Historical reference on why Go creators choose to not treat `nil` as `false`

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Historical reference on why Go creators choose to not treat `nil` as `false`





f, err := os.Open(name)
if err != nil {
    return err


f, err := os.Open(name)
if err {
    return err


non-bool err (type error) used as if condition

Why did Go creators choose to not treat nil as false? What why did they think it is better to explicitly compare values to nil? Is there a reliable source that would explain why is that is Go? What was their opinion? What was the logic behind this decision?

I'm looking for a historical reference.


f, err := os.Open(name)
if err != nil {
    return err

Than to implicitly cast nils to false like in many other languages:

f, err := os.Open(name)
if err {
    return err

As of now, the latter would give:

non-bool err (type error) used as if condition


得分: 12


  • 所有非空值都会被评估为true。指向false布尔值的指针将被评估为true。所有这些都会引发新的、更复杂的问题,也就是更多的错误。
  • 将布尔值赋值为nil将是有效的。将布尔值与nil进行比较也是有效的。这会造成语义混淆。更多的错误。
  • 代码会变得更难阅读,因为它隐藏了意图。从表达式中无法判断你是想检查布尔值的值,还是断言其他类型变量的“非空性”。更多的错误。
  • 在表达式中省略比较操作数也可以编译通过,这使得识别错误变得更加困难。想想那种你忘记添加比较操作而导致b始终评估为true的情况,即使这不是你的本意。越来越多的错误。



require f := os.Open(name)
// 如果调用返回错误,返回错误

编辑:我很高兴地报告,Go团队正在考虑我提出的一个非常类似的方法,在Go 2中。只是他们使用了关键字check

check f := os.Open(name)
// 如果调用返回错误,运行声明的错误处理程序
// 这个处理程序可以返回错误或者对错误进行其他处理。

Some languages did that and it caused too many problems. It's primarily a violation of principle of least surprise. Some of the problems are:

  • All non-nil values would evaluate to true. A pointer to false boolean value would evaluate to true. All of that would create new and larger set of complications, aka more bugs.
  • Assigning a boolean to nil would be valid. Comparing a boolean to nil would be valid. That creates a semantic confusion. More bugs.
  • Code would be harder to read because it hides the intent. It's impossible to tell from an expression if you want to check a boolean's value or assert "non-nilness" of some other type of variable. More bugs.
  • Omitted operands in comparison operations in expressions would compile fine, making identifying bugs harder. Think about if a == '3' && b { .. } kind of cases where you forget to add the comparison so b always evaluates to true even if it's not what you intend. More and more bugs.

Go people probably thought about it and preferred code with less bugs is better.

There could be a shortcut though just to propagate the error to the caller such as:

require f := os.Open(name)
// if the call returns error, return error 

EDIT: I'm happy to report that Go team is considering a very similar approach to what I suggested, in Go 2. Only they used the keyword check instead:

check f := os.Open(name)
// if the call returns error run the declared error handler 
// which in turn, can return the error or do something else about it.


得分: 1



While I can't find an exact reason in any of the golang documentation or developer discussions, the closest reason is simply that that absence of a value (nil) should not be interpreted as false. This is also in line with the fact that golang is a very opinionated language, and that its authors felt that not casting types when evaluating for true/false would lead to better quality of code.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年4月26日 10:01:54
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/36854094.html



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