
huangapple go评论107阅读模式

How to get a map or list of template 'actions' from a parsed template?


所以我想以某种方式将模板中所有的{{ .blahblah }}操作作为字符串切片定义。


<h1>{{ .name }} {{ .age }}</h1>

我想要能够得到[]string{"name", "age"}。假设模板有一个方法func (t *Template) Fields() []string

t := template.New("cooltemplate").Parse(`<h1>{{ .name }} {{ .age }}</h1>`)
if t.Fields() == []string{"name", "age"} {
    fmt.Println("Yay, 现在我知道可以传递哪些字段了!")
    // 现在让我们传递刚刚发现的name字段。
    _ = t.Execute(os.Stdout, map[string]string{"name": "Jack", "age":"120"})



So I would like to somehow get all of my {{ .blahblah }} actions defined in a template as slice of strings.

For example if I have this template:

&lt;h1&gt;{{ .name }} {{ .age }}&lt;/h1&gt;

I would like to be able to get []string{&quot;name&quot;, &quot;age&quot;}. Pretend that a template has the method func (t *Template) Fields() []string:

t := template.New(&quot;cooltemplate&quot;).Parse(`&lt;h1&gt;{{ .name }} {{ .age }}&lt;/h1&gt;`)
if t.Fields() == []string{&quot;name&quot;, &quot;age&quot;} {
    fmt.Println(&quot;Yay, now I know what fields I can pass in!&quot;)
    // Now lets pass in the name field that we just discovered.
    _ = t.Execute(os.Stdout, map[string]string{&quot;name&quot;: &quot;Jack&quot;, &quot;age&quot;:&quot;120&quot;})

Is there a way to inspect a parsed template like this?


得分: 7





const (
        NodeText    NodeType = iota // 普通文本。
        NodeAction                  // 非控制操作,如字段评估。
        NodeBool                    // 布尔常量。
        NodeChain                   // 字段访问的序列。
        NodeCommand                 // 流水线的元素。
        NodeDot                     // 光标,点。

        NodeField      // 字段或方法名。
        NodeIdentifier // 标识符;始终是函数名。
        NodeIf         // if操作。
        NodeList       // 节点列表。
        NodeNil        // 无类型的nil常量。
        NodeNumber     // 数值常量。
        NodePipe       // 命令的流水线。
        NodeRange      // range操作。
        NodeString     // 字符串常量。
        NodeTemplate   // 模板调用操作。
        NodeVariable   // $变量。
        NodeWith       // with操作。



func ListTemplFields(t *template.Template) []string {
	return listNodeFields(t.Tree.Root, nil)

func listNodeFields(node parse.Node, res []string) []string {
	if node.Type() == parse.NodeAction {
		res = append(res, node.String())

	if ln, ok := node.(*parse.ListNode); ok {
		for _, n := range ln.Nodes {
			res = listNodeFields(n, res)
	return res


t := template.Must(template.New("cooltemplate").
    Parse(`<h1>{{ .name }} {{ .age }}</h1>`))

输出(在Go Playground上尝试):

[{{.name}} {{.age}}]

Foreword: As Voker suggests, the Template.Tree field is "exported only for use by html/template and should be treated as unexported by all other clients."

You should not rely on such thing to be able to provide input for a template execution. You must know the template you want to execute along with the data it expects. You shouldn't "explore" it at runtime to provide arguments for it.

The value you get out of parsing a template is template.Template (either text/template or html/template, they have the same API). This template represents the templates as a tree of type parse.Tree. Everything that a text template contains is stored in this tree in nodes, including static texts, actions etc.

Having said that, you can walk this tree and look for nodes that identify such actions that access fields or call functions. The nodes are of type parse.Node which has a Node.Type() method returning its type. The possible types are defined as constants in the parse package, next to the parse.NodeType type, e.g.

const (
        NodeText    NodeType = iota // Plain text.
        NodeAction                  // A non-control action such as a field evaluation.
        NodeBool                    // A boolean constant.
        NodeChain                   // A sequence of field accesses.
        NodeCommand                 // An element of a pipeline.
        NodeDot                     // The cursor, dot.

