
huangapple go评论76阅读模式

Concurrent access to maps with 'range' in Go



> 地图在并发使用时不安全:当同时读取和写入地图时,未定义会发生什么。如果你需要在并发执行的goroutine中从地图中读取和写入数据,访问必须通过某种同步机制进行调节。保护地图的一种常见方式是使用sync.RWMutex。


 var testMap map[int]int
 testMapLock := make(chan bool, 1)
 testMapLock <- true
 testMapSequence := 0


 func WriteTestMap(k, v int) {
    testMap[k] = v

 func IterateMapKeys(iteratorChannel chan int) error {
    defer func() { 
       testMapLock <- true
    mySeq := testMapSequence
    for k, _ := range testMap {
       testMapLock <- true
       iteratorChannel <- k
       if mySeq != testMapSequence {
           return errors.New("concurrent modification")
    return nil



(请注意,这个问题是关于for/range的并发性,但不是重复的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34080734/golang-concurrent-map-access-with-range - 使用案例完全不同,我在这里询问的是关于range关键字的精确锁定要求!)


The "Go maps in action" entry in the Go blog states:

> Maps are not safe for concurrent use: it's not defined what happens when you read and write to them simultaneously. If you need to read from and write to a map from concurrently executing goroutines, the accesses must be mediated by some kind of synchronization mechanism. One common way to protect maps is with sync.RWMutex.

However, one common way to access maps is to iterate over them with the range keyword. It is not clear if for the purposes of concurrent access, execution inside a range loop is a "read", or just the "turnover" phase of that loop. For example, the following code may or may not run afoul of the "no concurrent r/w on maps" rule, depending on the specific semantics / implementation of the range operation:

 var testMap map[int]int
 testMapLock := make(chan bool, 1)
 testMapLock <- true
 testMapSequence := 0


 func WriteTestMap(k, v int) {
    testMap[k] = v

 func IterateMapKeys(iteratorChannel chan int) error {
    defer func() { 
       testMapLock <- true
    mySeq := testMapSequence
    for k, _ := range testMap {
       testMapLock <- true
       iteratorChannel <- k
       if mySeq != testMapSequence {
           return errors.New("concurrent modification")
    return nil

The idea here is that the range "iterator" is open when the second function is waiting for a consumer to take the next value, and the writer is not blocked at that time. However, it is never the case that two reads in a single iterator are on either side of a write - this is a "fail fast" iterator, the borrow a Java term.

Is there anything anywhere in the language specification or other documents that indicates if this is a legitimate thing to do, however? I could see it going either way, and the above quoted document is not clear on exactly what consititutes a "read". The documentation seems totally quiet on the concurrency aspects of the for/range statement.

(Please note this question is about the currency of for/range, but not a duplicate of: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34080734/golang-concurrent-map-access-with-range - the use case is completely different and I am asking about the precise locking requirement wrt the 'range' keyword here!)


得分: 20


> 在循环开始之前,range表达式只会被评估一次,有一个例外:如果range表达式是一个数组或指向数组的指针,并且最多只有一个迭代变量存在,那么只会评估range表达式的长度;如果该长度是常量,根据定义,range表达式本身将不会被评估。


for k, _ := range testMap {}



for k, v := range testMap {
    t1 := time.Now()
    t2 := time.Now()

在进入块之前,在t1 := time.Now()行之前,kv变量保存了迭代的值,它们已经从映射中读取出来了(否则它们不能保存这些值)。问题是:你认为映射在t1t2之间被for ... range语句读取了吗?在什么情况下会发生这种情况?我们这里有一个执行someFunc()的单个goroutine。要能够通过for语句_访问_映射,这要么需要_另一个_ goroutine,要么需要_暂停_someFunc()。显然,这两种情况都不会发生。(for ... range结构不是一个多goroutine的怪物。)无论有多少次迭代,在执行someFunc()时,映射都不会被for语句访问


var (
    testMap         = make(map[int]int)
    testMapLock     = &sync.RWMutex{}

func IterateMapKeys(iteratorChannel chan int) error {
    defer testMapLock.RUnlock()
    for k, v := range testMap {
        if someCond {
            return someErr
    return nil

请注意,在IterateMapKeys()中解锁应该(必须)作为延迟语句进行,因为在你的原始代码中,如果出现错误,你可能会提前返回,此时你没有解锁,这意味着映射保持锁定状态!(这里通过if someCond {...}模拟。)


