
huangapple go评论84阅读模式

How to use base template file for golang html/template?



1)base.html -- 基本布局文件

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


{{template "content" .}}




{{define "content"}}
{{template "base.html"}}


{{define "content"}}
{{template "base.html"}}

在这个示例中,base.html 是基本布局文件,定义了整个网页的结构,包括头部、内容和底部。page1.html 和 page2.html 分别定义了各自的内容部分,并通过 {{define "content"}} 来指定内容的位置。然后,通过 {{template "base.html"}} 将内容插入到基本布局中。

这样,当访问 /page1 时,会加载 page1.html,并将其内容插入到 base.html 的 {{template "content" .}} 处;当访问 /page2 时,会加载 page2.html,并将其内容插入到 base.html 的 {{template "content" .}} 处。



Have gin-gonic web app.

There are 3 files:

  1. base.html -- base layout file

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">


    {{template "content" .}}



  2. page1.html, for /page1

    {{define "content"}}
    {{template "base.html"}}

  3. page2.html, for /page2

    {{define "content"}}
    {{template "base.html"}}

The problem is that /page1 and /page2 use one template - page2.html. I think that I have misunderstanding of such constructions: {{define &quot;content&quot;}}, {{template &quot;base.html&quot;}}.

Please, can you show an example how to use base layouts in golang?


得分: 27



{{define "base"}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


{{template "content" .}}




{{define "content"}}


{{define "content"}}

然后使用ParseFiles("your-page.html", "base.html")解析,再使用你的上下文执行ExecuteTemplate。

tmpl, err := template.New("").ParseFiles("page1.html", "base.html")
// 检查错误
err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", yourContext)

You can use the base.html as long as you parse the template along with your "content", like so:


{{define &quot;base&quot;}}
&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
&lt;html lang=&quot;en&quot;&gt;


{{template &quot;content&quot; .}}




{{define &quot;content&quot;}}
I&#39;m page 1


{{define &quot;content&quot;}}
I&#39;m page 2

then ParseFiles with ("your-page.html", "base.html"), and ExecuteTemplate with your context.

tmpl, err := template.New(&quot;&quot;).ParseFiles(&quot;page1.html&quot;, &quot;base.html&quot;)
// check your err
err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, &quot;base&quot;, yourContext)


得分: 18

Go 1.16引入了embed包,该包可以将非.go文件打包到二进制文件中,极大地方便了Go程序的部署。标准库html/template还添加了ParseFS函数,它将embed.FS中包含的所有模板文件编译为模板树。

// templates.go
package templates

import (

//go:embed views/*.html
var tmplFS embed.FS

type Template struct {
	templates *template.Template

func New() *Template {
	funcMap := template.FuncMap{
		"inc": inc,

	templates := template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFS(tmplFS, "views/*.html"))
	return &Template{
		templates: templates,

// main.go
t := templates.New()


此外,我们为*Template类型定义了一个Render方法,该方法实现了Echo Web框架的Renderer接口。

// templates.go
func (t *Template) Render(w io.Writer, name string, data interface{}, c echo.Context) error {
	return t.templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, data)


// main.go
func main() {
	t := templates.New()

	e := echo.New()
	e.Renderer = t

// handler.go
func (h *Handler) articlePage(c echo.Context) error {
	id := c.Param("id")
	article, err := h.service.GetArticle(c.Request().Context(), id)
	return c.Render(http.StatusOK, "article.html", article)


为了组装HTML,我们需要使用模板继承。例如,我们可以定义一个layout.html作为基本HTML框架和<head>元素,并设置{{block "title"}}{{block "content"}},其他模板继承layout.html,并填充或覆盖相同名称的布局模板块。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
	<title>{{block "title" .}}{{end}}</title>
	<script src="/static/main.js"></script>

	<div class="main">{{block "content" .}}{{end}}</div>




{{template "layout.html" .}}

{{define "title"}}Login{{end}}

{{define "content"}}
<form class="account-form" method="post" action="/account/login" data-controller="login">
	<div div="account-form-title">Login</div>
	<input type="phone" name="phone" maxlength="13" class="account-form-input" placeholder="Phone" tabindex="1">
	<div class="account-form-field-submit ">
		<button type="submit" class="btn btn-phone">Login</button>


{{template "layout.html" .}}

{{define "title"}}<h1>{{.Title}}</h1>{{end}}

{{define "content"}}

我们期望在渲染时,login.html模板中定义的块将覆盖layout.html中的块,并且在渲染article.html模板时也是如此。但事实并非如此,这是由于Go的text/template实现导致的。在我们的ParseFS(tmplFS, "views/*.html")实现中,假设首先解析了article.html,并将其content块解析为模板名称,然后当稍后解析login.html模板时,也在其中找到了一个content块,text/template将使用后解析的内容覆盖相同名称的模板,因此当所有模板都解析完毕时,实际上只有一个名为content的模板存在于我们的模板树中,它是最后一个解析的模板文件中定义的content


