Efficient way of flattening a recursive data structure in golang

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Efficient way of flattening a recursive data structure in golang



type Data interface {
    // 一些方法
type Pair struct { // 实现了Data接口
    fst Data
    snd Data
type Number float64 // 实现了Data接口


chain := Pair{Number(1.0), Pair{Number(2.0), Pair{Number(3.0), nil}}}
chain2 := Pair{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(4.0)}, Pair{Number(2.0), Pair{Number(3.0), nil}}}


data := []Data{Number(1.0), Number(2.0), Number(3.0)}
data2 := []Data{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(4.0)}, Number(2.0), Number(3.0)}


var data []Data
chain := Pair{Number(1.0), Pair{Number(2.0), Pair{Number(3.0), nil}}}

for chain != nil {
    data = append(data, chain.fst)
    chain = chain.snd



I have a recursive data structure that can contain a few different type of data:

type Data interface{
 // Some methods
type Pair struct { // implements Data
  fst Data
  snd Data
type Number float64 // implements Data

Now I want to flatten a chain of Pairs into a []Data. However, the Data in the fst field should not be flattened, only data in snd should be flattened. E.g:

chain := Pair{Number(1.0), Pair{Number(2.0), Pair{Number(3.0), nil}}}
chain2 := Pair{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(4.0)}, Pair{Number(2.0), Pair{Number(3.0), nil}}}


data := []Data{Number(1.0), Number(2.0), Number(3.0)}
data2 := []Data{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(4.0)}, Number(2.0), Number(3.0)}

My naive approach would be:

var data []Data
chain := Pair{Number(1.0), Pair{Number(2.0), Pair{Number(3.0), nil}}}

for chain != nil {
    data = append(data, chain.fst)
    chain = chain.snd

Is there a more efficient approach that can flatten a data structure like the one in the variable chain into an []Data array?


得分: 2




You can use a recursive function. On the way down, add up the number of pairs, at the bottom, allocate the array, and on the way back up, fill the array from back to front.

If you need to support arbitrary trees, you can add a size method to Data, and then do another tree traversal to actually fill the array.


得分: 0

嗯,你的简单方法对于嵌套在fst中的Pair是不起作用的。如果你有chain := Pair{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(2.0)}, Number{3.0}},它最终会变成[]Data{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(2.0)}, Number{3.0}}。这是一个固有的递归问题,为什么不将其实现为递归呢?



package main

import "fmt"

type Data interface {
	flatten() []Data

type Pair struct {
	fst Data
	snd Data

type Number float64

func (p Pair) flatten() []Data {
	res := []Data{}
	if p.fst != nil {
		res = append(res, p.fst.flatten()...)
	if p.snd != nil {
		res = append(res, p.snd.flatten()...)
	return res

func (n Number) flatten() []Data {
	return []Data{n}

func main() {
	tests := []Data{
		Pair{Number(1.0), Pair{Number(2.0), Pair{Number(3.0), nil}}},
		Pair{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(2.0)}, Number(3.0)},
		Pair{Pair{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(2.0)}, Pair{Number(3.0), Number(4.0)}}, Pair{Pair{Number(5.0), Number(6.0)}, Number(7.0)}},
	for _, t := range tests {
		fmt.Printf("原始数据: %v\n", t)
		fmt.Printf("展开后的数据: %v\n", t.flatten())



原始数据: {1 {2 {3 <nil>}}}
展开后的数据: [1 2 3]
原始数据: {{1 2} 3}
展开后的数据: [1 2 3]
原始数据: {{{1 2} {3 4}} {{5 6} 7}}
展开后的数据: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
原始数据: 1
展开后的数据: [1]

Huh, your naive approach doesn't work for Pairs nested inside fst. If you had chain := Pair{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(2.0)}, Number{3.0}}, it would end up as []Data{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(2.0)}, Number{3.0}}. This is an inherently recursive problem, so why not implement it as such?

I suggest adding a flatten() method to your interface. Pairs can just recursively nest themselves, and Numbers just return their value.

Here's a fully working example with some minimal testing:

package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;

type Data interface {
	flatten() []Data

type Pair struct {
	fst Data
	snd Data

type Number float64

func (p Pair) flatten() []Data {
	res := []Data{}
	if p.fst != nil {
		res = append(res, p.fst.flatten()...)
	if p.snd != nil {
		res = append(res, p.snd.flatten()...)
	return res

func (n Number) flatten() []Data {
	return []Data{n}

func main() {
	tests := []Data{
		Pair{Number(1.0), Pair{Number(2.0), Pair{Number(3.0), nil}}},
		Pair{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(2.0)}, Number(3.0)},
		Pair{Pair{Pair{Number(1.0), Number(2.0)}, Pair{Number(3.0), Number(4.0)}}, Pair{Pair{Number(5.0), Number(6.0)}, Number(7.0)}},
	for _, t := range tests {
		fmt.Printf(&quot;Original: %v\n&quot;, t)
		fmt.Printf(&quot;Flattened: %v\n&quot;, t.flatten())

(This assumes that the top-level input Data is never nil).

The code prints:

Original: {1 {2 {3 &lt;nil&gt;}}}
Flattened: [1 2 3]
Original: {{1 2} 3}
Flattened: [1 2 3]
Original: {{{1 2} {3 4}} {{5 6} 7}}
Flattened: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
Original: 1
Flattened: [1]


得分: 0


func flatten(d Data) []Data {
    var res []Data

    stack := []Data{d}

    for {
        if len(stack) == 0 {
        switch x := stack[len(stack)-1].(type) {
        case Pair:
            stack[len(stack)-1] = x.snd
            stack = append(stack, x.fst)
        case Number:
            res = append(res, x)
            stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
            if x == nil {
                stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
            } else {
                panic("INVALID TYPE")

    return res

As suggested, writing a recursive function fits best for this problem. But it's also possible to write a non-recursive version (IMHO recursive version would be more clear):

func flatten(d Data) []Data {
	var res []Data

	stack := []Data{d}

	for {
		if len(stack) == 0 {
		switch x := stack[len(stack)-1].(type) {
		case Pair:
			stack[len(stack)-1] = x.snd
			stack = append(stack, x.fst)
		case Number:
			res = append(res, x)
			stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
			if x == nil {
				stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
			} else {
				panic(&quot;INVALID TYPE&quot;)

	return res

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年8月18日 19:43:55
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/45755873.html



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