
huangapple go评论73阅读模式

Get scheme of the current request URL



package main

import (

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    scheme := r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-Proto")
    if scheme == "" {
        scheme = r.URL.Scheme
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "%#v\n", scheme)



In Ruby/Rack, I'm able to get the scheme of the current request URL from scheme#request. However, in Go, http.Request.URL.Scheme returns an empty string:

package main

import (

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "%#v\n", r.URL.Scheme) // Always shows empty string

How do I get scheme of the current request URL?


得分: 10


由于HTTPS是HTTP over TLS,*http.Request具有一个TLS属性,它将返回一个包含有关此请求使用的TLS的信息的*tls.ConnectionState,因此,如果您想知道客户端如何与服务器联系,可以检查请求的TLS属性,如果请求是通过HTTPS进行的,它将不为nil,如果请求是通过HTTP进行的,则TLS属性将为nil,因为只有通过HTTPS协议才能进行TLS请求。

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   if r.TLS == nil {
       // 请求是通过HTTP进行的
   } else {
       // 请求是通过HTTPS进行的

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
    go func(){ 
        log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServeTLS(":8443", "localhost.crt", "localhost.key", nil)) 
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

To serve HTTP and HTTPS you will need to call both serve functions <br>
http.ListenAndServe() and http.ListenAndServeTLS() with the same handler
because if you are using only 1 of them like the example of the question then you are only listing on 1 protocol http.ListenAndServe() for http, and http.ListenAndServeTLS() for HTTPS, if you will try to contact the server with a different protocol it will not go through,

and because HTTPS is HTTP over TLS the *http.Request has a TLS property that will give you back a *tls.ConnectionState with info about the TLS that was used on this request, then if you want to know how the client contact the server you can check on the request TLS property,
if the request were made with HTTPS it would not be nil,
if the request was made with HTTP then the TLS property will be nil,
because the only way that a request was made with TLS is with the HTTPS protocol

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   if r.TLS == nil {
       // the scheme was HTTP
   } else {
       // the scheme was HTTPS

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc(&quot;/&quot;, handler)
    go func(){ 
        log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServeTLS(&quot;:8443&quot;,&quot;localhost.crt&quot;, &quot;localhost.key&quot;, nil)) 
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(&quot;:8080&quot;, nil))


得分: 6



func AlwaysHTTPS(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        r.URL.Scheme = "https"

        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)


使用gorilla mux的示例:

package main

import (


func main() {
    r := mux.NewRouter()

    http.Handle("/", r)
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("[::]:8009", nil))


ProxyHeaders检查常见的反向代理头部,并设置HTTP请求结构中相应的字段。这些头部包括X-Forwarded-For和X-Real-IP用于远程(客户端)IP地址,X-Forwarded-Proto或X-Forwarded-Scheme用于协议(http|https),以及可能包含客户端IP和协议的RFC7239 Forwarded头部。



A quick grep shows that r.URL.Scheme is never set to anything other than the empty string anywhere in net/http. Personally I think it should be, as far as possible, but apparently I have a minority opinion.

If you opened a TLS listener yourself with http.ListenAndServeTLS() then presumably you know the scheme is https already. You can use a trivial middleware handler that fills in r.URL.Scheme in this case.

func AlwaysHTTPS(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        r.URL.Scheme = &quot;https&quot;

        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

If you're running behind a web server, then it may pass the request protocol in a header such as X-Forwarded-Proto. In this case, you can use a handler like gorilla's handlers.ProxyHeaders() to fill in the missing fields.

An example using gorilla mux:

package main

import (


func main() {
    r := mux.NewRouter()

    http.Handle(&quot;/&quot;, r)
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(&quot;[::]:8009&quot;, nil))

From its comments:

> ProxyHeaders inspects common reverse proxy headers and sets the corresponding fields in the HTTP request struct. These are X-Forwarded-For and X-Real-IP for the remote (client) IP address, X-Forwarded-Proto or X-Forwarded-Scheme for the scheme (http|https) and the RFC7239 Forwarded header, which may include both client IPs and schemes.
> NOTE: This middleware should only be used when behind a reverse proxy like nginx, HAProxy or Apache. Reverse proxies that don't (or are configured not to) strip these headers from client requests, or where these headers are accepted "as is" from a remote client (e.g. when Go is not behind a proxy), can manifest as a vulnerability if your application uses these headers for validating the 'trustworthiness' of a request.


得分: 5





Since you use ListenAndServe and not ListenAndServeTLS, your scheme can be safely assumed as http. If you use both tls and non tls versions, you can use r.TLS and check it for null to know whether TLS was established. If your go app is running behind a reverse proxy, then you have to check the documentation on the web server which is forwarding the requests to your app, to learn how to configure it to pass this information as headers. Here's a link describing nginx configuration which accomplishes that. You can easily find configuration guides for other webservers as well.

Better yet, configure HSTS on your main web server, so that you don't have to worry about insecure connections altogether. There are very few, if any, legitimate uses to non-TLS http. For nginx you can find this article useful. And again for other web servers you will easily find configuration guides.

If you're unsure if your site/application needs https I recommend reading this.


得分: 1


> 作为一个特殊情况,如果req.URL.Host是"localhost"(带或不带端口号),那么将返回一个nil URL和nil错误。


func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", r.Host)                    

localhost is a special case for URL formation. It is going to be empty anyway if your client is localhost.

net.http package doc:
> As a special case, if req.URL.Host is "localhost" (with or without a port number), then a nil URL and nil error will be returned.

The way to get required url/uri information is to get it from http.Request directly. For example:

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintf(w, &quot;%s\n&quot;, r.Host)                    


得分: 1



http header X-Forwarded-Proto will have http or https


得分: -2


GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080




u := r.URL

// Scheme可以是http/https,这取决于你的服务器处理的协议。
u.Scheme = "http"

It is because, you're accessing the HTTP server so:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

in this cases, based on parsing what you get is raw URL from Go's http.Request.URL. why you are getting this is because you are accessing the URL from a relative path, hence the lack of a Host or Scheme in the URL object.

If you do want to get the HTTP host, you may have to access the Host attribute of the http.Request struct. See http://golang.org/pkg/http/#Request

as it is not directly available, but you can still be able to assemble it:

u := r.URL

// The scheme can be http/https because that&#39;s depends on protocol your server handles.
u.Scheme = &quot;http&quot;

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年11月27日 15:21:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/40826664.html



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