社区对这个问题提出了一些解决方案。例如,可以每次渲染时创建一个新模板,只包含layout.html和子模板的内容。但这样做非常繁琐。实际上,当Go 1.6引入text/template的block指令[1]时,我们可以通过对上述代码进行少量更改,使用Clone方法实现我们想要的效果。

// templates.go
package templates

import (


//go:embed views/*.html
var tmplFS embed.FS

type Template struct {
	templates *template.Template

func New() *Template {
	funcMap := template.FuncMap{
		"inc": inc,

	templates := template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).ParseFS(tmplFS, "views/*.html"))
	return &Template{
		templates: templates,

func (t *Template) Render(w io.Writer, name string, data interface{}, c echo.Context) error {
	tmpl := template.Must(t.templates.Clone())
	tmpl = template.Must(tmpl.ParseFS(tmplFS, "views/"+name))
	return tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, data)


当然,你也可以在子模板中使用{{ template }}引用其他布局模板,只要这些布局模板不会互相覆盖,你只需要在执行时指定目标子模板的名称,模板引擎会自动使用其中定义的{{ template }}标签来查找布局模板,这些布局模板都在克隆的全局模板中。

[1] https://github.com/golang/go/commit/12dfc3bee482f16263ce4673a0cce399127e2a0d


Go 1.16 introduces the embed package, which packages non-.go files into binaries, greatly facilitating the deployment of Go programs. The ParseFS function was also added to the standard library html/template, which compiles all the template files contained in embed.FS into a template tree.

// templates.go
package templates

import (

//go:embed views/*.html
var tmplFS embed.FS

type Template struct {
	templates *template.Template

func New() *Template {
	funcMap := template.FuncMap{
		&quot;inc&quot;: inc,

	templates := template.Must(template.New(&quot;&quot;).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFS(tmplFS, &quot;views/*.html&quot;))
	return &amp;Template{
		templates: templates,

// main.go
t := templates.New()

t.templates is a global template that contains all matching views/*.html templates, all of which are related and can be referenced to each other, and the name of the template is the name of the file, e.g. article.html.

Further, we define a Render method for the *Template type, which implements the Renderer interface of the Echo web framework.

// templates.go
func (t *Template) Render(w io.Writer, name string, data interface{}, c echo.Context) error {
	return t.templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, data)

You can then specify the renderer for Echo to facilitate generating HTML responses at each handler, simply by passing the name of the template to the c.Render function.

// main.go
func main() {
	t := templates.New()

	e := echo.New()
	e.Renderer = t

// handler.go
func (h *Handler) articlePage(c echo.Context) error {
	id := c.Param(&quot;id&quot;)
	article, err := h.service.GetArticle(c.Request().Context(), id)
	return c.Render(http.StatusOK, &quot;article.html&quot;, article)

Since the t.templates template contains all the parsed templates, each template name can be used directly.

In order to assemble HTMLs, we need to use template inheritance. For example, define a layout.html for the basic HTML frame and the &lt;head&gt; element, and set {{block &quot;title&quot;}} and {{block &quot;content&quot;}}, other templates inherit layout.html, and populate or override the layout template's blocks of the same name with their own defined blocks.

The following is the content of the layout.html template.

&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
&lt;html lang=&quot;en&quot;&gt;

	&lt;meta charset=&quot;UTF-8&quot;&gt;
	&lt;meta http-equiv=&quot;X-UA-Compatible&quot; content=&quot;IE=edge&quot;&gt;
	&lt;meta name=&quot;viewport&quot; content=&quot;width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0&quot;&gt;
	&lt;title&gt;{{block &quot;title&quot; .}}{{end}}&lt;/title&gt;
	&lt;script src=&quot;/static/main.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;

	&lt;div class=&quot;main&quot;&gt;{{block &quot;content&quot; .}}{{end}}&lt;/div&gt;


For other templates, you can refer to (inherit from) layout.html and define the blocks in the layout.html template.

For example, login.html reads as follows.

{{template &quot;layout.html&quot; .}}

{{define &quot;title&quot;}}Login{{end}}

{{define &quot;content&quot;}}
&lt;form class=&quot;account-form&quot; method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;/account/login&quot; data-controller=&quot;login&quot;&gt;
	&lt;div div=&quot;account-form-title&quot;&gt;Login&lt;/div&gt;
	&lt;input type=&quot;phone&quot; name=&quot;phone&quot; maxlength=&quot;13&quot; class=&quot;account-form-input&quot; placeholder=&quot;Phone&quot; tabindex=&quot;1&quot;&gt;
	&lt;div class=&quot;account-form-field-submit &quot;&gt;
		&lt;button type=&quot;submit&quot; class=&quot;btn btn-phone&quot;&gt;Login&lt;/button&gt;

article.html also references layout.html:

{{template &quot;layout.html&quot; .}}

{{define &quot;title&quot;}}&lt;h1&gt;{{.Title}}&lt;/h1&gt;{{end}}

{{define &quot;content&quot;}}

We would expect the blocks defined in the login.html template to override the blocks in layout.html when rendering it, and also when rendering the article.html template. But that's not the case, and it's down to the Go text/template implementation. In our implementation of ParseFS(tmplFS, &quot;views/*.html&quot;), suppose article.html is parsed first and its content block is parsed as a template name, then when the login.html template is parsed later and acontent block is also found in it, text/template will overwrite the template of the same name with the later parsed content, so when all the templates are parsed, there is actually only one template named content in our template tree, which is the content defined in the last parsed template file.

