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In Go is it possible to iterate over a custom type?



通过实现一些函数或接口,使得可以使用 range 迭代(使用 range)我的自定义类型,这种可能性存在吗?


I have a custom type which internally has a slice of data.

Is it possible, by implementing some functions or an interface that the range operator needs, to iterate (using range) over my custom type?


得分: 68






func (m *MyType) Iterate() []MyElementType { ... }

mm := NewMyType()
for i, v := range mm.Iterate() {

这里有几个问题需要考虑。首先是分配内存的问题 - 除非你想公开对内部数据的引用(一般来说,你可能不想这样做),否则你必须创建一个新的切片并将所有元素复制过去。从大O的角度来看,这并不是很糟糕(你无论如何都要线性地遍历所有元素),但从实际目的来看,可能会有影响。




func (m *MyType) Iterate() <-chan MyElementType {
    c := make(chan MyElementType)
    go func() {
        for _, v := range m.elements {
            c <- v
    return c

mm := NewMyType()
for v := range mm.Iterate() {


这种方法的一个很大的缺点是,如果不小心,你可能会泄漏goroutine。唯一的解决方法是让你的通道具有足够深的缓冲区,以容纳你的数据结构中的所有元素,这样goroutine就可以填充它并返回,即使没有从通道中读取任何元素(通道稍后可以被垃圾回收)。问题在于,a) 你现在又回到了线性分配,b) 你必须事先知道要写入多少个元素,这在某种程度上阻止了整个并发更新的过程。




这里的思路是创建一个迭代器对象(或者只支持一次迭代的对象,并直接在其上进行迭代),就像在更直接支持此功能的语言中一样。然后,你调用Next()方法,它会a) 将迭代器推进到下一个元素,并b) 返回一个布尔值,指示是否还有剩余元素。然后你需要一个单独的Get()方法来获取当前元素的值。这种用法实际上并不使用range关键字,但它看起来非常自然:

mm := MyNewType()
for mm.Next() {
    v := mm.Get()


mm := MyNewType()
for mm.Next() {
    v := mm.Get()
if err := mm.Error(); err != nil {




The short answer is no.

The long answer is still no, but it's possible to hack it in a way that it sort of works. But to be clear, this is most certainly a hack.

There are a few ways you can do it, but the common theme between them is that you want to somehow transform your data into a type that Go is capable of ranging over.

Approach 1: Slices

Since you mentioned that you have a slice internally, this may be easiest for your use case. The idea is simple: your type should have an Iterate() method (or similar) whose return value is a slice of the appropriate type. When called, a new slice is created containing all of the elements of the data structure in whatever order you'd like them to be iterated over. So, for example:

func (m *MyType) Iterate() []MyElementType { ... }

mm := NewMyType()
for i, v := range mm.Iterate() {

There are a few concerns here. First, allocation - unless you want to expose references to internal data (which, in general, you probably don't), you have to make a new slice and copy all of the elements over. From a big-O standpoint, this isn't that bad (you're doing a linear amount of work iterating over everything anyway), but for practical purposes, it may matter.

Additionally, this doesn't handle iterating over mutating data. This is probably not an issue most of the time, but if you really want to support concurrent updates and certain types of iteration semantics, you might care.

Approach 2: Channels

Channels are also something that can be ranged over in Go. The idea is to have your Iterate() method spawn a goroutine that will iterate over the elements in your data structure, and write them to a channel. Then, when the iteration is done, the channel can be closed, which will cause the loop to finish. For example:

func (m *MyType) Iterate() &lt;-chan MyElementType {
    c := make(chan MyElementType)
    go func() {
        for _, v := range m.elements {
            c &lt;- v
    return c

mm := NewMyType()
for v := range mm.Iterate() {

There are two advantages of this method over the slice method: first, you don't have to allocate a linear amount of memory (although you may want to make your channel have a bit of a buffer for performance reasons), and second, you can have your iterator play nicely with concurrent updates if you're into that sort of thing.

The big downside of this approach is that, if you're not careful, you can leak goroutines. The only way around this is to make your channel have a buffer deep enough to hold all of the elements in your data structure so that the goroutine can fill it and then return even if no elements are read from the channel (and the channel can then later be garbage collected). The problem here is that, a) you're now back to linear allocation and, b) you have to know up-front how many elements you're going to write, which sort of puts a stop to the whole concurrent-updates thing.

The moral of the story is that channels are cute for iterating, but you probably don't want to actually use them.

Approach 3: Internal Iterators

Credit to hobbs for getting to this before me, but I'll cover it here for completeness (and because I want to say a bit more about it).

