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Hyperledger chaincode external service calls





Is it possible to make external service calls from chaincode? For example, if I need to lookup the current exchange rate or today's temperature using a public API how can I make that call from the chaincode?

If external calls are allowed then there is a chance of each node providing a different output (non-deterministic behavior). So how will consensus be reached?


得分: 4



现在,如果你决定从链码向外部数据库写入数据,那么一切都不确定了。由于同一个区块中的键冲突(fabric v1要求不能同时处理针对相同键的更新,因此必须进行流量控制),最后一刻的失败将导致事务永远不会被提交。


然而,如果有人决定冒险构建一个复杂的系统,其中链码更新外部数据,那么如果事务ID是更新的日志条目的一部分,故障可以被检测到并回滚更新。这个解决方案非常脆弱,如果你尝试它,你可能会后悔 Hyperledger链码外部服务调用


There is always the opportunity for two asset updates from different sources to hit two endorsers in a different order. That will create read/write sets that do not match. This can cause both to fail if the endorsement policy requires that all endorsers achieve the same r/w set. Adding reads of external data that can change or can fail owing to any number of momentary issues just exacerbates this issue.

But the changes will be handled correctly no matter which endorsement policy is in effect because only endorsed r/w sets get committed.

Now, if you decide to write to an external database from a chaincode, then all bets are off. A last minute failure because of key clashes in the same block (fabric v1 requires that updates targeting the same keys never be processed together and thus must be flow controlled) will cause the transaction to never get committed.

When that happens, the external writes should be rolled back, but the chaincode is long done executing and so the total dataset has now been corrupted. This is a non starter.

However, should someone decide to tempt fate and build an elaborate system where chaincode updates external data, the failure can be detected and the updates rolled back so long as the transaction ID is part of the journal entry for the update. This solution is unspeakably brittle, and if you try it then you will likely be sorry Hyperledger链码外部服务调用


得分: 2






It is possible and doesn't break Fabric. Fabric doesn't have to be deterministic as the RW set is check on all endorsers but it's not replayed, only it's check that the READ replica set is the same when the transaction proposal is submited.

On the receivers endorser the READ replica is check and if the local and the proposed have same versions the transaction is valid.

On Solidity's smartcontracts the transaction is replayed, that's why it must be deterministic.


得分: 0




  • 不同组织的对等节点可能位于不同的数据中心、不同的国家或不同的时区。
  • 不同组织的对等节点可能无法访问HTTP服务器,这取决于公共互联网访问和防火墙限制。
  • 不同组织的对等节点可能以不同的用户身份对HTTP服务器进行身份验证,导致不同的HTTP响应。


  • 安全的,即HTTP请求不会修改HTTP服务器上的任何状态。
  • 幂等的,即相同的HTTP请求可以多次执行而不会产生不同的结果。

I think calling external APIs approach is not totally evil. It's perfect way to validate endorsing peers that really data retrieved from external source. i.e getting today's $/€ rate from a trusted global source. Parties cannot say that: "Hey you made up the currency, you're corrupt", if all endorsing peers got the same result from same source.

According to this Hyperledger-Composer Documentation, the section discusses: if external-api calls are possible, how and when to use it, when to avoid it, pros and cons, etc. I want to emphasize this section as an answer:

> HTTP requests may result in different responses for multiple reasons:
> * Peer nodes in different organisations may run in different data
> centers, in different countries, in different time zones.
> * Peer nodes in different organisations may not have access to the HTTP server
> depending on public internet access and firewall restrictions.
> * Peer nodes in different organisations may authenticate to the HTTP server
> as different users, resulting in different HTTP responses.
> In order to minimize the risks of consensus failures when making HTTP requests
> from a transaction processor function, it is recommended you use make
> HTTP requests that are either:
> * Safe, in that the HTTP request does not modify any state on the HTTP
> server.
> * Idempotent, in that the same HTTP request can be made many
> times without different outcomes.


得分: -1

  1. 是的,我们可以进行外部 API 调用。为了方便起见,我更喜欢使用 Node SDK 而不是 Go 语言来编写链码。
  2. 通常情况下,链码在其中一个节点上执行,外部 API 调用也是如此。一旦得到结果,交易将在网络中广播。其他节点通过哈希链验证交易。因此,API 调用不会在所有验证节点上执行。
  1. Yes. We can make external API calls. for ease i prefer node sdk instead of go lang for chaincode
  2. Normally chain code is executed on one of the peers, and so is the external api call. Once the result is derived, the transaction is broadcast in the network. Other peers validate the transaction by chain of hash. So the API call is not executed on all validating peers.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年11月4日 18:25:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/40420278.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
