Confused with Type conversions in golang

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Confused with Type conversions in golang



package main

import (

func main() {
	var x, y int = 3, 4
	var f float64 = math.Sqrt(float64(x*x + y*y))
	var z uint = uint(f)
	fmt.Println(x, y, z)


var f = math.Sqrt(9 + 16)

这也可以工作。但是当我将其更改为var f = math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y)时,为什么它不起作用?它显示cannot use x * x + y * y (type int) as type float64 in argument to math.Sqrt



I recently tried to learn golang. But I got confused with this code from

package main

import (

func main() {
	var x, y int = 3, 4
	var f float64 = math.Sqrt(float64(x*x + y*y))
	var z uint = uint(f)
	fmt.Println(x, y, z)

That one works well. Then I tried

var f = math.Sqrt(9 + 16)

which also works. But when I change it to var f = math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y) why is it not working? It says cannot use x * x + y * y (type int) as type float64 in argument to math.Sqrt

I have javascript background, and I somehow can't understand the code above.


得分: 7

math.Sqrt 函数的签名:

func Sqrt(x float64) float64

要求你传递 float64 类型的参数。


var f float64 = math.Sqrt(float64(x*x + y*y))

你直接将参数转换为 float64 类型。


var f = math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y)

你传递了一个 int 类型的参数,而实际需要的是 float64 类型。


var f = math.Sqrt(9 + 16)

编译器能够推断出类型,并为你传递 float64 类型的参数。


The math.Sqrt function signature:

func Sqrt(x float64) float64

requires that you pass float64

In this case:

var f float64 = math.Sqrt(float64(x*x + y*y))

You are converting to float64 directly

In this case:

var f = math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y)

you are passing an int, when float64 is required.

In this case:

var f = math.Sqrt(9 + 16)

The compiler is able to infer the type, and pass float64 for you.


得分: 4


不,实际上并不会。你所说的"直接数字"在Go语言中被称为"常量",常量通常是"无类型"的,并且(几乎)具有任意精度。常量有特殊的规则:常量5和通过a := 5定义的整数a的行为不同,因为5是一个具有特殊规则的常量,而不是int类型。

9 + 16这样的常量表达式在编译时被计算,就像你输入了25一样。这个25仍然是一个常量。



*) "实际上并不会",因为用这种方式思考并不有帮助。在Go语言中,常量的区分是特殊的:大多数其他语言将3+5视为两个整数的和,结果为一个整数,而Go语言将其视为两个无类型整数常量,并将此表达式计算为一个新的任意精度、无类型的常量。只有在稍后才将常量转换为实际的整数。


> But when we pass a number directly, it automatically converted?

No, not really *). Your "direct numbers" are called "constants" in Go and constants are often "untyped" and (almost) of arbitrary precision. There are special rules for constants: A constant 5 and the integer a defined by a := 5 behave differently because 5 is a constant with special rules and not an int.

Constant expressions like 9 + 16 are evaluated at compile time like if you had typed 25. This 25 is still a (constant.

While Go does not have automatic type conversions for types it does have automatic conversions from constants to several types. The constant 25 can be converted to float64 or int, uint8 or even complex128 automatically.

Please read the blog post and the official language spec for a full explanation and all details: . This explains the strange notion of
"untyped integer" better than I could.

*) "not really" because it is not helpful to think about it that way. The distinction of constants is special in Go: Most other languages tread 3+5 as a sum of two ints resulting in an int while Go sees two untyped integer constants and evaluates this expression into a new arbitrary precision, untyped constant. Only later are constants converted to actual integers.

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