What is an elegant way to shut down a chain of goroutines linked by channels?

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What is an elegant way to shut down a chain of goroutines linked by channels?


我是一个Go语言学习者。为了更好地理解通道和goroutine的使用,我正在尝试构建一个埃拉托斯特尼筛法(Sieve of Eratosthenes),将其作为一组通过通道连接的goroutine管道。


// esieve 实现了埃拉托斯特尼筛法
// 作为一系列通过通道连接的goroutine
package main

import "fmt"

func sieve(mine int, inch chan int) {
    start := true                        // 第一个数字的开关
    ouch := make(chan int)               // 该实例的输出通道
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", mine)             // 打印该实例的质数
    for next := <-inch; next > 0; next = <-inch {  // 读取输入通道
        fmt.Printf("%v <- %v\n",mine,next)         // (跟踪)
        if (next % mine) > 0 {                     // 能被我的质数整除吗?
            if start {                   // 不行;它是第一个数字吗?
                go sieve(next, ouch)     // 第一个数字 - 为其创建实例
                start = false            // 第一次完成
            } else {                     // 不是第一次
                ouch <- next             // 将其传递给下一个实例

func main() {
    lim := 30                     // 让我们处理到30
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", 2)         // 将2视为特殊情况
    ouch := make(chan int)        // 创建管道的第一个段
    go sieve(3, ouch)             // 为'3'创建实例
    for prime := 3; prime < lim; prime += 2 { // 生成3, 5, ...
        fmt.Printf("Send %v\n", prime)	      // 跟踪
        ouch <- prime                         // 将其发送到管道中





I'm a Go learner. In order better to understand the care and feeding of channels and goroutines, I'm trying to build a Sieve of Eratosthenes as a set of goroutines connected into a pipeline by channels.

Here's what I have so far:

// esieve implements a Sieve of Eratosthenes
// as a series of channels connected together
// by goroutines
package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;

func sieve(mine int, inch chan int) {
	start := true                        // First-number switch
	ouch := make(chan int)               // Output channel for this instance
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%v\n&quot;, mine)             // Print this instance&#39;s prime
	for next := &lt;-inch; next &gt; 0; next = &lt;-inch {  // Read input channel
		fmt.Printf(&quot;%v &lt;- %v\n&quot;,mine,next)         // (Trace)
		if (next % mine) &gt; 0 {                     // Divisible by my prime?
			if start {                   // No; is it the first number through? 
				go sieve(next, ouch)     // First number - create instance for it
				start = false            // First time done
			} else {                     // Not first time
				ouch &lt;- next             // Pass it to the next instance

func main() {
	lim := 30                     // Let&#39;s do up to 30
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%v\n&quot;, 2)         // Treat 2 as a special case
	ouch := make(chan int)        // Create the first segment of the pipe
	go sieve(3, ouch)             // Create the instance for &#39;3&#39;
	for prime := 3; prime &lt; lim; prime += 2 { // Generate 3, 5, ...
		fmt.Printf(&quot;Send %v\n&quot;, prime)	      // Trace
		ouch &lt;- prime                         // Send it down the pipe

And as far as it goes, it works nicely.

However, when I finish the main loop, main exits before all the numbers still in the pipeline of sieve instances have propagated down to the end.

What is the simplest, most elegant, or generally accepted way to make a main routine wait for a set of goroutines (about which it only 'knows' of the first one) to complete?


得分: 2





select {
case <-done:
case next = <-inch:




var wg sync.WaitGroup




defer wg.Done()





As for your title question, killing worker goroutines when you don't need them anymore:
You could use the Done idiom. Reads from a closed channel yield the zero value.

Make a new channel done. When reads from this channel succeed, the goroutines know they should quit. Close the channel in main when you have all the values you need.

Check if you can read from a channel done, and exit by returning, or read from next when that's available. This partially replaces the assignment to next in you for loop:

select {
case &lt;-done:
case next = &lt;- inch:

Ranging over a channel also works, since closing that channel exits the loop.