The idea here is to create an iterator object of sorts (or to just have your object only support one iterator at a time, and iterate on it directly), just like you would in languages that support this more directly. What you do, then, is call a Next() method which, a) advances the iterator to the next element and, b) returns a boolean indicating whether or not there's anything left. Then you need a separate Get() method to actually get the value of the current element. The usage of this doesn't actually use the range keyword, but it looks pretty natural nonetheless:

mm := MyNewType()
for mm.Next() {
    v := mm.Get()

There are a few advantages of this technique over the previous two. First, it doesn't involve allocating memory up-front. Second, it supports errors very naturally. While it's not really an iterator, this is exactly what bufio.Scanner does. Basically the idea is to have an Error() method which you call after iteration is complete to see whether iteration terminated because it was done, or because an error was encountered midway through. For purely in-memory data structures this may not matter, but for ones that involve IO (e.g., walking a filesystem tree, iterating over database query results, etc), it's really nice. So, to complete the code snippet above:

mm := MyNewType()
for mm.Next() {
    v := mm.Get()
if err := mm.Error(); err != nil {


Go doesn't support ranging over arbitrary data structures - or custom iterators - but you can hack it. If you have to do this in production code, the third approach is 100% the way to go, as it is both the cleanest and the least of a hack (after all, the standard library includes this pattern).


得分: 18



iter := NewIterator(...)
for iter.More() {
    item := iter.Item()
    // 对item进行操作



No, not using range. range accepts arrays, slices, strings, maps, and channels, and that's it.

The usual sort of idiom for iterable things (for example a bufio.Scanner) seems to be

iter := NewIterator(...)
for iter.More() {
    item := iter.Item()
    // do something with item

but there's no universal interface (wouldn't be very useful given the type system anyway) and different types that implement the pattern generally have different names for their More and Item methods (for example Scan and Text for a bufio.Scanner)


得分: 11




func (s intSlice) chanIter() chan int {
    c := make(chan int)
    go func() {
        for _, i := range s {
            select {
            case c <- i:
            case <-c:
    return c


s := intSlice{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55}
c := s.chanIter()
for i := range c {
    if i > 30 {
        // 发送到c以中断
        c <- 0




func (s intSlice) cloIter() func() (int, bool) {
    i := -1
    return func() (int, bool) {
        if i == len(s) {
            return 0, false
        return s[i], true


iter := s.cloIter()
for i, ok := iter(); ok; i, ok = iter() {





joshlf gave an excellent answer, but I'd like to add a couple of things:

Using channels

A typical problem with channel iterators is that you have to range through the entire data structure or the goroutine feeding the channel will be left hanging forever. But this can be quite easily circumvented, here's one way:

func (s intSlice) chanIter() chan int {
	c := make(chan int)
	go func() {
		for _, i := range s {
			select {
			case c &lt;- i:
			case &lt;-c:
	return c

In this case writing back to the iterator channel interrupts the iteration early:

s := intSlice{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55}
c := s.chanIter()
for i := range c {
	if i &gt; 30 {
		// Send to c to interrupt
		c &lt;- 0

Here it is very important that you don't simply break out of the for loop. You can break, but you must must write to the channel first to ensure the goroutine will exit.

Using closures

A method of iteration I often tend to favour is to use an iterator closure. In this case the iterator is a function value, which, when called repeatedly, returns the next element and indicates whether the iteration can continue:

func (s intSlice) cloIter() func() (int, bool) {
	i := -1
	return func() (int, bool) {
		if i == len(s) {
			return 0, false
		return s[i], true

Use it like this:

iter := s.cloIter()
for i, ok := iter(); ok; i, ok = iter() {

In this case it's perfectly ok to break out of the loop early, iter will eventually be garbage collected.


Here's the link to the implementations above: http://play.golang.org/p/JC2EpBDQKA


得分: 6


您可以定义一个名为**Iter(fn func(int))**的函数,该函数接受一个函数作为参数,该函数将在自定义类型的每个项目上被调用。

type MyType struct {
    data []int

func (m *MyType) Iter(fn func(int)) {
    for _, item := range m.data {


d := MyType{
    data: []int{1,2,3,4,5},

f := func(i int) {



There is another option that wasn't mentioned.

You can define a Iter(fn func(int)) function which accepts some function that will be called for each item in your custom type.

type MyType struct {
    data []int

func (m *MyType) Iter(fn func(int)) {
    for _, item := range m.data {

And it can be used like this:

d := MyType{
    data: []int{1,2,3,4,5},

f := func(i int) {

Link to working implementation: https://play.golang.org/p/S3CTQmGXj79

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年3月5日 13:57:35
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/35810674.html



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