Is there a way to match everything except a constant string using Go.Regexp?

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Is there a way to match everything except a constant string using Go.Regexp?




大多数答案建议使用类似于\/.*\/.*\/((?!somestring).*)的表达式,但是在Go的正则表达式中,我得到了错误信息:? The preceding token is not quantifiable



I have found many similar questions that do not work with the Go regex syntax.

The string that I am attempting to match against is in the form of anything/anything/somestring. With the pattern \/.*\/.*\/(.*), I will match somestring, but I am trying to match anything except strings that contain somestring.

Most answers propose using something like \/.*\/.*\/((?!somestring).*), however in golang regexp I get: ? The preceding token is not quantifiable.

For clarification: /test/test/MATCH would produce a match while /test/test/somestring would not. Is this possible with the (limited) Go regex syntax?


得分: 9



然而,你可以使用不同的解决方法。对于当前的解决方法,你可以使用生成POSIX兼容的否定模式的 Web服务。例如,对于somestring,它生成一个^([^s]|s(s|o(s|m(s|es(omes)*(s|t(s|r(s|i(s|ns)))|o(s|ms)))))*([^os]|o([^ms]|m([^es]|e([^s]|s(omes)*([^ost]|t([^rs]|r([^is]|i([^ns]|n[^gs])))|o([^ms]|m([^es]|e[^s]))))))))*(s(s|o(s|m(s|es(omes)*(s|t(s|r(s|i(s|ns)))|o(s|ms)))))*(o((me?)?|mes(omes)*(t(r?|rin?)|o(me?)?)?))?)?$正则表达式。为了在原始正则表达式中使用它,你只需要将最后的(.*)替换为(<part after ^>),即正则表达式将变为







package main

import (

func main() {
	s := "anything/anything/somestring"
	r := regexp.MustCompile(`^[^/]+/[^/]+/(.*)`)
	val := r.FindStringSubmatch(s)
	// fmt.Println(val[1]) // -> somestring
	if len(val) > 1 && val[1] != "somestring" { // val有多于1个元素且不等于somestring?
		fmt.Println(val[1])		 // 使用val[1]
	} else {
		fmt.Println("No match")  // 否则,报告没有匹配





Go `regexp` module does not support lookaheads because this package guarantees to run in O(n) time, and the authors did not find a way to introduce lookarounds without violating these constraints.

**However**, you may use different workarounds. For the current one, you can use the Web service that generates POSIX-compatible negated patterns. E.g. for `somestring`, it generates a `^([^s]|s(s|o(s|m(s|es(omes)*(s|t(s|r(s|i(s|ns)))|o(s|ms)))))*([^os]|o([^ms]|m([^es]|e([^s]|s(omes)*([^ost]|t([^rs]|r([^is]|i([^ns]|n[^gs])))|o([^ms]|m([^es]|e[^s]))))))))*(s(s|o(s|m(s|es(omes)*(s|t(s|r(s|i(s|ns)))|o(s|ms)))))*(o((me?)?|mes(omes)*(t(r?|rin?)|o(me?)?)?))?)?$` regex, and in order to use it in your original regex, all you need is to replace the last `(.*)` with `(&lt;part after ^&gt;)`, i.e. the regex will look like

See the regex demo.

To make sure the regex only captures the part after third backslash, the first two .* patterns are replaced with [^/]* that match zero or more chars other than /. (In the demo, I added \n, too, to avoid matching across lines in the single multiline string demo).

Originally accepted answer

The anything/anything/somestring should not be expressed as \/.*\/.*\/(.*). The first .* matches up to the last but one / in the string. You need to use a negated character class [^/] (not the / should not be escaped in Go regex).

Since RE2 that Go uses does not support lookaheads, you need to capture (as JimB mentions in the comments) all three parts you are interested in, and after checking the capture group #1 value, decide what to return:

package main

import (
func main() {
s := &quot;anything/anything/somestring&quot;
r := regexp.MustCompile(`^[^/]+/[^/]+/(.*)`)
val := r.FindStringSubmatch(s)
// fmt.Println(val[1]) // -&gt; somestring
if len(val) &gt; 1 &amp;&amp; val[1] != &quot;somestring&quot; { // val has more than 1 element and is not equal to somestring?
fmt.Println(val[1])		 // Use val[1]
} else {
fmt.Println(&quot;No match&quot;)  // Else, report no match

See the Go demo


得分: 8

Golang故意不包含这个功能,因为没有办法在O(n)时间内实现它,以满足真正正则表达式的约束条件根据Russ Cox的说法

> 广义断言的缺失,就像反向引用的缺失一样,并不是我们对正则表达式风格的声明。这是由于我们不知道如何高效地实现它们。如果您能够在保持当前包regexp所做的承诺的同时实现它们,即对输入进行单次扫描并在O(n)时间内运行,那么我将很乐意审查和批准该CL。然而,我已经思考了五年,断断续续地思考了如何做到这一点,但没有任何进展。



Golang intentionally leaves this feature out as there is no way to implement it in O(n) time to satisfy the constraints of a true Regular Expression according to Russ Cox:

> The lack of generalized assertions, like the lack of backreferences,
is not a statement on our part about regular expression style. It is
a consequence of not knowing how to implement them efficiently. If
you can implement them while preserving the guarantees made by the
current package regexp, namely that it makes a single scan over the
input and runs in O(n) time, then I would be happy to review and
approve that CL. However, I have pondered how to do this for five
years, off and on, and gotten nowhere.

It looks like the best way to do this is to manually check the match after as JimB mentions above.


得分: 1



There is regexp2 which implement a feature-rich RegExp engine for Go, it doesn't have constant time guarantees like the built-in regexp package, but it allows backtracking. You can use then something like (?!somestring) to solve your problem.

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