> 如果在迭代过程中删除尚未到达的映射条目,则相应的迭代值将不会生成。如果在迭代过程中创建映射条目,则该条目可能在迭代过程中生成或跳过。每个条目的选择可能因每次迭代而异。


func WriteTestMap(k, v int) {
    defer testMapLock.Unlock()
    testMap[k] = v


testMapLock <- true
iteratorChannel <- k


总结最后一部分:在for块内部释放读锁就像对其他人大喊:“来吧,如果你敢的话,现在修改映射!”因此,在你的代码中遇到mySeq != testMapSequence是非常可能的。请参阅以下可运行示例以演示它(这是你示例的变体):

package main

import (

var (
    testMap         = make(map[int]int)
    testMapLock     = &sync.RWMutex{}
    testMapSequence int

func main() {
    go func() {
        for {
            k := rand.Intn(10000)
            WriteTestMap(k, 1)

    ic := make(chan int)
    go func() {
        for _ = range ic {

    for {
        if err := IterateMapKeys(ic); err != nil {

func WriteTestMap(k, v int) {
    defer testMapLock.Unlock()
    testMap[k] = v

func IterateMapKeys(iteratorChannel chan int) error {
    defer testMapLock.RUnlock()
    mySeq := testMapSequence
    for k, _ := range testMap {
        iteratorChannel <- k
        if mySeq != testMapSequence {
            return fmt.Errorf("concurrent modification %d", testMapSequence)
    return nil


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你想避免这种类型的并发修改吗?解决方案非常简单:不要在for内部释放读锁。另外,使用-race选项运行你的应用程序以检测竞态条件:go run -race testmap.go



如果映射在另一个goroutine中被修改,如果你使用适当的同步,Go内存模型保证具有for ... range的goroutine将观察到所有的修改,并且迭代器逻辑将像它“自己”的goroutine修改一样看待它-这正如前面所述是允许的。


You are using a for statement with a range expression. Quoting from Spec: For statements:

> The range expression is evaluated once before beginning the loop, with one exception: if the range expression is an array or a pointer to an array and at most one iteration variable is present, only the range expression's length is evaluated; if that length is constant, by definition the range expression itself will not be evaluated.

We're ranging over a map, so it's not an exception: the range expression is evaluated only once before beginning the loop. The range expression is simply a map variable testMap:

for k, _ := range testMap {}

The map value does not include the key-value pairs, it only points to a data structure that does. Why is this important? Because the map value is only evaluated once, and if later pairs are added to the map, the map value –evaluated once before the loop– will be a map that still points to a data structure that includes those new pairs. This is in contrast to ranging over a slice (which would be evaluated once too), which is also only a header pointing to a backing array holding the elements; but if elements are added to the slice during the iteration, even if that does not result in allocating and copying over to a new backing array, they will not be included in the iteration (because the slice header also contains the length - already evaluated). Appending elements to a slice may result in a new slice value, but adding pairs to a map will not result in a new map value.

Now on to iteration:

for k, v := range testMap {
    t1 := time.Now()
    t2 := time.Now()

Before we enter into the block, before the t1 := time.Now() line k and v variables are holding the values of the iteration, they are already read out from the map (else they couldn't hold the values). Question: do you think the map is read by the for ... range statement between t1 and t2? Under what circumstances could that happen? We have here a single goroutine that is executing someFunc(). To be able to access the map by the for statement, that would either require another goroutine, or it would require to suspend someFunc(). Obviously neither of those happen. (The for ... range construct is not a multi-goroutine monster.) No matter how many iterations there are, while someFunc() is executed, the map is not accessed by the for statement.

So to answer one of your questions: the map is not accessed inside the for block when executing an iteration, but it is accessed when the k and v values are set (assigned) for the next iteration. This implies that the following iteration over the map is safe for concurrent access:

var (
    testMap         = make(map[int]int)
    testMapLock     = &sync.RWMutex{}

func IterateMapKeys(iteratorChannel chan int) error {
    defer testMapLock.RUnlock()
    for k, v := range testMap {
        if someCond {
            return someErr
    return nil

Note that unlocking in IterateMapKeys() should (must) happen as a deferred statement, as in your original code you may return "early" with an error, in which case you didn't unlock, which means the map remained locked! (Here modeled by if someCond {...}).

Also note that this type of locking only ensures locking in case of concurrent access. It does not prevent a concurrent goroutine to modify (e.g. add a new pair) the map. The modification (if properly guarded with write lock) will be safe, and the loop may continue, but there is no guarantee that the for loop will iterate over the new pair:

> If map entries that have not yet been reached are removed during iteration, the corresponding iteration values will not be produced. If map entries are created during iteration, that entry may be produced during the iteration or may be skipped. The choice may vary for each entry created and from one iteration to the next.

The write-lock-guarded modification may look like this:

func WriteTestMap(k, v int) {
    defer testMapLock.Unlock()
    testMap[k] = v

Now if you release the read lock in the block of the for, a concurrent goroutine is free to grab the write lock and make modifications to the map. In your code:

testMapLock <- true
iteratorChannel <- k

When sending k on the iteratorChannel, a concurrent goroutine may modify the map. This is not just an "unlucky" scenario, sending a value on a channel is often a "blocking" operation, if the channel's buffer is full, another goroutine must be ready to receive in order for the send operation to proceed. Sending a value on a channel is a good scheduling point for the runtime to run other goroutines even on the same OS thread, not to mention if there are multiple OS threads, of which one may already be "waiting" for the write lock in order to carry out a map modification.

