你应该使用 panic 还是返回 error?

huangapple go评论71阅读模式

Should I use panic or return error?




func ForEach(iterable interface{}, f interface{}) {
    if isNotIterable(iterable) {


func ForEach(iterable interface{}, f interface{}) error {
    if isNotIterable(iterable) {
        return fmt.Errorf("应该传入一个切片或映射!")




Go provides two ways of handling errors, but I'm not sure which one to use.

Assuming I'm implementing a classic ForEach function which accepts a slice or a map as an argument. To check whether an iterable is passed in, I could do:

func ForEach(iterable interface{}, f interface{}) {
    if isNotIterable(iterable) {
	    panic("Should pass in a slice or map!")


func ForEach(iterable interface{}, f interface{}) error {
    if isNotIterable(iterable) {
	    return fmt.Errorf("Should pass in a slice or map!")

I saw some discussions saying panic() should be avoided, but people also say that if program cannot recover from error, you should panic().

Which one should I use? And what's the main principle for picking the right one?


得分: 74

你应该假设 panic 会立即导致整个程序崩溃,或者至少导致当前 goroutine 崩溃。问问自己:“当发生这种情况时,应用程序是否应立即崩溃?” 如果是的话,使用 panic;否则,使用 error。


You should assume that a panic will be immediately fatal, for the entire program, or at the very least for the current goroutine. Ask yourself "when this happens, should the application immediately crash?" If yes, use a panic; otherwise, use an error.


得分: 18






Use panic.

Because your use case is to catch a bad use of your API. This should never happen at runtime if the program is calling your API properly.

In fact, any program calling your API with correct arguments will behave in the same way if the test is removed. The test is there only to fail early with an error message helpful to the programmer that did the mistake. Ideally, the panic might be reached once during development when running the testsuite and the programmer would fix the call even before committing the bad code, and that incorrect use would never reach production.

See also this reponse to question Is function parameter validation using errors a good pattern in Go?.


得分: 6



I like the way it's done in some libraries where on top of a regular method DoSomething, its "panicky" version is added with MustDoSomething. I'm relatively new to go, but I've already seen it in several places, notably sqlx.
In general, if you want to expose your code to someone else, you should either have Must- and a regular version of the method, or your methods/functions should give the client a chance to recover the way they want and so error should be available to them in a go-idiomatic way.
Having said that, I agree that if your API/library is used inappropriately, it's Ok to panic as well. As a matter of fact, I've also seen methods like MustGetenv() that will panic if a critical env.var is missing. Fail-fast mechanism basically.


得分: 3

如果在启动服务时没有提供或缺少某些必需的要求(例如数据库连接、某些必需的服务配置),那么应该使用 panic。



If some mandatory requirement is not provided or not there while starting the service (eg. database connection, some service configuration which is required) then you should use panic.

There should be return error for any user response or server side error.


得分: 2


  • 无论你的应用程序编写得多好,你是否预计会发生异常情况?你认为在应用程序的正常使用过程中,让用户意识到这种情况是否有用?将其视为错误处理,因为它涉及应用程序的正常工作。
  • 如果你适当地编写代码(并且有一定的防御性),那么这种异常情况是否不会发生?(例如:除以零,或者访问超出数组边界的元素)你的应用程序在出现这种错误时是否完全无能为力?恐慌。
  • 你是否拥有自己的 API,并希望确保用户正确使用它?恐慌。如果错误使用,你的 API 很少能够恢复。

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you expect the exceptional situation to occur, regardless how well would you code your app? Do you think it should be useful to make the user aware of such condition as part of the normal usage of your app? Handle it as an error, because it concerns the application as working normally.
  • Should that exceptional situation NOT occur if you code appropriately (and somewhat defensively)? (example: dividing by zero, or accessing an array element out of bounds) Is your app totally clueless under that error? Panic.
  • Do you have your API and want to ensure users use it appropriately? Panic. Your API will seldom recover if used incorrectly.


