to find the last index of the array in mongodb

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to find the last index of the array in mongodb




type (
    Employee struct {
        Name               string
        Password           string
        EmpId              string 
        EmailAddress       string
        Position           string
        Gender             string
        Nationality        string
        Department         string
        MaritalStatus      string
        Approvedby         string
        JoinDate           time.Time
        ConfirmationDate   time.Time
        EndDate            time.Time
        Leave              []*LeaveInfo  
    LeaveInfo struct {
        Total        float64
        Id           int
        Days         float64
        From         time.Time
        To           time.Time  
        Status       string
        Certificate  []*CertificateInfo
    CertificateInfo struct {
        FileName string
        FileType string
        FileSize int


employee := Employee{}
err = c.Find(bson.M{
    "empid": "1234",
if err != nil {
name := result.Name        
lastindex := result.LeaveInfo[len(result.LeaveInfo)-1].Id




var result bson.M

query := bson.M{"empid": "1234"}  // 获取你感兴趣的员工
match := bson.M{"$match": query}  // 设置管道的匹配部分
unwind := bson.M{"$unwind": "$leave"}  // 设置要展开的leave字段

pipeline := []bson.M{match, unwind, {
    "$project": bson.M{
        "ID": bson.M{
            "$slice": []interface{}{"$", -1},

iter := postCollection.Pipe(pipeline).Iter()
for iter.Next(&result) {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)



In the back end i m using go lang and for database i use mongoDB. I m trying to find the last document inserted in the embedded array so i can retrieve the document in the last array index without knowing its index.Right now i m getting all the documents of the employee and then find the last index.It is like overloading my RAM as i need to retrieve 1000 of record of employee and store it in ram before finding the last index of the array
My struct is as follows

 type (
        Employee struct {
            Name               string
            Password           string
            EmpId              string 
           EmailAddress       string
           Position           string
           Gender             string
           Nationality        string
           Department         string
           MaritalStatus      string
           Approvedby         string
           JoinDate           time.Time
           ConfirmationDate   time.Time
           EndDate            time.Time
            Leave             []*LeaveInfo  
        LeaveInfo struct {
            Total        float64
            Id           int
            Days         float64
            From        time.Time
             To          time.Time  
            Status       string
            Certificate  []*CertificateInfo
        CertificateInfo struct {
            FileName string
            FileType string
            FileSize int


Here is how i do in my application

 My code is follows
    employee := Employee{}
    err = c.Find(bson.M{
                  "empid": "1234"
    if err != nil {
          lastindex:= result.LeaveInfo[len(result.LeaveInfo)-1].Id

As you can see i retrive the whole employee data and then find the Id of the last document.Is there any better way to do this.Appreciate any help.Please ...Thanks..

> Newly Added Codes

 This code is based on your example
   var result bson.M
    query := bson.M{"empid": "1234"}  // gets the employee you are interested in
    match := bson.M{"$match": query}  // Set up the match part of the pipeline
    unwind := bson.M{"$unwind": "$leave"}  // sets up the leave field to be unwound
    pipeline := []bson.M{match, unwind,{
                "$slice": []interface{}{"$", -1},
    iter := postCollection.Pipe(pipeline).Iter()
    for iter.Next(&result) {
        fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)

This code gives me lot of same document like 542 documents .But all these document are same...


得分: 1

如果你正在运行一个具有 $slice 功能的Mongo版本,它是在2.4版本中引入的,你可以在Find中使用它,并添加一个Select函数,它的工作方式类似于project。

err = c.Find(bson.M{"empid": "1234"}).Select(bson.M{"name": 1, "leave": bson.M{"$slice": -1}}).One(&result) // result是一个Employee结构体




type EmployeeResult struct {
    Name  string    `bson:"name"`
    Leave LeaveInfo `bson:"leave"`



query := bson.M{"empid": "1234"}  // 获取你感兴趣的员工
match := bson.M{"$match": query}  // 设置管道的匹配部分
unwind := bson.M{"$unwind": "$leave"}  // 设置要展开的leave字段
pipeline := []bson.M{match, unwind} // 你传递给pipe的管道。我喜欢将pipe调用的各个部分分开,以提高清晰度和后续修改的便利性。


var result EmployeeResult
iter := postCollection.Pipe(pipeline).Iter()
for iter.Next(&result) {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)



If you are running a version on Mongo which has $slice in it, It was introduced in 2.4, you can use it in a Find with the addition of a Select Function, which works like project.

err = c.Find(bson.M{"empid": "1234"}).Select(bson.M{"name": 1, "leave": bson.M{"$slice": -1}}).One(&result) // result is an Employee struct

Otherwise, aggregation is your friend. You need to use a pipeline and unwind the Employee Leave field.

There are a few simple steps:

  1. Define a result record based on your Employee record where the Leave field is defined as a single LeaveInfo rather than a slice of LeaveInfos, eg

    EmployeeResult struct {
    Name string bson:"name"
    Leave LeaveInfo bson:"leave"
    Do not forget to make the bson tag the same name as the LeaveInfo tag in the Employee struct.

  2. Then create a pipeline with a couple of stages:

    query := bson.M{"empid": "1234"} // gets the employee you are interested in
    match := bson.M{"$match": query} // Set up the match part of the pipeline
    unwind := bson.M{"$unwind": "$leave"} // sets up the leave field to be unwound
    pipeline := []bson.M{match, unwind} // the pipeline you are passing to pipe. I like to split the parts of the pipe call up for clarity and ease of later modification

  3. Call Pipe with the pipeline as a parameter then Iter over the results, this should give you one LeaveInfo at a time

    var (
    result EmployeeResult
    iter := postCollection.Pipe(pipeline).Iter()
    for iter.Next(&result) {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)

  4. At the end of the loop, result will have the last item in the list, or be blank if nothing was read.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年11月11日 17:19:45
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