Golang anonymous struct in initializing slice of pointers

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Golang anonymous struct in initializing slice of pointers



  1. var tracks = []*Track{
  2. {"Go", "Delilah", "From the Roots Up", 2012, length("3m38s")},
  3. {"Go", "Moby", "Moby", 1992, length("3m37s")},
  4. {"Go Ahead", "Alicia Keys", "As I Am", 2007, length("4m36s")},
  5. {"Ready 2 Go", "Martin Solveig", "Smash", 2011, length("4m24s")},
  6. }

我对如何初始化 Track 指针的切片感到困惑。

  1. type Ex struct {
  2. A, B int
  3. }
  4. a := []Ex{Ex{1, 2}, Ex{3, 4}}
  5. b := []Ex{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}
  6. c := []*Ex{&Ex{1, 2}, &Ex{3, 4}}
  7. d := []*Ex{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}
  8. e := []*Ex{{1, 2}, &Ex{3, 4}}

我发现这5种情况都没有错误。{1, 2} 似乎是一个名为 "匿名结构体" 的结构体,但它让我感到困惑,因为即使我尝试填充 *Ex 指针而不是 Ex 结构体,它也能正常工作。


  1. f := []*Ex{&{1, 2}, &{3, 4}} // 语法错误!



From Chapter 7 of GOPL (Section 7.6), I noticed this line:

  1. var tracks = []*Track{
  2. {"Go", "Delilah", "From the Roots Up", 2012, length("3m38s")},
  3. {"Go", "Moby", "Moby", 1992, length("3m37s")},
  4. {"Go Ahead", "Alicia Keys", "As I Am", 2007, length("4m36s")},
  5. {"Ready 2 Go", "Martin Solveig", "Smash", 2011, length("4m24s")},
  6. }

I was kind of confused by how it initialized the slice of Track pointers.
So later I tried the following example:

  1. type Ex struct {
  2. A, B int
  3. }
  4. a := []Ex{Ex{1, 2}, Ex{3, 4}}
  5. b := []Ex{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}
  6. c := []*Ex{&Ex{1, 2}, &Ex{3, 4}}
  7. d := []*Ex{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}
  8. e := []*Ex{{1, 2}, &Ex{3, 4}}

I found all of the 5 cases are okay with no errors. The {1, 2} seems to be a structure called "anonymous struct", but it confuses me since it works fine even when I am trying to fill in *Ex pointers instead of Ex struct.

Furthermore, when I try the following code, it complains syntax error:

  1. f := []*Ex{&{1, 2}, &{3, 4}} // Syntax Error!

Can somebody help explain what is actually going on in these cases?


得分: 6


  1. f := []<type>{{...}, {...}}


  1. f := []<type>{<type>{...}, <type>{...}}


  1. f := []*<type>{{...}, {...}} // 等同于...
  2. f := []*<type>{&<type>{...}, &<type>{...}}


  1. f := map[string]*<type>{"a": {...}, "b": {...}} // 等同于...
  2. f := map[string]*<type>{"a": &<type>{...}, "b": &<type>{...}}


  1. f := []struct{
  2. A, B int
  3. }{
  4. {1, 2}, {3, 4}
  5. }
  6. // 或者使用指针...
  7. f := []*struct{
  8. A, B int
  9. }{
  10. {1, 2}, {3, 4}
  11. }

在列表中的结构体没有类型定义,因此它是匿名的。由于初始化的简化语法,这是可以的 - 我不需要一个名字来初始化它。


I think anonymous isn't quite the correct word here. The struct has a name, "Track" or "Ex". But you are initializing it with a shortcut:

  1. f := []&lt;type&gt;{{...}, {...}}

is roughly the same as:

  1. f := []&lt;type&gt;{&lt;type&gt;{...}, &lt;type&gt;{...}}

But it's a little smarter than blind string replacement. If &lt;type&gt; is a pointer like *Ex or *Track, it also automatically initializes correctly:

  1. f := []*&lt;type&gt;{{...}, {...}} // is the same as...
  2. f := []*&lt;type&gt;{&amp;&lt;type&gt;{...}, &amp;&lt;type&gt;{...}}

It works the same for maps:

  1. f := map[string]*&lt;type&gt;{&quot;a&quot;: {...}, &quot;b&quot;: {...}} // is the same as...
  2. f := map[string]*&lt;type&gt;{&quot;a&quot;: &amp;&lt;type&gt;{...}, &quot;b&quot;: &amp;&lt;type&gt;{...}}

For further clarification, anonymous structs are ones that have no separate type definition. These are anonymous types, but not anonymous structs. An anonymous struct is a struct with no associated type definition. This syntax of initializing values without referring to the type is essential to making the manageable:

  1. f := []struct{
  2. A, B int
  3. }{
  4. {1, 2}, {3, 4}
  5. }
  6. // or with pointers...
  7. f := []*struct{
  8. A, B int
  9. }{
  10. {1, 2}, {3, 4}
  11. }

Here the struct within the list has no type definition, so it is anonymous. And thanks to the initialization shorthand, that's fine - I don't need a name to initialize it.


得分: 0



  1. type Ex struct {
  2. t interface{}
  3. o interface{}
  4. }



  1. variable := new({1, 2})
  2. // 或者
  3. variable := {1, 2}


  1. b := []Ex{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}
  2. // 你创建了一个包含两个Ex结构的切片
  3. // 所以 b := []Ex{Ex{t:1,o:2}, Ex{t:3, o:4}}


  1. f := []*Ex{&{1, 2}, &{3, 4}}
  2. // 你创建了一个未知定义类型的切片
  3. // f = []Ex{Ex{t: addressOfUnknowType, o: addressOfUnknowType}}



Please give more detail on your structure definition of Ex.

But, if Ex is implemented as this:

  1. type Ex struct {
  2. t interface{}
  3. o interface{}
  4. }

you don't give a pointer of anonymous struct because, the definition it's not know.

Also you can't do:

  1. variable := new({1, 2})
  2. // or
  3. variable := {1, 2}

When you do:

  1. b := []Ex{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}
  2. // you create slice of Ex with two Ex struct
  3. // so b := []Ex{Ex{t:1,o:2}, Ex{t:3, o:4}}


  1. f := []*Ex{&amp;{1, 2}, &amp;{3, 4}}
  2. // you create slice of unknow definition type
  3. // f = []Ex{Ex{t: addressOfUnknowType, o: addressOfUnknowType}}

I hope help you

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年8月12日 00:23:55
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/45639721.html



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