
huangapple go评论63阅读模式

Overcoming import cycle not allowed in Go




package models

type DSDatabase interface {
    CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*datastore.Key, error)
    // 更多模型函数

type datastoreDB struct {
    client *datastore.Client

var (
    DB DSDatabase
    _  DSDatabase = &datastoreDB{}

func init() {
    // 初始化数据存储

这一切都很好,因为模型函数也位于模型包中,所以我的控制器包中的函数可以自由调用models.DB.CreateUser(ctx, "username", []byte("password"))

现在,我决定将上述所有代码移动到一个datastore包中,而CreateUser的模型位于一个user包中。换句话说,package user现在包含了控制器和模型函数,其中控制器相关的函数依赖于datastore包,而DSDatabase接口依赖于user模型函数。



package datastore

import (

type DSDatabase interface {
    user.CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, passwoUserRegister(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*datastore.Key, error)



package user

import (

func CreateUserPOST(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // 获取表单数据等
    datastore.DB.CreateUser(ctx, "username", []byte("password"))


package user

import (

func (db *datastore.datastoreDB) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string) (*User, error) {
    key := datastore.NameKey("User", username, nil)
    var user User
    err := db.client.Get(ctx, key, &user)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &user, nil



I understand the problem, as per the answer here, however, I could really use help or a more detailed code explanation of how it's overcome.

My situation is this: I used to have models and controllers separated, and in my models package I had a datastore.go file containing an interface of all the model functions:

package models

type DSDatabase interface {
    CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*datastore.Key, error)
    // More model functions

type datastoreDB struct {
	client *datastore.Client

var (
	DB DSDatabase
	_  DSDatabase = &datastoreDB{}

func init() {
    // init datastore

This was all fine because the model functions were also located within the models package, so my functions in the controller package could freely call models.DB.CreateUser(ctx, "username", []byte("password")).

Now, I have decided to move all the above code to a datastore package, whereas the model for CreateUser is located in a user package. In other words, package user now contains both controller and model functions, for which the controller related functions rely on datastore package, while the DSDatabase interface rely on the user model functions.

I would really appreciate help figuring out how to overcome the import cycle while keeping the DSDatastore interface separate from all the other packages such as home and user.

in case the above is not clear enough, the above code has changed to:

package datastore

import (

type DSDatabase interface {
    user.CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, passwoUserRegister(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*datastore.Key, error)


while in my user package I have this in a controller-related file:

package user

import (

func CreateUserPOST(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // get formdata and such
    datastore.DB.CreateUser(ctx, "username", []byte("password"))

and in another model-related file I have:

package user

import (

func (db *datastore.datastoreDB) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string) (*User, error) {
	key := datastore.NameKey("User", username, nil)
	var user User
	err := db.client.Get(ctx, key, &user)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &user, nil

Which of course results in an import cycle, that I sadly can't figure out how to overcome..


得分: 4



package user

import (

func (db *datastore.datastoreDB) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string) (*User, error) {
    key := datastore.NameKey("User", username, nil)
    var user User
    err := db.client.Get(ctx, key, &user)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &user, nil



package datastore

import (

type DSDatabase interface {
    user.CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, passwoUserRegister(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*datastore.Key, error)


至于你的问题... 你可以在user包中定义Datastore接口,并将实现放在另一个包中,这样可以很好地适应当你需要一个接口的不同实现时。如果你这样做,user包就不需要再知道datastore包的存在了,但是datastore包仍然需要知道user包,这是可以接受的。


package user

import (

type DSDatabase interface {
    CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*User, error)
    // ...

// 这个变量可以由实现接口的包设置,
// 或者由导入user包和定义接口实现的包设置。
var DB DSDatabase

type User struct {
    // ...

func CreateUserPOST(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // 获取表单数据等等
    DB.CreateUser(ctx, "username", []byte("password"))


package datastore

import (

// DB 实现了 user.DSDatabase 接口。
type DB struct { /* ... */ }

func (db *DB) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string) (*user.User, error) {
    key := datastore.NameKey("User", username, nil)
    var user user.User
    err := db.client.Get(ctx, key, &user)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &user, nil

func init() {
    // 确保初始化 user.DB 变量,
    // 这个变量被 CreateUserPOST 函数访问,否则会出现空引用恐慌。
    user.DB = &DB{}

First things first, you cannot define a method, in pacakge A, on a type declared in package B.

So this...

package user

import (

func (db *datastore.datastoreDB) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string) (*User, error) {
	key := datastore.NameKey("User", username, nil)
	var user User
	err := db.client.Get(ctx, key, &user)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &user, nil

...should not even compile.

This here...

package datastore

import (

type DSDatabase interface {
    user.CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, passwoUserRegister(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*datastore.Key, error)

...this is also invalid Go code.

As to your question... one thing you could do is to define the Datastore interface inside the user package and have the implementation live in another package, this lends itself nicely for when you need different implementations of one interface. If you do this your user package does not need to know about the datastore package anymore, the datastore package still has to know about the user package though, which is a OK.

An example:

package user

import (

type DSDatabase interface {
    CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, password []byte) (*User, error)
    // ...

// This can be set by the package that implements the interface
// or by any other package that imports the user package and
// a package that defines an implementation of the interface.
var DB DSDatabase

type User struct {
    // ...

func CreateUserPOST(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // get formdata and such
    DB.CreateUser(ctx, "username", []byte("password"))

The package with the implementation of the interface:

package datastore

import (

// DB implements the user.DSDatabase interface.
type DB struct { /* ... */ }

func (db *DB) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, username string) (*user.User, error) {
    key := datastore.NameKey("User", username, nil)
    var user user.User
    err := db.client.Get(ctx, key, &user)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &user, nil

func init() {
    // make sure to initialize the user.DB variable that
    // is accessed by the CreateUserPOST func or else you'll
    // get nil reference panic.
    user.DB = &DB{}

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年4月9日 05:51:53
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/43300723.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