        NodeField      // A field or method name.
        NodeIdentifier // An identifier; always a function name.
        NodeIf         // An if action.
        NodeList       // A list of Nodes.
        NodeNil        // An untyped nil constant.
        NodeNumber     // A numerical constant.
        NodePipe       // A pipeline of commands.
        NodeRange      // A range action.
        NodeString     // A string constant.
        NodeTemplate   // A template invocation action.
        NodeVariable   // A $ variable.
        NodeWith       // A with action.

So here is an example program that recursively walks a template tree, and looks for nodes with NodeAction type, which is "A non-control action such as a field evaluation."

This solution is just a demonstration, a proof of concept, it does not handle all cases.

func ListTemplFields(t *template.Template) []string {
	return listNodeFields(t.Tree.Root, nil)

func listNodeFields(node parse.Node, res []string) []string {
	if node.Type() == parse.NodeAction {
		res = append(res, node.String())

	if ln, ok := node.(*parse.ListNode); ok {
		for _, n := range ln.Nodes {
			res = listNodeFields(n, res)
	return res

Example using it:

t := template.Must(template.New(&quot;cooltemplate&quot;).
    Parse(`&lt;h1&gt;{{ .name }} {{ .age }}&lt;/h1&gt;`))

Output (try it on the Go Playground):

[{{.name}} {{.age}}]


得分: 1

一个对 @icza 的答案的小优化,也许能有一点帮助 如何从解析的模板中获取模板“actions”的地图或列表?

func listNodeFieldsV2(node parse.Node) []string {
	var res []string
	if node.Type() == parse.NodeAction {
		res = append(res, node.String())
	if ln, ok := node.(*parse.ListNode); ok {
		for _, n := range ln.Nodes {
			res = append(res, listNodeFieldsV2(n)...)
	return res


A small optimization to @icza 's answer, maybe it helps a little 如何从解析的模板中获取模板“actions”的地图或列表?

func listNodeFieldsV2(node parse.Node) []string {
	var res []string
	if node.Type() == parse.NodeAction {
		res = append(res, node.String())
	if ln, ok := node.(*parse.ListNode); ok {
		for _, n := range ln.Nodes {
			res = append(res, listNodeFieldsV2(n)...)
	return res


得分: 0




// 从*简单*模板中提取所需的模板变量。
// 仅适用于顶级的普通变量。返回所有有问题的parse.Node作为错误。
func RequiredTemplateVars(t *template.Template) ([]string, []error) {
	var res []string
	var errors []error
	var ln *parse.ListNode
	ln = t.Tree.Root
	for _, n := range ln.Nodes {
		if nn, ok := n.(*parse.ActionNode); ok {
			p := nn.Pipe
			if len(p.Decl) > 0 {
				errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("不支持节点 %v", n))
				continue Node
			for _, c := range p.Cmds {
				if len(c.Args) != 1 {
					errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("不支持节点 %v", n))
					continue Node
				if a, ok := c.Args[0].(*parse.FieldNode); ok {
					if len(a.Ident) != 1 {
						errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("不支持节点 %v", n))
						continue Node
					res = append(res, a.Ident[0])
				} else {
					errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("不支持节点 %v", n))
					continue Node

		} else {
			if _, ok := n.(*parse.TextNode); !ok {
				errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("不支持节点 %v", n))
				continue Node
	return res, errors



I have happened to need roughly the same code.
In my use case, we allow users to create templates on one side, and to enter a map[string]string of variables to be used for rendering in a different form.

