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golang inheritance to implement backbone like collection / model


我正在研究使用Go语言作为我的Web后端的首选语言。我目前使用的语言是PHP,在那里我实现了一个类似于Backbone Collection/Model结构的数据结构。

关于Collection / Model






这就是我的困惑,记住这只是我学习“继承”概念的游乐场,而不是为了拥有一个可用于生产的Collection / Model实现。





I am looking into golang as my new goto language for my web-backend. My current language there is PHP, where I implemented a datastructure resembling the Backbone Collection/Model structure.

excursus Collection / Model

This means I have a Collection containing multiple Models. Models have an attributes dictionary for storing the actual "public data". Collections have multiple convenience methods operating on the array of Models (sort, getByIndex, getByMatchingParameter, etc). Models also have their share of convenience methods.

In daily life there will be 90% of "things" that are represented the same way. For example I can store an Address the same way I store my User. Having an AddressesCollection containing my Addresses I can simply ask my AddressesCollection to give me all AddressModels where city=Berlin. And implementing this matching in my base class I can do the logically same thing on my UserCollection giving me all my Users which are deactivated by deactivated=true.

But sometimes (10%) I need a special method. getGeoData for Addresses for example. Now, in my oop-world, I can simply create a new class extending my BaseModel adding my method and use my extended class everywhere where my base class was used.

My "i simply don't get it"

How does this work in Go. I read a lot introductions into embedding / composition. But simply do not get my head around this.

This is where I stand, keep in mind this is my playground for learning the "inheritance" concept, not for having a production ready Collection / Model implementation.


What I get is that I haven't "understood" how to write a "generic" method accepting not-quite-inherited types. I have the feeling that I have to use an interface there somewhere to get this "inheritance"/"extended class" feeling. But my current use of this is... well...

But maybe I am completely wrong in my concept of implementing my desired structure that way in go at all? Maybe there is a much more elegant way. Any hints greatly appreciated!


得分: 1



  1. 类型嵌入

你有两个模型 UserAddress,它们都共享一些公共字段,可能还有方法。这是创建一个共同的结构体 Model 的好理由,如上面的链接所示。所有三个结构体都是不同类型

  1. 集合


type AddrCollection []*Address。然后在 AddrCollection 类型上实现任何你想要的方法。

如果你有一个模型的集合,类似地定义 type ModelCollection []*Model,但是将 Address 传递给 ModelCollection 需要"提取"嵌入类型。

如果你有一个东西的集合,那么定义一个接口的集合(示例中的 DescriberCollection),但是在其中不会有 GetByAddress() 方法,它只会存在于 AddrCollection 中。

  1. 接口

接口没有字段,它们只定义要实现的方法签名。在 Go 中,接口通常被接受而不是返回,这使得你可以拥有清晰和目标明确的设计。接口是一种允许其他用户(或其他包)以不需要实现你的类型,而只需要实现某些方法的方式来使用你的包/库的方法。他们可以重用你定义的类型,或者他们可以插入自己的接口实现。那么接口是什么呢?它是一种说法的方式:这里是一组方法签名,只要你实现它们,你就可以使用我的包


You are pretty close to getting it right, but you have mixed up multiple different things.

Complete example: https://play.golang.org/p/wpj82QRVUP

  1. Type embedding

So you have two models User, Address and they both share common fields and maybe methods. This is a good reason to create a common struct for both: Model, as shown in the link above. All three structs are of different types.

  1. Collections

You can have a collection of interfaces or collection of defined types. So when to use which?

If you have a collection of addresses, defined the type of follows:
type AddrCollection []*Address. And then implement whatever method you want on AddrCollection type.

If you have a collection of models, similarly define type ModelCollection []*Model, but then passing Address to the ModelCollection would require to "extract" the embedded type.

If you have a collection of something, then define a collection of interfaces (DescriberCollection in the example), but then you would not have GetByAddress() defined on it, and it would only exist in AddrCollection

  1. Interfaces

They have no fields they only define method signatures to be implemented. In Go interfaces are normally accepted and never returned, that gives u a benefit to have clean and goal-oriented design. Interfaces is a way to allow other users (or other packages) to use your packages/libraries in a way that they do not need to implement your types, but rather a certain methods. They can reuse your defined types, or they can plug-in their own implementations of the interface. So what is an interface, it is a way of saying: here are the set of method signatures, as long as you implement them you can use my package


得分: 0




  • ORM(对象关系映射)
  • go generate




Ok, looks like I really didn't understand the go-way of doing this.

The buzzwords that helped me to move on:

  • ORM
  • go generate

Projects that look like solving my issue:

Thanks for the answers, anyway!

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年6月10日 15:36:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/44470806.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
