理解 Go 通道死锁

huangapple go评论102阅读模式

Understanding Go channel deadlocks



package main

import (

func main() {
	p := producer()
	for c := range p {

func producer() <-chan string {
	ch := make(chan string)
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
			ch <- fmt.Sprint("hello", i)
			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
		// 注释掉下面的代码以显示问题
		// close(ch)
	return ch

运行上述代码将打印出5条消息,然后出现"all go routines are a sleep - deadlock error"错误。我理解,如果我关闭通道,错误就会消失。



go func() {
	for {
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)


package main

import (

func main() {
	p := producer()
	for c := range p {

func producer() &lt;-chan string {
	ch := make(chan string)
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i &lt; 5; i++ {
			ch &lt;- fmt.Sprint(&quot;hello&quot;, i)
			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
        // commented the below to show the issue
        // close(ch)
	return ch

Running the above code will print 5 messages and then give a "all go routines are a sleep - deadlock error". I understand that if I close the channel the error is gone.

The thing I would like to understand is how does go runtime know that the code will be waiting infinitely on the channel and that there is nothing else that will be sending data into the channel.

Now if I add an additional go routine to the main() function.. it does not throw any error and keeps waiting on the channel.

go func() {
		for {
			time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)

So does this mean.. the go runtime is just looking for presence of a running go routine that could potentially send data into the channel and hence not throwing the deadlock error ?


得分: 7

如果你想更深入了解Go如何实现死锁检测,可以查看代码中抛出“all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!”的位置:https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/runtime/proc.go#L3751

看起来,Go运行时在如何计算有多少个goroutine、有多少个空闲以及有多少个正在等待锁的goroutine(不确定在通道I/O上等待的goroutine是否会增加)方面保持了一些相当简单的记账。在任何给定的时间(与运行时的其余部分串行化),它只是进行一些算术计算,并检查是否“all - idle - locked > 0”...如果是这样,那么程序仍然可以继续进行...如果是0,那么你肯定发生了死锁。





If you want some more insight into how Go implements the deadlock detection, have a look at the place in the code that throws the &quot;all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!&quot;: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/runtime/proc.go#L3751

It looks like the Go runtime keeps some fairly simple accounting on how many goroutines there are, how many are idle, and how many are sleeping for locks (not sure which one sleep on channel I/O will increment). At any given time (serialized with the rest of the runtime), it just does some arithmetic and checks if all - idle - locked &gt; 0... if so, then the program could still make progress... if it's 0, then you're definitely deadlocked.

It's possible you could introduce a livelock by preventing a goroutine from sleeping via an infinite loop (like what you did in your experiment, and apparently sleep for timers isn't treated the same by the runtime). The runtime wouldn't be able to detect a deadlock in that case, and run forever.

Furthermore, I'm not sure when exactly the runtime checks for deadlocks- further inspection of who calls that checkdead() may yield some insight there, if you're interested.

DISCLAIMER- I'm not a Go core developer, I just play one on TV 理解 Go 通道死锁


得分: 5




The runtime panics with the "all go routines are a sleep - deadlock error" error when all goroutines are blocked on channel and mutex operations.

The sleeping goroutine does not block on one of these operations. There is no deadlock and therefore no panic.

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年8月25日 05:31:38
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/45871203.html



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