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Is it possible to host multiple domain TLS in golang with net/http?




I have multiple domain (let's say abc.com and xyz.org) with diffrent certificate. Is it possible to use key and certificate based on hostname without going deep low level and net.Listen, etc. Just using simple http.ListenAndServeTLS(...) or similar ?
Basically like what nginx does.


得分: 23


更新至Go 1.14 - 请参阅https://github.com/golang/go/commit/eb93c684d40de4924fc0664d7d9e98a84d5a100b

  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "crypto/tls"
  4. "net/http"
  5. "time"
  6. "log"
  7. )
  8. func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  9. w.Write([]byte("tls"))
  10. }
  11. func main() {
  12. t := log.Logger{}
  13. var err error
  14. tlsConfig := &tls.Config{}
  15. tlsConfig.Certificates = make([]tls.Certificate, 3)
  16. // go http server treats the 0'th key as a default fallback key
  17. tlsConfig.Certificates[0], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair("test0.pem", "key.pem")
  18. if err != nil {
  19. t.Fatal(err)
  20. }
  21. tlsConfig.Certificates[1], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair("test1.pem", "key.pem")
  22. if err != nil {
  23. t.Fatal(err)
  24. }
  25. tlsConfig.Certificates[2], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair("test2.pem", "key.pem")
  26. if err != nil {
  27. t.Fatal(err)
  28. }
  29. // as of go 1.14 this line is no longer needed
  30. // load the certs as above and skip BuildNameToCertificate()
  31. tlsConfig.BuildNameToCertificate()
  32. http.HandleFunc("/", myHandler)
  33. server := &http.Server{
  34. ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
  35. WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
  36. MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
  37. TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
  38. }
  39. listener, err := tls.Listen("tcp", ":8443", tlsConfig)
  40. if err != nil {
  41. t.Fatal(err)
  42. }
  43. log.Fatal(server.Serve(listener))
  44. }



BuildNameToCertificate() will sniff the hostname from the cert. If none match the SNI info it serves the [0].

Update for Go 1.14 - see https://github.com/golang/go/commit/eb93c684d40de4924fc0664d7d9e98a84d5a100b

  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. &quot;crypto/tls&quot;
  4. &quot;net/http&quot;
  5. &quot;time&quot;
  6. &quot;log&quot;
  7. )
  8. func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  9. w.Write([]byte(&quot;tls&quot;))
  10. }
  11. func main() {
  12. t := log.Logger{}
  13. var err error
  14. tlsConfig := &amp;tls.Config{}
  15. tlsConfig.Certificates = make([]tls.Certificate, 3)
  16. // go http server treats the 0&#39;th key as a default fallback key
  17. tlsConfig.Certificates[0], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(&quot;test0.pem&quot;, &quot;key.pem&quot;)
  18. if err != nil {
  19. t.Fatal(err)
  20. }
  21. tlsConfig.Certificates[1], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(&quot;test1.pem&quot;, &quot;key.pem&quot;)
  22. if err != nil {
  23. t.Fatal(err)
  24. }
  25. tlsConfig.Certificates[2], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(&quot;test2.pem&quot;, &quot;key.pem&quot;)
  26. if err != nil {
  27. t.Fatal(err)
  28. }
  29. // as of go 1.14 this line is no longer needed
  30. // load the certs as above and skip BuildNameToCertificate()
  31. tlsConfig.BuildNameToCertificate()
  32. http.HandleFunc(&quot;/&quot;, myHandler)
  33. server := &amp;http.Server{
  34. ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
  35. WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
  36. MaxHeaderBytes: 1 &lt;&lt; 20,
  37. TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
  38. }
  39. listener, err := tls.Listen(&quot;tcp&quot;, &quot;:8443&quot;, tlsConfig)
  40. if err != nil {
  41. t.Fatal(err)
  42. }
  43. log.Fatal(server.Serve(listener))
  44. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年2月26日 09:42:49
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/35641888.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
