Docker scratch 默认包含什么?

huangapple go评论75阅读模式

What Docker scratch contains by default?


有一个选项可以使用FROM scratch,对我来说,这似乎是构建Go容器的一种非常吸引人的方式。




There is an option to use FROM scratch for me it looks like a really attractive way of building my Go containers.

My question is what does it still have natively to run binaries do I need to add anything in order to reliably run Go binaries? Compiled Go binary seems to run it at least on my laptop.

My goal is to keep image size to a minimum both for security and infra management reasons. In an optimal situation, my container would not be able to execute binaries or shell commands outside of build phase.


得分: 13


  • 使用CGO_ENABLED=0时,你不能使用任何C代码。实际上并不太难。
  • 使用CGO_ENABLED=0时,你的应用程序将不使用系统的DNS解析器。我认为默认情况下它也不会使用系统的DNS解析器,因为它是阻塞的,而Go的本地DNS解析器是非阻塞的。
  • 你的应用程序可能依赖一些不存在的东西:
    • 需要进行HTTPS调用的应用程序(例如,向其他服务(如Amazon S3或Stripe API)发出的调用)需要ca-certs以确认HTTPS证书的真实性。这也需要随时间进行更新。这对于提供HTTPS内容是不需要的。
    • 需要时区意识的应用程序需要时区信息文件。

FROM scratch的一个不错的替代方案是FROM alpine,它将包含一个基本的Alpine镜像 - 这是非常小的(我相信只有5 MiB),包含与Go兼容的musl libc,允许你链接到C库并且可以在不设置CGO_ENABLED=0的情况下进行编译。你还可以利用alpine定期更新的特点,使用其tzinfo和ca-certs。



额外提示:如果你想在Docker中获得可重复构建的优势,同时又要保持较小的镜像大小,你可以使用Docker 17.06+中提供的新的多阶段构建功能。


FROM golang:alpine
ADD . /go/src/  # 如果没有使用vendor,可能需要一些go getting
RUN go build -o /app

FROM scratch  # 或者使用alpine
COPY --from=0 /app /app


请注意,当使用FROM scratch时,必须使用ENTRYPOINT的exec形式,因为shell形式不起作用(它依赖于Docker镜像具有/bin/sh,而scratch镜像没有)。这在Alpine中可以正常工作。


The scratch image contains nothing. No files. But actually, that can work to your advantage. It turns out, Go binaries built with CGO_ENABLED=0 require absolutely nothing, other than what they use. There are a couple things to keep in mind:

  • With CGO_ENABLED=0, you can't use any C code. Actually not too hard.
  • With CGO_ENABLED=0, your app will not use the system DNS resolver. I don't think it does by default anyways because it's blocking and Go's native DNS resolver is non-blocking.
  • Your app may depend on some things that are not present:
    • Apps that make HTTPS calls (as in, to other services, i.e. Amazon S3, or the Stripe API) will need ca-certs in order to confirm HTTPS certificate authenticity. This also has to be updated over time. This is not needed for serving HTTPS content.
    • Apps that need timezone awareness will need the timezone info files.

A nice alternative to FROM scratch is FROM alpine, which will include a base Alpine image - which is very tiny (5 MiB I believe) and includes musl libc, which is compatible with Go and will allow you to link to C libraries as well as compile without setting CGO_ENABLED=0. You can also leverage the fact that alpine is regularly updated, using its tzinfo and ca-certs.

(It's worth noting that the overhead of Docker layers is amortized a bit because of Docker's deduplication, though of course that is negated by how often your base image is updated. Still, it helps sell the idea of using the quite small Alpine image.)

You may not need tzinfo or ca-certs now, but it's better to be safe than sorry; you can accidentally add a dependency without realizing it breaks your build. So I recommend using alpine as your base. alpine:latest should be fine.

Bonus: If you want the advantages of reproducible builds inside Docker, but with small image sizes, you can use the new Docker multi-stage builds available in Docker 17.06+.

It works a bit like this:

FROM golang:alpine
ADD . /go/src/  # may need some go getting if you don't vendor
RUN go build -o /app

FROM scratch  # or alpine
COPY --from=0 /app /app

(I apologize if I've made any mistakes, I'm typing that from memory.)

Note that when using FROM scratch you must use the exec form of ENTRYPOINT, because the shell form won't work (it depends on the Docker image having /bin/sh, which it won't.) This will work fine in Alpine.

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年8月17日 04:50:38
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