得分: 1


只有在代码可能进入糟糕状态且容易崩溃时,才使用 panic;也就是说,只有在真正意外的情况下。上面的 ForEach() 示例是一个公开的函数,它接受一个接口作为参数,因此应该预期会有人错误地调用它。如果它被错误地调用,你知道为什么无法继续执行,并且知道如何处理该错误。isNotIterable 是一个二进制值,很容易控制。

但错误(error)不像 try/catch

即使你试图通过查看其他语言中的 throw/catch 来证明 panic/recover 的合理性,你仍然应该使用错误(error)。我们知道你正在尝试调用该函数,因为你正在调用它,我们知道发生了错误,因为 err != nil,就像检查抛出的异常类型一样,你可以使用 errors.Is(err, ErrNotIterable) 来检查返回的错误类型。

那么在并发中应该使用 panic 处理错误吗?

答案仍然很可能是否定的。在 Go 中,错误仍然是首选的方式,你可以使用等待组(wait group)来关闭 goroutine:

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute*5)
// 在 5 分钟后自动取消
defer cancel()
errGroup, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
errGroup.Go(func() error {
    // 做一些疯狂的事情;你仍然可以检查错误
    if ... {
        return fmt.Errorf("critical error, stopping all goroutines now")
    // 代码顺利完成
    return nil
err = errGroup.Wait()

即使使用原始示例的结构,使用错误仍然比使用 panic 有更好的控制:

func ForEach(iterable interface{}, f interface{}) error {
    if isNotIterable(iterable) {
        return fmt.Errorf("expected something iterable but got %v", reflect.ValueOf(iterable).String())
    switch v.Kind() {
    case reflect.Map:
    case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: 
        return fmt.Errorf("isNotIterable is false but I do not know how to iterate through %v", reflect.ValueOf(iterable).String())


是的,这就是重点。当返回错误时,此时可以对其进行处理。你给调用代码提供了选项,而不是决定开始关闭和终止应用程序,除非你使用 recover()。如果你只是将同一个错误一直返回到调用堆栈的最上层,那么错误看起来确实不如 panic,但这是因为没有在发生问题时解决问题。

那么什么时候使用 panic?

当你的代码处于崩溃的冲突状态,并且无法假设可以解决它时。另一种情况是代码假设某些条件不再成立,而在每个函数中检查完整性将会很繁琐(可能会影响性能)。然而,你只能使用 panic() 来摆脱不确定性的层次结构...然后仍然处理错误:

func ForEach(iterable interface{}, f interface{}) error {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            err = fmt.Errorf("cannot iterate due to unexpected runtime error %v", r)
    // 也许是全局变量中的断开的管道
    // 或者一个包含的模块向你抛出了 panic!

但如果你仍然不相信...这是 Go FAQ

我们认为将异常与控制结构耦合(如 try-catch-finally 惯用法)会导致代码混乱。它还倾向于鼓励程序员将太多普通错误(例如无法打开文件)标记为异常。

Go 采用了不同的方法。对于普通的错误处理,Go 的多值返回使得报告错误而不过载返回值变得容易。规范的错误类型,加上 Go 的其他特性,使得错误处理变得愉快,但与其他语言中的错误处理方式有很大不同。


Use error whenever possible

Only use panic when your code could end up in a bad state that would be prone to crashing; something truly unexpected. The example above with ForEach() is an exported func that accepts an interface so it should expect someone will improperly call it. And if it is improperly called, you know why you cannot continue and you know how to handle that error. isNotIterable is literally binary and easy to control.

But error is not like a try/catch

Even if you try to justify panic/recover by looking at throw/catch from other languages, you still use errors. We know you are trying the function because you are calling it, we know there was an error because err != nil, and just like checking the type of exception thrown you can check the type of error returned with errors.Is(err, ErrNotIterable)

So should you use panic for errors in concurrency?

The answer is still most likely no. Errors are still the preferred way in Go and you can use a wait group to shut down the goroutines:

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute*5)
	// automatically cancel in 5 min
	defer cancel()
	errGroup, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
	errGroup.Go(func() error {
		// do crazy stuff; you can still check for errors
		if ... {
			return fmt.Errorf("critical error, stopping all goroutines now")
		// code completed without issues
		return nil
	err = errGroup.Wait()

Even using the structure of the original example, you still have better control with errors than panics:

func ForEach(iterable interface{}, f interface{}) error {
    if isNotIterable(iterable) {
        return fmt.Errorf("expected something iterable but got %v", reflect.ValueOf(iterable).String())
    switch v.Kind() {
	case reflect.Map:
	case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: 
        return fmt.Errorf("isNotIterable is false but I do not know how to iterate through %v", reflect.ValueOf(iterable).String())

But error feels very verbose

Yes, that is the point. When an error is returned, it is at that point to do something about it. You are giving the calling code options rather than making the decision to start shutting down and killing the application unless you recover(). If you are just returning the same error all the way up the call stack then error will seem inferior to panic, but this is due to not addressing issues when they happen.

