初始化 Go AppEngine 应用程序与 Cloud Datastore。

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Initializing Go AppEngine app with Cloud Datastore



在init()函数中或应用程序启动后立即如何从Cloud Datastore中读取数据?据我了解,服务器无法写入本地文件系统,Cloud Datastore是唯一的选择?



in init() function for GAE's golang app, how can I set-up initial values for my application ?

How to read from Cloud Datastore in the init() function or immediately after applications start-up ? As I understand, server cannot write to the local filesystem and Cloud Datastore is the only option ?

I need some global variables and slices of data..


得分: 2






> 如果您有需要应用程序代码读取的数据文件,那么数据文件必须是应用程序文件,并且不能与静态文件模式匹配。


<sub>请注意,您可以从cron作业和添加到任务队列的任务中使用它们,因为任务和cron作业是通过发出HTTP GET请求来执行的。</sub>



  1. var once = sync.Once{}
  2. func MainHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3. ctx := appengine.NewContext(r)
  4. once.Do(func() { mysetup(ctx) })
  5. // 在这里执行常规操作
  6. }
  7. func mysetup(ctx appengine.Context) {
  8. // 此函数仅执行一次。
  9. // 从Datastore中读取并初始化变量。
  10. }



  1. inbound_services:
  2. - warmup

这将导致App Engine基础架构首先向/_ah/warmup发出GET请求。您可以注册一个处理程序到此URL并执行初始化任务。与任何其他请求一样,您在预热处理程序中将拥有一个http.Request


> ..即使在应用中启用了预热请求,您可能会遇到加载请求







Using static files

On AppEngine you don't have access to the file system of the host operating system, but you can access files of your web application (you have read-only permission, you can't change them and you can't create new files in the app's folder).

So the question is: can your application's code change the data that you want to read and use for initialization? Or is it fine if it is deployed "statically" with your app's code?

If you don't need to change it (or only when you redeploy your app), easiest is to store it as a "static" file as part of your webapp. You may refer to files of your app using relative paths, where the current or working directory is your app's root. E.g. if your app contains a data folder in its root (where app.yaml resides), and there is an init_values.txt file inside the data folder, you can refer to it with the path: data/init_values.txt.

One important note: not every file is readable by code, this depends on the app configuration. Quoting from Configuring with app.yaml / Static file handlers:

> If you have data files that need to be read by the application code, the data files must be application files, and must not be matched by a static file pattern.

Using the Datastore

You can't use AppEngine services that require a Context outside of handlers (because the creation of a Context requires an *http.Request value). This by nature means you can't use them in package init() functions either.
<sub>Note that you can use them from cron jobs and tasks added to task queues, because tasks and cron jobs are executed by issuing HTTP GET requests.</sub>

You have to restructure your code so that your initialization (e.g. reading from the Datastore) gets called from a handler.

Example of achieving this with Once.Do():

  1. var once = sync.Once{}
  2. func MainHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3. ctx := appengine.NewContext(r)
  4. once.Do(func() { mysetup(ctx) })
  5. // do your regular stuff here
  6. }
  7. func mysetup(ctx appengine.Context) {
  8. // This function is executed only once.
  9. // Read from Datastore and initialize your vars here.
  10. }

"Utilizing" warmup requests

Yes, this may cause first requests to take considerably longer to serve. For this purpose (to avoid this) I recommend you to utilize Warmup requests. A warmup request is issued to a new instance before it goes "live", before it starts serving user requests. In your app.yaml config file you can enable warmup requests by adding -warmup to the inbound_services directive:

  1. inbound_services:
  2. - warmup

This will cause the App Engine infrastructure to first issue a GET request to /_ah/warmup. You can register a handler to this URL and perform initialization tasks. As with any other request, you will have an http.Request in the warmup handler.

But please note that:

> ..you may encounter loading requests, even if warmup requests are enabled in your app.

Which means that in rare cases it may happen a new instance will not receive a warmup request, so its best to check initialization state in user handlers too.

Related questions:




  • 本文由 发表于 2016年3月24日 01:19:40
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/36184701.html



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