Therefore, when we execute the article.html template, it is possible that the content template is not the content defined in this template, but the content defined in other templates.

The community has proposed some solutions to this problem. For example, instead of using a global template, a new template is created each time it is rendered, containing only the contents of layout.html and the sub-template. But this is really tedious. In fact, when Go 1.6 introduced the block directive [1] for text/template, we were able to do what we wanted with the Clone method, with just a few changes to the code above.

// templates.go
package templates

import (


//go:embed views/*.html
var tmplFS embed.FS

type Template struct {
	templates *template.Template

func New() *Template {
	funcMap := template.FuncMap{
		&quot;inc&quot;: inc,

	templates := template.Must(template.New(&quot;&quot;).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFS(tmplFS, &quot;views/*.html&quot;))
	return &amp;Template{
		templates: templates,

func (t *Template) Render(w io.Writer, name string, data interface{}, c echo.Context) error {
	tmpl := template.Must(t.templates.Clone())
	tmpl = template.Must(tmpl.ParseFS(tmplFS, &quot;views/&quot;+name))
	return tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, data)

You can see that only the Render function has been modified here. Instead of executing the global template, we will clone it into a new template, and the content block in this new template may not be the one we want, so here we parse the content of a sub-template we will eventually render on top of this global template, so that the content of the newly added sub-template will overwrite the previous, possibly incorrect content. Our target sub-template references layout.html in the global template, which is not conflicted, and since the global template is never executed (we clone a new global template in the Render function each time it is executed), it is also clean. When a template is finally executed, we have a clean layout.html with the content content we want, which is equivalent to generating a new template each time we execute it, which contains only the layout template and sub-templates we need. The idea is the same, but instead of manually generating a new template when executing the template, it's done automatically in the Render function.

Of course, you can also use {{ template }} to refer to other layout templates in the sub-template, as long as these layout templates do not overwrite each other, you just need to specify the name of the target sub-template when executing, and the template engine will automatically use the {{ template }} tag defined in it to find the layout templates for us, which are all in the cloned global template.

[1] https://github.com/golang/go/commit/12dfc3bee482f16263ce4673a0cce399127e2a0d


得分: 2



> Gin默认只允许使用一个html.Template。查看multitemplate render以使用类似于go 1.6的block template功能。


	render := multitemplate.NewRenderer()

	render.AddFromFiles("page1", "templates/base.html", "templates/page1.html")
	render.AddFromFiles("page2", "templates/base.html", "templates/page2.html")

    router := gin.Default()
	router.HTMLRender = render

	// 后续代码
	ginContext.HTML(200, "page1", gin.H{
			"title": "The Wonderful Page One",



As far as I understand, when you use ParseGlob(), Gin parses all the matching files and creates a single template object from them. For doing what you want, you'd need two different templates (one for page 1, another for page 2).

Gin documentation says this is a known limitation and points the way to overcome it:

> Gin allow by default use only one html.Template. Check a multitemplate render for using features like go 1.6 block template.

Using the multitemplate library, you can write something like this:

	render := multitemplate.NewRenderer()

	render.AddFromFiles(&quot;page1&quot;, &quot;templates/base.html&quot;, &quot;templates/page1.html&quot;)
	render.AddFromFiles(&quot;page2&quot;, &quot;templates/base.html&quot;, &quot;templates/page2.html&quot;)

    router := gin.Default()
	router.HTMLRender = render

	// Later
	ginContext.HTML(200, &quot;page1&quot;, gin.H{
			&quot;title&quot;: &quot;The Wonderful Page One&quot;,

This requires more manual setup than I'd hope for, but gets the job done.


得分: -3



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


{{block "content" .}}{{end}}




{{template "base.html" .}}
{{define "content"}}这是页面1{{end}}


{{template "base.html" .}}
{{define "content"}}这是页面2{{end}}
t := template.Must(template.ParseGlob("*.html"))
err := t.ExecuteTemplate(w, "page1.html", context)
err := t.ExecuteTemplate(w, "page2.html", context)

The easiest way which avoids a map and works in a single template:


&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
&lt;html lang=&quot;en&quot;&gt;


{{block &quot;content&quot; .}}{{end}}




{{template &quot;base.html&quot; .}}
{{define &quot;content&quot;}}This is page 1{{end}}


{{template &quot;base.html&quot; .}}
{{define &quot;content&quot;}}This is page 2{{end}}
t := template.Must(template.ParseGlob(&quot;*.html&quot;))
err := t.ExecuteTemplate(w, &quot;page1.html&quot;, context)
err := t.ExecuteTemplate(w, &quot;page2.html&quot;, context)

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年4月14日 16:44:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/36617949.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