So when to use panic?

When your code is on a collision course to crash and you cannot assume your way out of it. Another is when the code assumes something that is no longer true and having to check the integrity in every function from here on out would be tedious (and might impact performance). Still, you would use panic() only to get out of the layers of uncertainty... then still handle errors:

func ForEach(iterable interface{}, f interface{}) error {
    defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("cannot iterate due to unexpected runtime error %v", r)
    // perhaps a broken pipe in a global var
    // or an included module threw a panic at you!

But if you are still not convinced... Here is the Go FAQ

> We believe that coupling exceptions to a control structure, as in the try-catch-finally idiom, results in convoluted code. It also tends to encourage programmers to label too many ordinary errors, such as failing to open a file, as exceptional.
> Go takes a different approach. For plain error handling, Go's multi-value returns make it easy to report an error without overloading the return value. A canonical error type, coupled with Go's other features, makes error handling pleasant but quite different from that in other languages.


得分: 0



A panic typically means something went unexpectedly wrong. Mostly used to fail fast on errors that shouldn’t occur during normal operation, or that we aren’t prepared to handle gracefully. So in this case just return the error, you don't want your program to panic.


得分: 0




  • 如果我们知道如何处理"error",那么首先我们就没有错误,而是一个不舒服的返回值。这是一种正常的执行条件,可能不是错误。通常,这对应于快乐路径与非快乐路径的建模。

总之,err返回值大多是一个错误的想法,即使GO社区已将其作为一种信仰采纳。使用错误返回值只是一种加快程序执行速度的补丁方式,因为它需要较少的CPU指令来实现,但大多数情况下,除了低级服务之外,它是无用的并且会促进糟糕的代码。(请注意,GO被设计为实现这些低级服务作为一种"易于C"的方式,但它被用于高级(Level 7)应用程序程序,当错误必须快速失败以避免继续进行可能导致资金损失或致命伤亡的未定义状态时。如果有疑问,默认情况下使用panic。


  • 尽早崩溃:
    • 让其他进程进行错误恢复
    • 不要进行防御性编程
    • 如果无法处理错误,不要尝试恢复



I think none of the previous answers are correct:

Putting it more formally, our "Turing Machine" is broken and we need to come back to an "stable state" or "reset state". More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reset_(computing)

For example in web (micro)services that means returning a 40X error (panic caused by input from user) or 50X error (panic caused by something else - hardware, network, assert error, ...)

  • If we know what to do with the "error", then we do not have an error in first place, but an uncomfortable return value. This is a normal execution condition and probably not an error. Normally this correspond to the happy vs non-happy path modeling.

In a summary, the err return value is mostly a wrong idea, even if the GO community has adopted it as a religion. Using error return values is just a patchy way to speed up program execution since it require fewer CPU instructions to be implemented, but most of the time, except for low-level services, it is useless and promote dirty code. (note that GO was designed to implement those low-level services as an "easy-C", but it was adopted for high-level (Level 7) application programs when an error must fail fast to avoid continuing with undefined states that can potentially cause money being lost of fatal casualties. In case of doubt, default to panic.

Update 2023-03: (Add Erlang reference) There are not opinionated or idiomatic ways to handler errors. There are correct ways and incorrect ways to handle errors. The correct way is the Erlang way (language designed to support ~100% of uptimes). C&P from intro

  • Crash early:
    • Let some other process do the error recovery
    • Do not program defensively
    • If you cannot handle the error, don’t try to recover

Update 2023-05: (Add Helm reference). The lovely designed Helm, while being Go based, duplicates the functionality of each defined function. By default, functions do panic, and when explicetely prefixed with must... they return an error. REF. Note that Helm is used to configure HA Kubernetes clusters.


得分: -1

不要在正常的错误处理中使用 panic。使用 error 和多个返回值。请参阅 https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#errors


Don't use panic for normal error handling. Use error and multiple return values. See https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#errors.

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年6月13日 00:27:56
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/44504354.html



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