To sum the last part: you releasing the read lock inside the for block is like yelling to others: "Come, modify the map now if you dare!" Consequently in your code encountering that mySeq != testMapSequence is very likely. See this runnable example to demonstrate it (it's a variation of your example):

package main

import (

var (
	testMap         = make(map[int]int)
	testMapLock     = &sync.RWMutex{}
	testMapSequence int

func main() {
	go func() {
		for {
			k := rand.Intn(10000)
			WriteTestMap(k, 1)

	ic := make(chan int)
	go func() {
		for _ = range ic {

	for {
		if err := IterateMapKeys(ic); err != nil {

func WriteTestMap(k, v int) {
	defer testMapLock.Unlock()
	testMap[k] = v

func IterateMapKeys(iteratorChannel chan int) error {
	defer testMapLock.RUnlock()
	mySeq := testMapSequence
	for k, _ := range testMap {
		iteratorChannel <- k
		if mySeq != testMapSequence {
			return fmt.Errorf("concurrent modification %d", testMapSequence)
	return nil

Example output:

concurrent modification 24
concurrent modification 41
concurrent modification 463
concurrent modification 477
concurrent modification 482
concurrent modification 496
concurrent modification 508
concurrent modification 521
concurrent modification 525
concurrent modification 535
concurrent modification 541
concurrent modification 555
concurrent modification 561
concurrent modification 565
concurrent modification 570
concurrent modification 577
concurrent modification 591
concurrent modification 593

We're encountering concurrent modification quite often!

Do you want to avoid this kind of concurrent modification? The solution is quite simple: don't release the read lock inside the for. Also run your app with the -race option to detect race conditions: go run -race testmap.go

Final thoughts

The language spec clearly allows you to modify the map in the same goroutine while ranging over it, this is what the previous quote relates to ("If map entries that have not yet been reached are removed during iteration.... If map entries are created during iteration..."). Modifying the map in the same goroutine is allowed and is safe, but how it is handled by the iterator logic is not defined.

If the map is modified in another goroutine, if you use proper synchronization, The Go Memory Model guarantees that the goroutine with the for ... range will observe all modifications, and the iterator logic will see it just as if "its own" goroutine would have modified it – which is allowed as stated before.


得分: 3

并发访问mapfor range循环的单位是map本身。Go maps in action

map是一种动态数据结构,用于插入、更新和删除操作。Inside the Map Implementation。例如,

> map的迭代顺序未指定,并且不能保证从一次迭代到下一次迭代保持相同。如果在迭代过程中删除了尚未访问到的map条目,则相应的迭代值将不会产生。如果在迭代过程中创建了map条目,则该条目可能在迭代过程中产生或被跳过。每个条目的选择可能因创建的条目而异,也可能因每次迭代而异。如果mapnil,则迭代次数为0。For statements, The Go Programming Language Specification

在插入、更新和删除交替进行的情况下,使用for range循环读取map可能不太有用。


package main

import (

var racer map[int]int

var race sync.RWMutex

func Reader() {
	race.RLock() // 锁定map
	for k, v := range racer {
		_, _ = k, v

func Write() {
	for i := 0; i < 1e6; i++ {
		racer[i/2] = i

func main() {
	racer = make(map[int]int)
	go Write()

在读取后不要加锁 -- fatal error: concurrent map iteration and map write

package main

import (

var racer map[int]int

var race sync.RWMutex

func Reader() {
	for k, v := range racer {
		race.RLock() // 读取后加锁
		_, _ = k, v

func Write() {
	for i := 0; i < 1e6; i++ {
		racer[i/2] = i

func main() {
	racer = make(map[int]int)
	go Write()

使用Go数据竞争检测器。阅读Introducing the Go Race Detector


The unit of concurrent access for a for range loop over a map is the map. Go maps in action.

A map is a dynamic data structure that changes for inserts, updates and deletes. Inside the Map Implementation. For example,

> The iteration order over maps is not specified and is not guaranteed
> to be the same from one iteration to the next. If map entries that
> have not yet been reached are removed during iteration, the
> corresponding iteration values will not be produced. If map entries
> are created during iteration, that entry may be produced during the
> iteration or may be skipped. The choice may vary for each entry
> created and from one iteration to the next. If the map is nil, the
> number of iterations is 0. For statements, The Go Programming
> Language Specification

Reading a map with a for range loop with interleaved inserts, updates and deletes is unlikely to be useful.

Lock the map:

package main

import (

var racer map[int]int

var race sync.RWMutex

func Reader() {
	race.RLock() // Lock map
	for k, v := range racer {
		_, _ = k, v

func Write() {
	for i := 0; i &lt; 1e6; i++ {
		racer[i/2] = i

func main() {
	racer = make(map[int]int)
	go Write()

Don't lock after the read -- fatal error: concurrent map iteration and map write:

package main

import (

var racer map[int]int

var race sync.RWMutex

func Reader() {
	for k, v := range racer {
		race.RLock() // Lock after read
		_, _ = k, v

func Write() {
	for i := 0; i &lt; 1e6; i++ {
		racer[i/2] = i

func main() {
	racer = make(map[int]int)
	go Write()

Use the Go Data Race Detector. Read Introducing the Go Race Detector.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年11月6日 04:25:35
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/40442846.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