This is the code that I came up with so far (inspired by icza's answer):

// Extract the template vars required from *simple* templates.
// Only works for top level, plain variables. Returns all problematic parse.Node as errors.
func RequiredTemplateVars(t *template.Template) ([]string, []error) {
	var res []string
	var errors []error
	var ln *parse.ListNode
	ln = t.Tree.Root
	for _, n := range ln.Nodes {
		if nn, ok := n.(*parse.ActionNode); ok {
			p := nn.Pipe
			if len(p.Decl) &gt; 0 {
				errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf(&quot;Node %v not supported&quot;, n))
				continue Node
			for _, c := range p.Cmds {
				if len(c.Args) != 1 {
					errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf(&quot;Node %v not supported&quot;, n))
					continue Node
				if a, ok := c.Args[0].(*parse.FieldNode); ok {
					if len(a.Ident) != 1 {
						errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf(&quot;Node %v not supported&quot;, n))
						continue Node
					res = append(res, a.Ident[0])
				} else {
					errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf(&quot;Node %v not supported&quot;, n))
					continue Node

		} else {
			if _, ok := n.(*parse.TextNode); !ok {
				errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf(&quot;Node %v not supported&quot;, n))
				continue Node
	return res, errors



得分: 0

func parseTemplateVariables(template string) {
	parsedTemplate, err := text_template.New("test").Option("missingkey=error").Parse(template)
	if err != nil {
	visited := make(map[interface{}]bool)
	queue := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(parsedTemplate.Root)}
	for len(queue) != 0 {
		node := queue[0]
		queue = queue[1:]

		for node.Kind() != reflect.Struct && node.Kind() != reflect.Array && node.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
			node = node.Elem()

		if node.CanInterface() {
			vInterface := node.Interface()
			if listNode, ok := vInterface.([]parse.Node); ok {
				for _, itemNode := range listNode {
					if itemNode.Type() == parse.NodeField {
						log.Printf("using variable: %v", itemNode)

		var n int
		if node.Kind() == reflect.Array || node.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
			n = node.Len()
		} else {
			n = node.NumField()
		for i := 0; i != n; i++ {
			var itemNode reflect.Value
			if node.Kind() == reflect.Array || node.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
				itemNode = node.Index(i)
			} else {
				itemNode = node.Field(i)

			if !itemNode.IsValid() || itemNode.IsZero() {

			if itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Bool ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.String ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int8 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int16 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int64 ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint16 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uintptr ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Float32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Float64 ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Complex64 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Complex128 {

			k := itemNode.Kind()
			_ = k

			if itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Array || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
				itemNodePtr := itemNode.Addr()
				if _, ok := visited[itemNodePtr]; ok {
				visited[itemNodePtr] = true
				//log.Printf("%v", itemNodePtr)
			} else {
				itemNodePtr := itemNode.Addr()
				if _, ok := visited[itemNodePtr]; ok {
				visited[itemNodePtr] = true
				//log.Printf("%v", itemNodePtr)

			queue = append(queue, itemNode)



solution for search variables in template, with reflect + template

func parseTemplateVariables(template string) {
parsedTemplate, err := text_template.New(&quot;test&quot;).Option(&quot;missingkey=error&quot;).Parse(template)
if err != nil {
visited := make(map[interface{}]bool)
queue := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(parsedTemplate.Root)}
for len(queue) != 0 {
node := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
for node.Kind() != reflect.Struct &amp;&amp; node.Kind() != reflect.Array &amp;&amp; node.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
node = node.Elem()
if node.CanInterface() {
vInterface := node.Interface()
if listNode, ok := vInterface.([]parse.Node); ok {
for _, itemNode := range listNode {
if itemNode.Type() == parse.NodeField {
log.Printf(&quot;using variable: %v&quot;, itemNode)
var n int
if node.Kind() == reflect.Array || node.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
n = node.Len()
} else {
n = node.NumField()
for i := 0; i != n; i++ {
var itemNode reflect.Value
if node.Kind() == reflect.Array || node.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
itemNode = node.Index(i)
} else {
itemNode = node.Field(i)
if !itemNode.IsValid() || itemNode.IsZero() {
if itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Bool ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.String ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int8 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int16 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int64 ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint16 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uintptr ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Float32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Float64 ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Complex64 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Complex128 {
k := itemNode.Kind()
_ = k
if itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Array || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
itemNodePtr := itemNode.Addr()
if _, ok := visited[itemNodePtr]; ok {
visited[itemNodePtr] = true
//log.Printf(&quot;%v&quot;, itemNodePtr)
} else {
itemNodePtr := itemNode.Addr()
if _, ok := visited[itemNodePtr]; ok {
visited[itemNodePtr] = true
//log.Printf(&quot;%v&quot;, itemNodePtr)
queue = append(queue, itemNode)


