Golang XML Creation with same tags

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Golang XML Creation with same tags


所以我有一个特定的XML格式(行业标准),我正在尝试创建一个简单的程序,以便我们可以创建这个XML的样本来测试我们的服务。我正在使用标准的Go XML库。


             <id value="0" valueType="num"/> //这是区分section类型的部分
             <title>Foo-Type Section</title>
             <id value="1" valueType="num"/>
             <title>Bar-Type Section</title>



type HasID struct{
    ID   string `xml:"value,attr,omitempty"`
    IDType    string `xml:"valueType,attr,omitempty"`
type FooSection struct{
     ID   HasID `xml:"id,omitempty"`
     Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"`
type BarSection struct{
     ID   HasID `xml:"id,omitempty"`
     Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"`
type Document struct{
    XMLName  struct{} `xml:"Document,omitempty"`
    Sections  []interface{} `xml:"SubDocument>component>section,omitempty"`


XMLName  struct{} `xml:"component>section,omitempty"`






So I've got this specific format for xml (industry standard) and I'm trying to create a simple program to allow us to make samples of this xml to test our services. I'm using the standard Go XML library.

Problem is the XML is annoyingly formatted.
Here's the simplified version of it:

    {other fields}
             &lt;id value=&quot;0&quot; valueType=&quot;num&quot;/&gt; //This is the part that differentiates the type of the section
             &lt;title&gt;Foo-Type Section&lt;/title&gt;
             {other fields you lot don&#39;t need to care about}
             &lt;id value=&quot;1&quot; valueType=&quot;num&quot;/&gt;
             &lt;title&gt;Bar-Type Section&lt;/title&gt;
             {more fields you don&#39;t need to care about, but most are different than above}
    {more sections}

What I'm struggling with is that in Go, the tags on each section need to be unique if they are different struct types.

I've the following Go code:

type HasID struct{
    ID   string `xml:&quot;value,attr,omitempty&quot;`
    IDType    string `xml:&quot;valueType,attr,omitempty&quot;`
type FooSection struct{
     ID   HasID `xml:&quot;id,omitempty&quot;`
     Title string `xml:&quot;title,omitempty&quot;`
     //Foo fields
type BarSection struct{
     ID   HasID `xml:&quot;id,omitempty&quot;`
     Title string `xml:&quot;title,omitempty&quot;`
     //Bar fields
type Document struct{
    XMLName  struct{} `xml:&quot;Document,omitempty&quot;`
    //Other fields
    Sections  []interface{} `xml:&quot;SubDocument&gt;component&gt;section,omitempty&quot;`

I've also tried to have the Sections field have no tag and have both FooSection and BarSection have the

XMLName  struct{} `xml:&quot;component&gt;section,omitempty&quot;`

tag, to no avail. Furthermore, I've tried having Sections be an array of strings and then marshaled each section type, dumped those in and used the ",innerxml" tag, but then it escapes the "<", etc of the innerxml.

Does anyone know a way to do this in Go? The structs are written by me and are completely open to change if need be.

It might just be that I'm too entrenched in OO and am having trouble being Go-like.



得分: 1



type ID struct {
    Value int    `xml:"value,attr,omitempty"`
    Type  string `xml:"valueType,attr,omitempty"`

type Document struct {
    Components []Component `xml:"SubDocument>component"`

type Component struct {
    Section interface{} `xml:"section"`

type FooSection struct {
    ID    ID     `xml:"id"`
    Title string `xml:"title"`
    Foo   string `xml:"foo"`

type BarSection struct {
    ID    ID     `xml:"id"`
    Title string `xml:"title"`
    Bar   string `xml:"bar"`



func (c *Component) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {

    // tmp保存此Component的数据。我们只能调用一次d.DecodeElement,所以我们必须将其放在某个地方以便重用。
    tmp := struct {
        Data []byte `xml:",innerxml"`
    if err := d.DecodeElement(&tmp, &start); err != nil {
        return err

    // which只包含足够的信息来告诉我们要创建哪种类型的section。我们将解析tmp.Data以检查它。
    which := struct {
        ID ID `xml:"id"`
    if err := xml.Unmarshal(tmp.Data, &which); err != nil {
        return err

    switch which.ID.Value {
    case 0:
        var f FooSection
        if err := xml.Unmarshal(tmp.Data, &f); err != nil {
            return err
        c.Section = f

    case 1:
        var b BarSection
        if err := xml.Unmarshal(tmp.Data, &b); err != nil {
            return err
        c.Section = b

    return nil




I don't know if this is a perfect answer but it's workable. The gist is to implement encoding/xml.Unmarshaler on the Component type then inside that UnmarshalXML method you unmarshal the raw data of the section into a temporary value and inspect its ID before deciding if you want to unmarshal it into a FooSection or BarSection

These are the types I'm working with

type ID struct {
	Value int    `xml:&quot;value,attr,omitempty&quot;`
	Type  string `xml:&quot;valueType,attr,omitempty&quot;`

type Document struct {
	Components []Component `xml:&quot;SubDocument&gt;component&quot;`

type Component struct {
	Section interface{} `xml:&quot;section&quot;`

type FooSection struct {
	ID    ID     `xml:&quot;id&quot;`
	Title string `xml:&quot;title&quot;`
	Foo   string `xml:&quot;foo&quot;`

type BarSection struct {
	ID    ID     `xml:&quot;id&quot;`
	Title string `xml:&quot;title&quot;`
	Bar   string `xml:&quot;bar&quot;`

Note that Component is storing its Section as just an interface{}. That is kind of annoying because you'll have to type switch it whenever you want to use it so you can probably do something better with that.

Then the UnmarshalXML method is here

func (c *Component) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {

	// tmp holds the data for this Component. We can only call d.DecodeElement
	// once so we have to put it somewhere so it can be reused.
	tmp := struct {
		Data []byte `xml:&quot;,innerxml&quot;`
	if err := d.DecodeElement(&amp;tmp, &amp;start); err != nil {
		return err

	// which holds just enough information to tell us what kind of section to
	// make. We&#39;ll unmarshal tmp.Data into this to inspect it
	which := struct {
		ID ID `xml:&quot;id&quot;`
	if err := xml.Unmarshal(tmp.Data, &amp;which); err != nil {
		return err

	switch which.ID.Value {
	case 0:
		var f FooSection
		if err := xml.Unmarshal(tmp.Data, &amp;f); err != nil {
			return err
		c.Section = f

	case 1:
		var b BarSection
		if err := xml.Unmarshal(tmp.Data, &amp;b); err != nil {
			return err
		c.Section = b

	return nil

Full working code on the playground.

Edit: These types should also work for generating the XML string as you actually were asking. When you're constructing each Component you should choose what kind of section to make and just stick it in there. Since it's a interface{} it can hold anything. I've updated my playground link to an example that shows turning those types back into a string works as expected.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年9月13日 22:03:20
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/39472041.html



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