As for the reverse, your body question, waiting for a set of goroutines to finish:

Use sync.WaitGroup.

var wg sync.WaitGroup

And when each goroutine finishes:


Or use defer:

defer wg.Done()

To wait for all of them to report as Done:


In your example, simply call wg.Add(1) when you start a new goroutine, before you call wg.Done() and return. As long as you only reach zero once, wg.Wait() works as expected, so wg.Add(1) before wg.Done.


得分: 0


// esieve实现了埃拉托斯特尼筛法
// 作为一系列通过goroutine连接在一起的通道
package main

import "fmt"

func sieve(mine int,                  // 该实例自己的质数
           inch chan int,             // 从较低质数输入的通道
           done chan int,             // 用于发出关闭信号的通道
           count int) {               // 质数的数量 - 计数器
    start := true                     // 第一个数字开关
    ouch := make(chan int)            // 输出通道,该实例
    fmt.Printf("%v ", mine)           // 打印该实例的质数
    for next := <-inch; next > 0; next = <-inch { // 读取输入通道
        if (next % mine) > 0 {        // 能被我的质数整除吗?
            if start {                // 不行;第一次通过吗?
                go sieve(next, ouch, done, count+1) // 第一个数字,
                                                    // 为其创建实例
                start = false         // 第一次完成
            } else {                  // 不是第一次
                ouch <- next          // 传递给下一个实例
    if start {                        // 刚开始?
        close(done)                   // 是的 - 我们是管道中的最后一个 - 发出完成信号
        print("\n",count," primes\n") // 质数/ goroutine的数量
    } else {
        close(ouch)                   // 不是 - 将信号发送到管道下方

func main() {
    lim := 100                        // 让我们做到100
    done := make(chan int)            // 创建完成返回通道
    ouch := make(chan int)            // 创建管道的第一段
    go sieve(2, ouch, done, 1)        // 为'2'创建第一个实例
    for prime := 3; prime < lim; prime += 1 { // 生成奇数
        ouch <- prime                         // 将数字发送到管道中
    close(ouch)                       // 将完成信号发送到管道中
    <- done                           // 并等待它返回




After @izca unblocked my logjam, and after a few false starts involving deadlocks when everything finished, here's my solution working correctly:

// esieve implements a Sieve of Eratosthenes
// as a series of channels connected together
// by goroutines
package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;

func sieve(mine int,                  // This instance&#39;s own prime
	       inch chan int,             // Input channel from lower primes
	       done chan int,             // Channel for signalling shutdown
	       count int) {               // Number of primes - counter
	start := true                     // First-number switch
	ouch := make(chan int)            // Output channel, this instance
	fmt.Printf(&quot;%v &quot;, mine)           // Print this instance&#39;s prime
	for next := &lt;-inch; next &gt; 0; next = &lt;-inch { // Read input channel
		if (next % mine) &gt; 0 {        // Divisible by my prime?
			if start {                // No; first time through?
				go sieve(next, ouch, done, count+1) // First number,
				                                    // create instance for it
				start = false         // First time done
			} else {                  // Not first time
				ouch &lt;- next          // Pass to next instance
	if start {                        // Just starting?
		close(done)                   // Yes - we&#39;re last in pipe - signal done
		print(&quot;\n&quot;,count,&quot; primes\n&quot;) // Number of primes/goroutines
	} else {
		close(ouch)                   // No - send the signal down the pipe

func main() {
	lim := 100                        // Let&#39;s do up to 100
	done := make(chan int)            // Create the done return channel
	ouch := make(chan int)            // Create the first segment of the pipe
	go sieve(2, ouch, done, 1)        // Create the first instance for &#39;2&#39;
	for prime := 3; prime &lt; lim; prime += 1 { // Generate odd numbers
		ouch &lt;- prime                         // Send numbers down the pipe
	close(ouch)                       // Send the done signal down the pipe
	&lt;- done                           // and wait for it to come back

I'm tremendously impressed with the elegance and simplicity of Go for this kind of programming, when compared with many other languages. Of course, the warts I claim for myself.

If appropriate here, I'd welcome critical comments.

  • 本文由 发表于 2016年1月17日 03:51:54
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/34831396.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
