
huangapple go评论129阅读模式

Goroutine and Workgroup Issue




  1. 正在进行大型作业:1,2
  2. 1_one
  3. 1_two
  4. 1_three
  5. 2_one
  6. 2_two
  7. 2_three
  8. 大型作业 1,2 完成!
  9. 正在进行大型作业:3,4
  10. 3_one
  11. 3_two
  12. 3_three
  13. 4_one
  14. 4_two
  15. 4_three
  16. 大型作业 3,4 完成!
  17. 正在进行大型作业:5
  18. 5_one
  19. 5_two
  20. 5_three
  21. 大型作业 5 完成!
  22. 所有大型作业完成!


  1. 大型作业 1,2 完成!
  2. 大型作业 3,4 完成!
  3. 大型作业 5 完成!
  4. 正在进行大型作业:5
  5. 5_three
  6. 正在进行大型作业:1,2
  7. 1_three
  8. 正在进行大型作业:3,4
  9. 3_three
  10. 5_one
  11. 5_two
  12. 1_one
  13. 1_two
  14. 3_one
  15. 3_two
  16. fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!


此外,All Big Jobs are done!消息从未被打印出来,因为所有的goroutines都陷入了沉睡状态,尽管每个Waitgroup应该已经完成(尽管缺少的24部分可能与此有关)。





I'm trying to print a set of Big Jobs ("1,2", "3,4", "5") in combination with Extra Jobs ("one", "two", "three") and using Goroutines and Workgroups to do so.

I am expecting the following output (not exactly in this order, but the internal Workgroups should finish first before the outer ones):

  1. Big Job being done: 1,2
  2. 1_one
  3. 1_two
  4. 1_three
  5. 2_one
  6. 2_two
  7. 2_three
  8. Big Job 1,2 is Done!
  9. Big Job being done: 3,4
  10. 3_one
  11. 3_two
  12. 3_three
  13. 4_one
  14. 4_two
  15. 4_three
  16. Big Job 3,4 is Done!
  17. Big Job being done: 5
  18. 5_one
  19. 5_two
  20. 5_three
  21. Big Job 5 is Done!
  22. All Big Jobs are done!

Go Playground Link: https://play.golang.org/p/Hvbcmw06WY

However, when I run my code, I get the following output instead:

  1. Big job 1,2 is Done!
  2. Big job 3,4 is Done!
  3. Big job 5 is Done!
  4. Big Job being done: 5
  5. 5_three
  6. Big Job being done: 1,2
  7. 1_three
  8. Big Job being done: 3,4
  9. 3_three
  10. 5_one
  11. 5_two
  12. 1_one
  13. 1_two
  14. 3_one
  15. 3_two
  16. fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

As you can see, the second portion of the Big Jobs (2 and 4) were somehow "lost" inside the goroutines.

Also, the All Big Jobs are done! message is never reached because all goroutines fall asleep somehow, even though each Waitgroup should have finished already (though the missing 2 and 4 portions might have something to do with it).

I also noticed that for some reason the Done messages are being printed first (although I'm assuming that the Print functions are simply having trouble catching up with the Goroutines).

Here is the non-Goroutine version of what I want to accomplish: https://play.golang.org/p/zZpfyIbbn8

Any idea what I might be doing wrong?


得分: 1

jobWG.Wait()应该放在for _, job := range jobs循环之外,而不是之内。


jobWG.Wait() is inside the for _, job := range jobs loop when it should be outside.
Here is a fixed version https://play.golang.org/p/KNLS0y8xLg

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年7月8日 20:42:13
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/44986340.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
