如何在 golang 模板中计算一列的总和?

huangapple go评论75阅读模式

How to calculate a total for a column inside a golang template?



{{ $TotalPrice := 0.0 }}
{{ range $i, $tx := .Transactions }}
{{ $TotalPrice := FloatInc $TotalPrice (StrToFloat .TotalPrice) }}
    <td>{{ inc $i 1 }}</td> 
    <td>{{ .Description.String }}</td>
    <td>{{ .Type }}</td>
    <td>{{ .TotalPrice }}</td>
    <td>{{ .Note }}</td>  
{{ end }}
  <td>{{ $TotalPrice }}</td>

Transactions是带有TotalPrice DB字段的货币交易,根据Iris框架的规范,我有4个函数。

tmpl.AddFunc("dec", func(num int, step int) int {
    return num - step

tmpl.AddFunc("inc", func(num int, step int) int {
    return num + step

tmpl.AddFunc("FloatDec", func(num float64, step float64) float64 {
    return num - step

tmpl.AddFunc("FloatInc", func(num float64, step float64) float64 {
    return num + step

tmpl.AddFunc("StrToFloat", func(s string) (float64, error) {
    return strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)

我注意到$TotalPrice在每次迭代中保持初始值(0.0),所以在range内部的{{ $TotalPrice }}将打印.TotalPrice的值,并且最后一行的$TotalPrice的值也将为0.0。那么在go模板中,以下代码的等效写法是什么:

nums := []int{2, 3, 4}
sum := 0
for _, num := range nums {
    sum += num
fmt.Println("sum:", sum)

I have this code inside a html/template:

{{ $TotalPrice := 0.0 }}
{{ range $i, $tx := .Transactions }}
{{ $TotalPrice := FloatInc $TotalPrice (StrToFloat .TotalPrice) }}
    &lt;td&gt;{{ inc $i 1 }}&lt;/td&gt; 
    &lt;td&gt;{{ .Description.String }}&lt;/td&gt;
    &lt;td&gt;{{ .Type }}&lt;/td&gt;
    &lt;td&gt;{{ .TotalPrice }}&lt;/td&gt;
    &lt;td&gt;{{ .Note }}&lt;/td&gt;  
{{ end }}
  &lt;td&gt;{{ $TotalPrice }}&lt;/td&gt;

Transactions are Money Transaction with TotalPrice DB Fields and I have 4 functions according Iris framework spec.

tmpl.AddFunc(&quot;dec&quot;, func(num int, step int) int {
    return num - step

tmpl.AddFunc(&quot;inc&quot;, func(num int, step int) int {
    return num + step

tmpl.AddFunc(&quot;FloatDec&quot;, func(num float64, step float64) float64 {
    return num - step

tmpl.AddFunc(&quot;FloatInc&quot;, func(num float64, step float64) float64 {
    return num + step

tmpl.AddFunc(&quot;StrToFloat&quot;, func(s string) (float64, error) {
    return strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)

I've note the $TotalPrice keeps the initial value (0.0) for every iteration so {{ $TotalPrice }} inside the range will print the .TotalPrice value and the value of $TotalPrice at the last row will be 0.0 too then what is the equivalent, inside go template, of:

nums := []int{2, 3, 4}
sum := 0
for _, num := range nums {
    sum += num
fmt.Println(&quot;sum:&quot;, sum)


得分: 3


  1. 外部总价格的值被声明为$TotalPrice := 0.0,始终为0.0,并且变量的作用域延伸到模板的末尾。
  2. 当你在range内部定义一个名为$TotalPrice的变量时,尽管变量名相同,但会分配一个全新的变量。这个变量的值由FloatInc($TotalPrice, .TotalPrice)给出。注意,参数$TotalPrice指的是外部的总价格,即0.0,所以这个语句相当于$TotalPrice := 0.0 + .TotalPrice。因此,当你在每次迭代中打印$TotalPrice时,你得到的是当前的.TotalPrice,而不是累积的总价格。
  3. 在(2)中声明的变量的作用域在rangeend之间。因此,当你在最后一行打印$TotalPrice时,你得到的是在(1)中声明的外部总价格的值,即0.0


tmpl.AddFunc("sum", func(transactions []Transaction) float64 {
    sum := 0.0
    for _, t := range transactions {
        if v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(t.TotalPrice, 64); err == nil {
            sum += v
    return sum


{{ $TotalPrice := sum .Transactions }}

In Go's template, once you declare a variable and assign value to it, you can't change its value. What happen in your code are:

  1. The value of outer total price which is declared as $TotalPrice := 0.0 is always 0.0, and the variable scope is extended to the end of the template.
  2. When you defined a variable named $TotalPrice inside range, although the variable name is the same, a completely new variable will be allocated. The value assigned to this variable is given by FloatInc($TotalPrice, .TotalPrice). Note that argument $TotalPrice refers to outer total price which is 0.0, so the statement will be equal to $TotalPrice := 0.0 + .TotalPrice. Thus, when you print the $TotalPrice in each iteration, you got current .TotalPrice instead of accumulated total price.
  3. The scope of variable declared in (2) is between range and end. Thus when you print $TotalPrice at the last row, you got the value of outer total price declared in (1), i.e. 0.0.

In your case, you need to declare a function which takes Transactions as its argument then calculate the total inside the function, e.g.

tmpl.AddFunc(&quot;sum&quot;, func(transactions []Transaction) float64 {
	sum := 0.0
	for _, t := range transactions {
		if v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(t.TotalPrice, 64); err == nil {
			sum += v
	return sum

then use it in the template as:

{{ $TotalPrice := sum .Transactions }}

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年8月29日 09:35:58
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/45929461.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
