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How can I list available operating system signals by name in a cross-platform way in Go?



然而,我不知道如何实现信号的字符串形式分发,例如kill -INT 12345





  • 维护一个静态映射表,将信号名称映射到信号编号。这种方法在跨平台上不起作用(例如,在Mac OSX上,kill -l返回的信号列表与现代Linux和旧版Linux上返回的信号列表不同)。要使此解决方案在一般情况下起作用,唯一的方法是为每个操作系统创建映射表,这要求我了解每个操作系统的行为,并随着它们添加新的信号支持而保持更新。
  • 调用GNU kill工具并捕获其信号列表。这种方法不够优雅,有点自相矛盾,而且需要:a)能够找到kill工具,b)具备执行子进程的能力/权限,c)能够预测/解析kill工具的输出。
  • 使用各种Signal类型的String方法。这只返回包含信号编号的字符串,例如os.Signal(4).String() == "signal 4",这并不实用。
  • 调用私有函数runtime.signame,它正好做我想要的事情。使用go://linkname技巧可以实现,但我假设这种做法是不被赞同的,有其原因。


  • 以某种方式使用CGo。对于一个否则不需要低级别/本地集成的项目,我宁愿不涉足CGo领域。如果这是唯一的选择,我会尝试,但我不知道从何开始。
  • 使用模板和代码生成,在编译时基于外部源构建信号列表。出于与CGo相同的原因,这不是首选方法。
  • 反射和解析以SIG开头的syscall成员。据我所知,这是不可能的,因为名称在编译时被删除;难道对于像信号名称这样基本的东西,有地方它们没有被编译掉吗?

Let's say I'm implementing the kill program in Go. I can accept numeric signals and PIDs from the commandline and send them to syscall.Kill no problem.

However, I don't know how to implement the "string" form of signal dispatch, e.g. kill -INT 12345.

The real use case is a part of a larger program that prompts the user to send kill signals; not a replacement for kill.


How can I convert valid signal names to signal numbers on any supported platform, at runtime (or at least without writing per-platform code to be run at compile time)?

What I've tried:

  • Keep a static map of signal names to numbers. This doesn't work in a cross-platform way (for example, different signal lists are returned by kill -l on Mac OSX versus a modern Linux versus an older Linux, for example). The only way to make this solution work in general would be to make maps for every OS, which would require me to know the behavior of every OS, and keep up to date as they add new signal support.
  • Shell out to the GNU kill tool and capture the signal lists from it. This is inelegant and kind of a paradox, and also requires a) being able to find kill, b) having the ability/permission to exec subprocesses, and c) being able to predict/parse the output of kill-the-binary.
  • Use the various Signal types' String method. This just returns strings containing the signal number, e.g. os.Signal(4).String() == "signal 4", which is not useful.
  • Call the private function runtime.signame, which does exactly what I want. go://linkname hacks will work, but I'm assuming that this sort of thing is frowned-upon for a reason.

Ideas/Things I Haven't Tried:

  • Use CGo somehow. I'd rather not venture into CGO territory for a project that is otherwise not low-level/needful of native integration at all. If that's the only option, I will, but have no idea where to start.
  • Use templating and code generation to build lists of signals based on external sources at compile time. This is not preferable for the same reasons as CGo.
  • Reflect and parse the members of syscall that start with SIG somehow. I am told that this is not possible because names are compiled away; is it possible that, for something as fundamental as signal names, there's someplace they're not compiled away?


得分: 3

d455e41 提交于2019年3月添加了这个功能,作为 sys/unix.SignalNum(),因此至少从Go 1.13开始可用。更多详细信息请参阅GitHub问题#28027


> func SignalNum(s string) syscall.Signal
> SignalNum返回名称为s的信号的syscall.Signal,如果找不到具有该名称的信号,则返回0。信号名称应以"SIG"开头。


    import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"

	// 有关为什么在范围0,255内循环的详细信息,请参阅https://github.com/golang/go/issues/28027#issuecomment-427377759。
	for i := syscall.Signal(0); i < syscall.Signal(255); i++ {
		name := unix.SignalName(i)
		// 信号编号不保证连续。
		if name != "" {

Commit d455e41 added this feature in March 2019 as sys/unix.SignalNum() and is thus available at least since Go 1.13. More details in GitHub issue #28027.

From the documentation of the golang.org/x/sys/unix package:

> func SignalNum(s string) syscall.Signal
> SignalNum returns the syscall.Signal for signal named s, or 0 if a signal with such name is not found. The signal name should start with "SIG".

To answer a similar question, "how can I list the names of all available signals (on a given Unix-like platform)", we can use the inverse function sys/unix.SignalName():

    import &quot;golang.org/x/sys/unix&quot;

	// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/28027#issuecomment-427377759
	// for why looping in range 0,255 is enough.
	for i := syscall.Signal(0); i &lt; syscall.Signal(255); i++ {
		name := unix.SignalName(i)
		// Signal numbers are not guaranteed to be contiguous.
		if name != &quot;&quot; {


得分: 1

更新 在我发布下面的答案后的一段时间内,Golang的stdlib获得了这个功能。@marco.m发布了一个描述如何使用该功能的答案,并被接受;以下方法不推荐使用,除非您使用的Go版本早于提供适合此任务的正确工具的可用性。


signame 内部函数可以通过信号编号在Unix和Windows上获取信号名称。要调用它,您必须使用 linkname/汇编器解决方法。基本上,您可以在项目中创建一个名为empty.s的文件,没有内容,然后像这样声明一个函数:

//go:linkname signame runtime.signame
func signame(sig uint32) string


signum := uint32(0)
signalmap = make(map[uint32]string)
for len(signame(signum)) > 0 {
    words := strings.Fields(signame(signum))
    if words[0] == "signal"  || ! strings.HasPrefix(words[0], "SIG") {
        signalmap[signum] = ""
    } else {
        // Remove leading SIG and trailing colon.
        signalmap[signum] = strings.TrimRight(words[0][3:], ":")




Update some time after I posted the below answer, Golang's stdlib acquired this functionality. An answer describing how to use that functionality was posted by @marco.m and accepted; the below is not recommended unless the version of Go you are using pre-dates the availability of the right tool for the job.

Since no answers were posted, I'll post the less-than-ideal solution I was able to use by "breaking into" a private signal-enumeration function inside Go's standard library.

The signame internal function can get a signal name by number on Unix and Windows. To call it, you have to use the linkname/assembler workaround. Basically, make a file in your project called empty.s or similar, with no contents, and then a function declaration like so:

//go:linkname signame runtime.signame
func signame(sig uint32) string

Then, you can get a list of all signals known by the operating system by calling signame on an increasing number until it doesn't return a value, like so:

signum := uint32(0)
signalmap = make(map[uint32]string)
for len(signame(signum)) &gt; 0 {
	words := strings.Fields(signame(signum))
	if words[0] == &quot;signal&quot;  || ! strings.HasPrefix(words[0], &quot;SIG&quot;) {
		signalmap[signum] = &quot;&quot;
	} else {
		// Remove leading SIG and trailing colon.
		signalmap[signum] = strings.TrimRight(words[0][3:], &quot;:&quot;)

After that runs, signalmap will have keys for every signal that can be sent on the current operating system. It will have an empty string where Go doesn't think the OS has a name for the signal (the kill(1) may name some signals that Go won't return names for, I've found, but it's usually the higher-numbered/nonstandard ones), or a string name, e.g. "INT" where a name can be found.

This behavior is undocumented, subject to change, and may not hold true on some platforms. It would be nice if this were made public, though.

  • 本文由 发表于 2017年3月5日 00:43:10
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/42598522.html



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