How to create new client certificates / tokens for programmatic access to the Kubernetes API hosted on GKE?

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How to create new client certificates / tokens for programmatic access to the Kubernetes API hosted on GKE?


我正在运行一个托管在GKE上的Kubernetes集群,并希望编写一个使用Go语言编写的应用程序,与Kubernetes API进行通信。据我了解,为了与apiserver进行身份验证,我可以提供客户端证书、令牌或HTTP基本身份验证。我已经找到了将这些内容注入到Golang客户端库中的正确位置。





I am running a Kubernetes cluster hosted on GKE and would like to write an application (written in Go) that speaks to the Kubernetes API. My understanding is that I can either provide a client certificate, bearer token, or HTTP Basic Authentication in order to authenticate with the apiserver. I have already found the right spot to inject any of these into the Golang client library.

Unfortunately, the examples I ran across tend to reference to existing credentials stored in my personal kubeconfig file. This seems non-advisable from a security perspective and makes me believe that I should create a new client certificate / token / username-password pair in order to support easy revocation/removal of compromised accounts. However, I could not find a spot in the documentation actually describing how to go about this when running on managed Kubernetes in GKE. (There's this guide on creating new certificates explaining that the apiserver needs to get restarted with updated parameters eventually, something that to my understanding cannot be done in GKE.)

Are my security concerns for reusing my personal Kubernetes credentials in one (or potentially multiple) applications unjustified? If not, what's the right approach to generate a new set of credentials?



得分: 2





If your application is running inside the cluster, you can use Kubernetes Service Accounts to authenticate to the API server.

If this is outside of the cluster, things aren't as easy, and I suppose your concerns are justified. Right now, GKE does not allow additional custom identities beyond the one generated for your personal kubeconfig file.

Instead of using your credentials, you could grab a service account's token (inside a pod, read from /var/run/secrets/, and use that instead. It's a gross hack, and not a great general solution, but it might be slightly preferable to using your own personal credentials.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年3月15日 05:48:47
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