得分: 0

func parseTemplateVariables(template string) {
	parsedTemplate, err := text_template.New("test").Option("missingkey=error").Parse(template)
	if err != nil {
	visited := make(map[interface{}]bool)
	queue := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(parsedTemplate.Root)}
	for len(queue) != 0 {
		node := queue[0]
		queue = queue[1:]

		for node.Kind() != reflect.Struct && node.Kind() != reflect.Array && node.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
			node = node.Elem()

		if node.CanInterface() {
			vInterface := node.Interface()
			if listNode, ok := vInterface.([]parse.Node); ok {
				for _, itemNode := range listNode {
					if itemNode.Type() == parse.NodeField {
						log.Printf("using variable: %v", itemNode)

		var n int
		if node.Kind() == reflect.Array || node.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
			n = node.Len()
		} else {
			n = node.NumField()
		for i := 0; i != n; i++ {
			var itemNode reflect.Value
			if node.Kind() == reflect.Array || node.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
				itemNode = node.Index(i)
			} else {
				itemNode = node.Field(i)

			if !itemNode.IsValid() || itemNode.IsZero() {

			if itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Bool ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.String ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int8 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int16 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int64 ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint16 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uintptr ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Float32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Float64 ||
				itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Complex64 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Complex128 {

			k := itemNode.Kind()
			_ = k

			if itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Array || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
				itemNodePtr := itemNode.Addr()
				if _, ok := visited[itemNodePtr]; ok {
				visited[itemNodePtr] = true
				//log.Printf("%v", itemNodePtr)
			} else {
				itemNodePtr := itemNode.Addr()
				if _, ok := visited[itemNodePtr]; ok {
				visited[itemNodePtr] = true
				//log.Printf("%v", itemNodePtr)

			queue = append(queue, itemNode)






solution for find variables, with reflect + template

func parseTemplateVariables(template string) {
parsedTemplate, err := text_template.New(&quot;test&quot;).Option(&quot;missingkey=error&quot;).Parse(template)
if err != nil {
visited := make(map[interface{}]bool)
queue := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(parsedTemplate.Root)}
for len(queue) != 0 {
node := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
for node.Kind() != reflect.Struct &amp;&amp; node.Kind() != reflect.Array &amp;&amp; node.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
node = node.Elem()
if node.CanInterface() {
vInterface := node.Interface()
if listNode, ok := vInterface.([]parse.Node); ok {
for _, itemNode := range listNode {
if itemNode.Type() == parse.NodeField {
log.Printf(&quot;using variable: %v&quot;, itemNode)
var n int
if node.Kind() == reflect.Array || node.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
n = node.Len()
} else {
n = node.NumField()
for i := 0; i != n; i++ {
var itemNode reflect.Value
if node.Kind() == reflect.Array || node.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
itemNode = node.Index(i)
} else {
itemNode = node.Field(i)
if !itemNode.IsValid() || itemNode.IsZero() {
if itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Bool ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.String ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int8 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int16 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Int64 ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint16 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Uintptr ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Float32 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Float64 ||
itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Complex64 || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Complex128 {
k := itemNode.Kind()
_ = k
if itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Array || itemNode.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
itemNodePtr := itemNode.Addr()
if _, ok := visited[itemNodePtr]; ok {
visited[itemNodePtr] = true
//log.Printf(&quot;%v&quot;, itemNodePtr)
} else {
itemNodePtr := itemNode.Addr()
if _, ok := visited[itemNodePtr]; ok {
visited[itemNodePtr] = true
//log.Printf(&quot;%v&quot;, itemNodePtr)
queue = append(queue, itemNode)

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年11月14日 16:33:58
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/40584612.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
