提交拉取请求以更改通过”go get”安装的软件包。

huangapple go评论115阅读模式

Submit pull request for changes to packages installed via "go get"


我通过go get github.com/<other_user>/<repository>安装了一个包。由于缺少一些功能,所以我一直在与原作者合作,将这些功能添加到包中。

我在本地副本中进行了更改并提交了它们。然后我意识到:糟糕,我没有权限来git push这些更改。



go get -u <original_repository>



I have a package I installed via go get github.com/&lt;other_user&gt;/&lt;repository&gt;. It was missing some features, so I have been working with the original author to add them to the package.

I made the changes to my local copy and committed them. Then I realized: derp, I don't have authorization to git push these changes.

Is there a way for me to salvage my changes and somehow submit a pull request to him? Or do I have to lose all my changes, fork his repository, re-implement my changes, and then submit a pull request?

And no matter what I do, is there a way for me to retain the ability to do this command?

go get -u &lt;original_repository&gt;

Or do I have to just become a full-time contributor and continually update my fork with his repository?


得分: 4

在GitHub上fork仓库,然后将你的fork添加为你的工作副本中的一个远程仓库,名称可以不是origin,例如 git remote add myfork git@github.org...。你可以将你的更改推送到你的fork (git push myfork),然后从你的fork向原始仓库打开一个PR。


git remote add myfork https://github.com/<你的用户名>/<仓库名>.git
git push myfork


git remote remove myfork
git rebase master
git pull origin master

然后你可以从你的GitHub账户中删除你的fork。之后,go get -u 将正常工作。



Fork the repo in GitHub, then add your fork as a remote in your working copy under a name other than origin, e.g. git remote add myfork git@github.org.... You can push your changes to your fork (git push myfork), then open a PR from your fork to the original.

Explicitly, the commands would something like this after you fork the original to your own account:

git remote add myfork https://github.com/&lt;your_username&gt;/&lt;repository&gt;.git
git push myfork

After which, you can submit the PR to the original. If your PR is accepted, you can then run these commands:

git remote remove myfork
git rebase master
git pull origin master

You can then delete your fork from your GitHub account. After which, go get -u will function as normal.

Any time you need to make new changes to the package, you can repeat this process.

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年4月18日 04:45:03
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/43459290.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
