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Decrypting Gorilla Sessions Cookie Data


首先,让我先说一下,我正在参加一个夺旗比赛,我在与一个与Go Gorilla Sessions相关的问题上遇到了一些困难。我从未用过Go语言编程,所以这很有趣,但也很令人沮丧 解密大猩猩会话Cookie数据


我已经阅读了Gorilla Sessions包的文档,但没有得到太多帮助。



Firstly, let me preface by saying I'm taking part in a Capture the Flag contest and I'm having some difficulty with a question related to Go Gorilla Sessions. I've never coded in Go, so this is fun, and frustrating 解密大猩猩会话Cookie数据

I have a secret key. I have an encoded Cookie. I need to decode the cookie, using the secret key I have, edit whatever data is in there, and re-encrypt with my altered data to progress in the challenge.

I've read the Gorilla Sessions Package documentation and not really getting any help.

Can anyone assist, where do I start?


得分: 2





import (

//声明私有的secure cookie 
var s *securecookie.SecureCookie

func init() {
    var hashKey = []byte("very-secret")
    var blockKey = []byte("a-lot-secret")
    s = securecookie.New(hashKey, blockKey)




func DecodeAndModify(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    if cookie, err := r.Cookie("cookie-name"); err == nil {

        value := make(map[string]string)
        if err = s.Decode("cookie-name", cookie.Value, &value); err == nil {
            value["newKey"] = "newValue"
            if encoded, err := s.Encode("cookie-name", value); err == nil {
                cookie := &http.Cookie{
                    Name:  "cookie-name",
                    Value: encoded,
                    Path:  "/",
                http.SetCookie(w, cookie)

Looking at the docs - gorilla provides a secure cookie package.
Depending on your apps architecture - a basic implementation could work as follows:

Create a session management package to be used by your app. For the sake of example - lets call it sessionmngr

Inside of sessionmngr, import "github.com/gorilla/securecookie".

In the sessionmngr package, use a lower case init() function to set up a private instance of securecookie. Once a package is imported, lowercase init() functions are called in the order they are declared. (Check out the language spec for more info). You will use this instance to encode and decode cookies from the standard library's http.Request.

import (
    //you will need this later

//declare private secure cookie 
var s *securecookie.SecureCookie

//initialize it here (taken from the gorilla docs example)
func init() {
    var hashKey = []byte("very-secret")
    var blockKey = []byte("a-lot-secret")
    s = securecookie.New(hashKey, blockKey)

You will then use s throughout the package in functions that need to encode and decode the a cookie's value. The securecookie package documentation provides a boilerplate example.

To meet the requirements of reading and modifying an already encrypted cookie - use the Decode and Encode methods on the instance of securecookie that was setup in the example above.

Something Like ---

func DecodeAndModify(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	//get reference to cookie if set
	if cookie, err := r.Cookie("cookie-name"); err == nil {

		value := make(map[string]string)
		//use Decode to get the value from the cookie
		if err = s.Decode("cookie-name", cookie.Value, &value); err == nil {
			//modify the value in some way
			value["newKey"] = "newValue"
			//re-encode it
			if encoded, err := s.Encode("cookie-name", value); err == nil {
				cookie := &http.Cookie{
					Name:  "cookie-name",
					Value: encoded,
					Path:  "/",
				http.SetCookie(w, cookie)

1: http://www.gorillatoolkit.org/pkg/securecookie "Gorilla secure cookie pkg"
2: https://golang.org/ref/spec#Package_initialization "The Go Programming Language Specification"
3: http://www.gorillatoolkit.org/pkg/securecookie

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年9月26日 03:18:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/39690846.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
