用户 cookie 验证随机失败

huangapple go评论78阅读模式

User cookie verification fails randomly



// SecureDevice保存用户设备的信息
type SecureDevice struct {
Name string // 用户定义的名称
DeviceIP string
Token struct {
Token string
StartingDate time.Time // 令牌只能在一周后失效

// GlobalUser是一个定义了服务器中所有用户信息的结构体
type GlobalUser struct {
Username string
Password string
Salt string
Mail string
ValidationToken string // 用于验证用户的邮箱地址
Lang string
ConversationsID []int // 用户参与的私人消息
SecureDevicesList []SecureDevice


// IsLoggedIn检查客户端的令牌是否有效
func IsLoggedIn(r *http.Request) string {
ips := strings.Split(r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For"), ",")
ip := ips[0]
cookie, err := r.Cookie("auth")
if err != nil {
return "ERR$" + "not_connected"
cookieValue := strings.Split(cookie.Value, "$")
user := GetUser(cookieValue[0])
userToken := cookieValue1
if user.Username == "" {
return "ERR$" + "error"
for _, SecureDevice := range user.SecureDevicesList {
if SecureDevice.DeviceIP == ip && SecureDevice.Token.Token == userToken { // 确保提供的令牌是用户的令牌
if time.Since(SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate)*time.Hour >= 168 { // 如果令牌超过1周,丢弃它
return "ERR$" + "error_token_expired"
} else if time.Since(SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate)*time.Second >= 30 { // 如果令牌的年龄在1小时到1周之间,更新令牌
db, err := scribble.New("./brony/db", nil)
if err != nil {
return "ERR$" + "error_internal"
tokenBytes, err := GenerateRandomBytes(64) // 生成一个令牌
if err != nil {
return "ERR$" + "error_internal"
token := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(tokenBytes)
SecureDevice.Token.Token = token
SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate = time.Now()
errr := db.Write("users", user.Username, user)
if errr != nil {
return "ERR$" + "error_internal"
return "TOK$" + user.Username + "$" + SecureDevice.Token.Token
} else if time.Since(SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate)*time.Hour <= 1 {
return "NIL$"
} else if SecureDevice.DeviceIP == ip {
return "ERR$" + "error_bad_token"
return "ERR$" + "error_device_not_registered"


status := IsLoggedIn(r)




I'm using two structs to hold user's info

// SecureDevice holds a user&#39;s device&#39;s infos
type SecureDevice struct {
	Name     string // Defined by the user
	DeviceIP string
	Token    struct {
		Token        string
		StartingDate time.Time // The token is supposed to last only a week before becoming invalid

// GlobalUser is a struct defining all user&#39;s infos registered inside the server
type GlobalUser struct {
	Username          string
	Password          string
	Salt              string
	Mail              string
	ValidationToken   string // Used to validate the user&#39;s mail adress
	Lang              string
	ConversationsID   []int // The private messages the user has part in
	SecureDevicesList []SecureDevice

And I'm using a function to check if the user is logged in

// IsLoggedIn checks if client&#39;s token is valid
func IsLoggedIn(r *http.Request) string {
	ips := strings.Split(r.Header.Get(&quot;X-Forwarded-For&quot;), &quot;, &quot;)
	ip := ips[0]
	cookie, err := r.Cookie(&quot;auth&quot;)
	if err != nil {
		return &quot;ERR$&quot; + &quot;not_connected&quot;
	cookieValue := strings.Split(cookie.Value, &quot;$&quot;)
	user := GetUser(cookieValue[0])
	userToken := cookieValue[1]
	if user.Username == &quot;&quot; {
		return &quot;ERR$&quot; + &quot;error&quot;
	for _, SecureDevice := range user.SecureDevicesList {
		if SecureDevice.DeviceIP == ip &amp;&amp; SecureDevice.Token.Token == userToken { // We make sure that the token provided is actually the user&#39;s token
			if time.Since(SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate)*time.Hour &gt;= 168 { // If token is older than 1 week, we throw it away
				return &quot;ERR$&quot; + &quot;error_token_expired&quot;
			} else if time.Since(SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate)*time.Second &gt;= 30 { // If it&#39;s age is between 1 hour and one week, we renew it
				db, err := scribble.New(&quot;./brony/db&quot;, nil)
				if err != nil {
					return &quot;ERR$&quot; + &quot;error_internal&quot;
				tokenBytes, err := GenerateRandomBytes(64) // Generates a salt
				if err != nil {
					return &quot;ERR$&quot; + &quot;error_internal&quot;
				token := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(tokenBytes)
				SecureDevice.Token.Token = token
				SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate = time.Now()
				errr := db.Write(&quot;users&quot;, user.Username, user)
				if errr != nil {
					return &quot;ERR$&quot; + &quot;error_internal&quot;
				return &quot;TOK$&quot; + user.Username + &quot;$&quot; + SecureDevice.Token.Token
			} else if time.Since(SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate)*time.Hour &lt;= 1 {
				return &quot;NIL$&quot;
		} else if SecureDevice.DeviceIP == ip {
			return &quot;ERR$&quot; + &quot;error_bad_token&quot;
	return &quot;ERR$&quot; + &quot;error_device_not_registered&quot;

But almost always when I load the page with

status := IsLoggedIn(r)

It often gives me an error, since I'm printing "IsLoggedIn" to understand where the problem comes from

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test$ppDXRggtztyA9OBbdZh1t1ESqRo2XvuOBt4xlDai9kVxwq-_3zlWyvgNgA7AZcSpasJ_YnXZvoG                                                                                                                                                             qlz1syF9X8g==

test$ppDXRggtztyA9OBbdZh1t1ESqRo2XvuOBt4xlDai9kVxwq-_3zlWyvgNgA7AZcSpasJ_YnXZvoG                                                                                                                                                             qlz1syF9X8g==

test$ppDXRggtztyA9OBbdZh1t1ESqRo2XvuOBt4xlDai9kVxwq-_3zlWyvgNgA7AZcSpasJ_YnXZvoG                                                                                                                                                             qlz1syF9X8g==

test$ppDXRggtztyA9OBbdZh1t1ESqRo2XvuOBt4xlDai9kVxwq-_3zlWyvgNgA7AZcSpasJ_YnXZvoG                                                                                                                                                             qlz1syF9X8g==

At first I thought it was my token's renewal code which was faulty, but while beeing faulty and unfinished, it doesn't seem to be it's fault since after a few f5, it said that the cookie was ok. I really don't understand where the fault is, and it's starting to get really annoying, as I can't just let it be, it would be very annoying to say the least for a user to do f5 everytime and hope that when the page will refresh, it will miraculously work. The code runs on a debian server


得分: 0

你的问题可能是你处理 time.Since 返回值进行比较的方式不正确。

time.Since 方法返回 Duration 类型,并且内部表示为 int64 类型。值以纳秒为单位。


elapsedHours := int64(time.Since(SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate).Hours())
if elapsedHours >= 168 {
} else if elapsedHours >= 30 {
} else if elapsedHours <= 1 {

Your issue might be, the way you handle time.Since return value for comparison.

time.Since method returns type Duration and internally represented as type int64. Value is in Nanoseconds.

Try this-

elapsedHours := int64(time.Since(SecureDevice.Token.StartingDate).Hours())
if elapsedHours &gt;= 168 {
} else if elapsedHours &gt;= 30 {
} else if elapsedHours &lt;= 1 {

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年7月2日 00:55:41
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/44863386.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
