
huangapple go评论72阅读模式

Using Interfaces to Create a Queue for Arbitrary Types



type Queuable interface {
  Next() *Queuable  // 这可能不正确


type Node struct {
	value interface{}
	next  *Queuable

// Next 获取下一个对象
func (n *Node) Next() *Queuable {
	return n.next

// Job - 队列中的任务
type Job struct {
	instruction string
	next        *Queuable

// Next 获取下一个对象
func (j *Job) Next() *Queuable {
	return j.next

// Queue ...
type Queue struct {
	head *Queuable
	size int


func (q *Queue) Enqueue(node *Queuable) {

// Dequeue - 从队列中移除一个Queueable
func (q *Queue) Dequeue() *Queuable {
  result := q.head
  q.head = q.head.Next()
  return result


current.Next undefined (type *Queuable is pointer to interface, not interface)


func main() {
  queue := NewQueue()  // 辅助函数未显示
  job := &Job{"some instructions", nil}
  node := &Node{5, nil}
  queue.Enqueue(node)  // queue = [node]
  queue.Enqueue(job) // queue = [node, job]
  queue.Dequeue() // node
  queue.Dequeue() // job

As an exercise for learning Go I am writing a basic Queue data structure. I started learning about interfaces yesterday I thought it would be cool to try and use them for this exercise. What I am trying to accomplish is to have a Queue that can accept any type that implements this interface:

type Queuable interface {
  Next() *Queuable  // This is probably not right

Basically what I want is to be able to add any type that has a Next() method to my Queue. So what I tried was:

type Node struct {
	value interface{}
	next  *Queuable

// Next gets the next object
func (n *Node) Next() *Queuable {
	return n.next

// Job - A job for the queue
type Job struct {
	instruction string
	next        *Queuable

// Next gets the next object
func (j *Job) Next() *Queuable {
	return j.next

// Queue ...
type Queue struct {
	head *Queuable
	size int

And my methods looking like:

func (q *Queue) Enqueue(node *Queuable) {

// Dequeue - Remove a Queueable form the Queue
func (q *Queue) Dequeue() *Queuable {
  result := q.head
  q.head = q.head.Next()
  return result

I'm getting a ton of these errors (basically on any line with an assignment):

current.Next undefined (type *Queuable is pointer to interface, not interface)

So ultimately what I would like to do would be:

func main() {
  queue := NewQueue()  // Helper function not pictured
  job := &Job{"some instructions", nil}
  node := &Node{5, nil}
  queue.Enqueue(node)  // queue = [node]
  queue.Enqueue(job) // queue = [node, job]
  queue.Dequeue() // node
  queue.Dequeue() // job


得分: 1


Queuable 是一个接口类型,在你的代码中,无论何处使用了 *Queuable,都将其改为 Queuable。例如:

type Queuable interface {
    Next() Queuable

type Node struct {
    value interface{}
    next  Queuable

// Next 获取下一个对象
func (n *Node) Next() Queuable {
    return n.next


在 Go 中,接口类型的值存储了一对信息:变量分配的具体值和该值的类型描述符。

关于接口的内部机制,可以参考:反射定律 #接口的表示


在你的示例中,类型 *Job 实现了 Queuable,因为它具有接收者类型为 *Job 的方法,所以在需要 Queuable 值的任何地方,都可以使用 *Job 值(并且将创建并使用一个隐式接口值,类型为 Queuable)。


你的 Queuable 只定义了一个方法来获取队列中的下一个元素,但没有定义一个方法来将其入队,这将使这个解决方案失去灵活性。一个单独的 Next() 方法只描述了它是“排队”的,但不一定是“可排队”的。


type Queuable interface {
    Next() Queuable

它在 Node 上的实现可以是:

func (n *Node) SetNext(q Queuable) { n.next = q }

Go Playground 上试一试。

还要注意,在 NodeJob 中存在一些代码重复,即 next 字段和 Next()SetNext() 方法。我们可以创建一个基本的节点实现,例如:

type Base struct {
    next Queuable

func (b *Base) Next() Queuable     { return b.next }
func (b *Base) SetNext(q Queuable) { b.next = q }

现在,你可以在具体的 NodeJob 实现中嵌入这个 Base 类型,它将“继承”next 字段和 Next()SetNext() 方法,因此你不需要在 NodeJob 类型上定义这些方法。

这是 NodeJob 的完整实现,不需要其他内容:

type Node struct {
    value interface{}

type Job struct {
    instruction string

Go Playground 上试一试。


Don't use pointer to an interface type, just the interface type.

Queuable is an interface type, so everywhere in your code where you used *Queuable, change it to Queuable. For example:

type Queuable interface {
	Next() Queuable

type Node struct {
	value interface{}
	next  Queuable

// Next gets the next object
func (n *Node) Next() Queuable {
	return n.next


In Go a value of interface type stores a pair: the concrete value assigned to the variable, and that value's type descriptor.

More about interface's internals: The Laws of Reflection #The representation of an interface

So you almost never need a pointer to interface. An interface contains a key-value pair where the key may be a pointer. The rare case when a pointer to interface makes sense is if you want to modify the value of a variable of interface type passed to another function.

In your example the type *Job implements Queuable because it has a method with receiver type *Job, and so everywhere where a value of Queuable is required, a value of *Job can be used (and an implicit interface value of type Queuable will be created and used).

Getting back to your example:

Your Queuable only defines a method to get the next element in the queue, but not one to enqueue it which will make this solution lose flexibility. A single Next() method only describes that it is "queued" but it is not (necessarily) "queuable".

To be queuable I would also add another method: SetNext(Queuable)

type Queuable interface {
    Next() Queuable

Its implementation on Node can be for example:

func (n *Node) SetNext(q Queuable) { n.next = q }

Try it on the Go Playground.

Also note that there is some code duplication in Node and Job, being the next field and Next() and SetNext() methods. We could create a base node implementation, e.g.:

type Base struct {
    next Queuable

func (b *Base) Next() Queuable     { return b.next }
func (b *Base) SetNext(q Queuable) { b.next = q }

And now you can embed this Base type in your concrete Node and Job implementations which will "inherit" the next field and Next() and SetNext() methods, so you don't have to define any of these on the Node and Job types.

This is the full implementation of Node and Job, nothing else is required:

type Node struct {
    value interface{}

type Job struct {
    instruction string

Try this on the Go Playground.


得分: 1



type Node struct {
    value interface{}
    next  Queuable

// Next 获取下一个对象
func (n *Node) Next() Queuable {
    return n.next

// Job - 队列的作业
type Job struct {
    instruction string
    next        Queuable






Never use a pointer to an interface type, this is already a pointer!

So to make the code to work change the *Queuable as Queuable.

type Node struct {
    value interface{}
    next  Queuable

// Next gets the next object
func (n *Node) Next() Queuable {
    return n.next

// Job - A job for the queue
type Job struct {
    instruction string
    next        Queuable

However you can use a method receiver as pointer, depending of the struct complexity. Although if the used struct type is simple, you can define the method to use the struct value, this way allocating a new address in memory. If you use the method receiver as a pointer it will reference the address already occupied by the struct in memory.

The rule about pointers vs. values for receivers is that value methods can be invoked on pointers and values, but pointer methods can only be invoked on pointers.

This rule arises because pointer methods can modify the receiver; invoking them on a value would cause the method to receive a copy of the value, so any modifications would be discarded. The language therefore disallows this mistake.

The rule of thumb is that for consistency is better to stick either with method definition as a pointer or method definition as a value along the whole interface implementation.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年2月24日 15:27:07
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/35595810.html



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