0 otherwise.
  3. func Compare(t1, t2 reflect.Type) int {
  4. }

And the implementation is very simple / compact:

  1. var (
  2. registry = map[reflect.Type]int{}
  3. max int
  4. )
  5. func value(t reflect.Type) int {
  6. v := registry[t]
  7. if v == 0 {
  8. max++
  9. v, registry[t] = max, max
  10. }
  11. return v
  12. }
  13. // Compare compares 2 types, returns a negative number
  14. // if t1 &lt; t2, a positive number if t1 &gt; t2, and 0 otherwise.
  15. func Compare(t1, t2 reflect.Type) int {
  16. v1, v2 := value(t1), value(t2)
  17. return v1 - v2
  18. }

Testing it:

  1. tstring := reflect.TypeOf(&quot;&quot;)
  2. tint := reflect.TypeOf(int(1))
  3. ttime := reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
  4. fmt.Println(Compare(tstring, tstring)) // 0
  5. fmt.Println(Compare(tint, ttime)) // -1, tint gets registered first
  6. fmt.Println(Compare(ttime, tint)) // 1
  7. fmt.Println(Compare(tint, tint)) // 0
  8. fmt.Println(Compare(tstring, ttime)) // -2
  9. fmt.Println(Compare(ttime, tstring)) // 2

Output (try it on the Go Playground):

  1. 0
  2. -1
  3. 1
  4. 0
  5. -2
  6. 2

Making it safe for concurrent use

One weakness though: the implementation is not safe for concurrent use (by multiple goroutines). If we need safety for concurrent use, access to the registry map (and to the max variable) must be synchronized:

  1. var mu sync.RWMutex
  2. func value(t reflect.Type) int {
  3. mu.RLock()
  4. v := registry[t]
  5. mu.RUnlock()
  6. if v == 0 {
  7. mu.Lock()
  8. max++
  9. v, registry[t] = max, max
  10. mu.Unlock()
  11. }
  12. return v
  13. }

The rest is unchanged. The output is the same. Try this one on the Go Playground.

Under the hood (looking closer)

Now this Compare() implies using a lock under the hood. Also in order to get the assigned integer value of a type, we have to index a map. The type of the key in this map is reflect.Type which is an interface type. Current implementation of reflect.Type is *reflect.rtype which is a pointer, so it is still fast enough as only a pointer is hashed and then looked for in a bucket (the builtin map is a hashmap implementation).

The fastest solution (getting rid of locks and map indexing)

Now this Compare() implies using a lock under the hood (and indexing a map), so that may still be an unacceptable "burden" if you really seek the fastest solution. You can easily get rid of using those all the time when comparison is needed if you acquire the internal int value assigned for the type, and use that, even directly to compare to another type's value.

For this, all you need to do is "publish" (export) the value() function:

  1. func Value(t reflect.Type) int {
  2. // ...
  3. }

And Compare() may even be removed. So libraries that need this kind of type comparison can query the integer value assigned to a type, and they can "cache" this value to avoid having to call it again (as it won't change during the lifetime of a process), and it can be compared to other values obtained by this Value() function.

For example:

  1. vstring := Value(reflect.TypeOf(&quot;&quot;))
  2. vint := Value(reflect.TypeOf(int(1)))
  3. vtime := Value(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}))
  4. fmt.Println(vstring - vstring) // 0
  5. fmt.Println(vint - vtime) // -1, tint gets registered first
  6. fmt.Println(vtime - vint) // 1
  7. fmt.Println(vint - vint) // 0
  8. fmt.Println(vstring - vtime) // -2
  9. fmt.Println(vtime - vstring) // 2

Try this one on the Go Playground.

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年9月3日 00:48:45
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/46016043.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
