golang: 隐式 vs 显式函数定义

huangapple go评论70阅读模式

golang: implicit vs explicit func definition



package A
var X = "change me"
var Y = func(i int) int { return i * i }
func Z(i int) int { return -i }


package main
import "A"
func main() {
    A.X = "done"
    A.Y = func(i int) int { return i * i * i }
    print(A.X, A.Y(7))
    //... 但是似乎无法更改A.Z。
    //A.Z = func(int i) int { return i * i * i } //main.go:8: cannot assign to A.Z

显然,在定义一个函数变量(如Y)和一个显式函数(如Z)之间存在差异。我已经搜索过了,但没有找到太多有关这方面的启示。似乎var SomeFunc = func(...)确实定义了一个变量,而func SomeFunc(...)定义了一个常量。


package main
import . "A"
func main() {
    X = "done"
    Y = func(i int) int { return i * i * i }
    print(X, Y(7))

Consider this package:

package A
var X="change me"
var Y=func(i int) int { return i*i) }
func Z(i int) int { return -i) }

The two explicit variables (X,Y) can be changed in another package, say main...

package main
import "A"
func main () {
	A.Y=func (i int) int { return i*i*i }
	//... but A.Z apparently can't be changed.
	//A.Z=func (int i) int { return i*i*i } //main.go:8: cannot assign to A.Z

Obviously there's a difference between defining a func variable (like Y) and an explicit func (like Z). I have googled this but not found much in the way of enlightenment. It almost seems as if var SomeFunc=func (...) defines indeed a variable, but func SomeFunc(...) defines a constant.

PS: A small goodie I found while researching this which I have not seen mentioned in the Go books I've read so far. A dot before a package import imports names without them having to be qualified:

package main
import . "A"
func main () {
    Y=func (i int) int { return i*i*i }


得分: 3

func SomeFunc()本质上创建了一个将标识符SomeFunc与你定义的函数进行强大/常量/不可变绑定的方法。当你这样创建一个变量时:

var (
    SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
        return i * 2

你创建了一个类型为func(int) int的全局变量。你可以在以后重新分配这个变量。这是你不能用func SomeFunc标识符做的事情。简单来说,这是因为func SomeFunc()将函数直接绑定到标识符上。var SomeFunc的方法创建了一个变量(在这种情况下是类型为func(int) int的变量),并且该变量使用你分配的函数进行初始化。和变量一样,重新分配是可能的。





package foo
import (

type Bar struct {
    Foobar string `json:"foobar"`

func New() *Bar {
    return &Bar{"Default foobar"}

不了解golang 1.8,但是像这样的包可能会导致编译器错误(导入了包encoding/json但未使用)。为了消除这个错误,你只需将导入更改为:

    _ "encoding/json"



package main

import (

var (
    SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
        return i * 2

func main() {
    fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // 输出 4
    fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // 输出 8
    fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // 输出 2

// 全局函数
func reassign() {
    // 将新函数分配给全局变量。函数类型必须匹配
    SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
        return i * 4

// 将函数分配给局部变量reassign
func shadowReassign() {
    reassign := func() {
        // 与全局reassign相同
        SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
            return i

func SomeFunc(), in essence creates a strong/constant/immutable binding of the identifier SomeFunc to the function you define. When you create a variable like so:

var (
    SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
        return i * 2

You create a global variable of the type func(int) int. You can reassign this variable later on. This is something you can't really do with a func SomeFunc identifier. Simply put, this is because func SomeFunc() binds the function Directly to the identifier. The var SomeFunc approach creates a variable (type func(int) int in this case), and that variable is initialised using the function you're assigning. As is the case with variables: reassignment is possible.


What you can do with functions, is shadow them using a scoped variable. This will probably get flagged by most linters, but it's a technique/trick that sometimes can be useful in testing


As for the dot-imports: Please don't do that unless there's a very, very, very good reason for it. A good reason would be you writing a package that adds to an existing one, so you no longer import an existing one, but import your own. Think of it as extending a package. 99% of the time. Don't, whatever you do, use it to quench errors when you import encoding/json to add json serialization annotations to a struct. In those cases, use an underscore:

package foo
import (

type Bar struct {
    Foobar string `json:"foobar"`

func New() *Bar {
    &Bar{"Default foobar"}

Don't know about golang 1.8, but packages like that could result in compiler errors (package encoding/json imported but not used). To silence that error, you simply changed the import to:

    _ "encoding/json"

The dot-packages, underscores, and package aliases all follow the same rule: use them as little as possible.

Code used in examples:

package main

import (

var (
    SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
	    return i * 2

func main() {
    fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // output 4
    fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // output 8
	fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // output 2

// global function
func reassign() {
    // assign new function to the global var. Function types MUST match
    SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
	    return i * 4

// assign function to local reassign variable
func shadowReassign() {
    reassign := func() {
        // same as global reassign
		SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
    		return i


得分: 0


var Y = func(i int) int { return i * i }


func Z(i int) int { return -i }





Y 的声明将一个变量绑定到该名称。该变量被初始化为一个函数值。Z 的声明将一个函数绑定到该名称。



There's a difference between declaring a variable initialized with a function value:

var Y=func(i int) int { return i*i) }

and declaring a function:

 func Z(i int) int { return -i) }

The specification says this about declarations:

> A declaration binds a non-blank identifier to a constant, type, variable, function, label, or package.

The specification also says:

> A function declaration binds an identifier, the function name, to a function.

The declaration of Y binds a variable to the name. This variable is initialized with a function value. The declaration of Z binds a function to the name.

> If an explicit period (.) appears instead of a name, all the package's exported identifiers declared in that package's package block will be declared in the importing source file's file block and must be accessed without a qualifier.

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年3月24日 23:04:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/43002880.html



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